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“Freedom is Nothing but a Chance to be Better”

The power of being independent is something that everyone should undergo. You need
to be free in order to be successful in live. Being able to support yourself is the key for
any success you ever hope to achieve. So, I highly recommend to all my readers to have
the courage to leave the nest and start living for themselves.

Leaving my parent’s home was not easy for me. The first feelings I had when arriving at
an unknown country were, fear and loneliness. It was the first time I was completely
alone, not to mention the handicap of the language. I had to start my life from scratch
and I had serious difficulties finding a job, but it was even worse to find a place to live.
However, in doubt moments I decided to move on and to be honest, I do not regret at
all. I always look on the bright side of life when it gets tough!

This challenge was necessary to be the person that I am nowadays. Thanks to this
experience I am a better version of myself, I could discover new hobbies and new
people, I was able to overcome all my fears and fend for myself. I learnt how to cope
with money to make ends meet and I learnt to find solutions to the problems. But the
most valuable lesson was self confidence. Living on my own, made me feel invincible
and capable of everything.

I myself believe that by living and working abroad I overcame the barriers to build self-
confidence and to set new standards in my life. Not to speak about the large amount of
good friends I made.

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