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Notes on the Loop of Time and the Subpersonalities of the Vertical and Horizontal Axes of Existence ~

Rune Mastery Intensive ~ Anita Lucia

Note1: The above is corrected, based on new information received by Almine.

Note 2: The High Mind is also known as the Wise Woman, that arises when all 13 archetypes of the
goddess are expressing purely. They create an alchemical equation that jointly form The Magical
Existence of Divine Compassion. (LSP) So we see the absolute necessity to live from Divine
Compassion (includes the 8 principles and the 15).

Vertical and Horizontal Discs

Almine has said that the vertical axis—the vertical disc of life is made up from the frequencies of the
24 pure emotions. Desire is a moving force. When we do the BVP of pure emotions for a person, we

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Notes on the Loop of Time and the Subpersonalities of the Vertical and Horizontal Axes of Existence ~
Rune Mastery Intensive ~ Anita Lucia
are really supporting a new range of possibilities for them...opening a new reality for them. And as we
live from the depth of these pure emotions, the disk spins faster and this creates more possibilities for

We live from the 4 subpersonalities of the vertical axis in our daily lives, and each one emphasizes 6 of
the 24 pure emotions—from inner warrior to inner child.

The horizontal axis is the feminine/soul level—the level of oneness and godhood. In Braamish Ananu1,
is explained the schism between the two realities in god beings, and how we must find a common
language to unite them.

The horizontal disk is made up of the 24 Principles of Being Home for Oneself. “These 24
frequencies are emphases of the still contentment of the inner world...of inner space.” When we bring
motionless movement to the 24 pure emotions though living the emotions of recognition of godhood,
we are ready to bring to expression the frequencies of the horizontal axis. “It is only when the master
moves into resurrection stages of evolution, that the eighth sub-personality (direction of within)
becomes vitally important, the Inner Babe.” And so these 24 principles are also referred to as the
principles of the Inner Babe.

Subpersonalities and the Loop in Time

The subpersonalities represent the fragmented emotional body from a future timeline wherein the goal
of this phase of cosmic evolution did not succeed, and so we have come back into a loop to time in
order to close down an unwanted future.2 To the point, the sub-personalities represent the
fragmented emotional bodies from a reality in which autonomy, or the highest form of diversity
within unity was not achieved. Since no part of creation (of the Infinite) can be left behind, a solution
needed to be found, and the one devised was to create a loop of time, in which we would enter the
densest part of creation, holding within our being, the deepest fragmentation.

We are gathered here, in this loop in time, to balance and harmonize the inner family of sub-
personalities, in order to close down that unwanted future. This means that we must sing all the missing
or suppressed tones of the sub-personalities of the horizontal axis—we must move from emitting
distorted tones from artificial life (fake emotions, fake hormones, etc), to tones of higher life that will
'discreate' the artificial.

When we succeed, we will have created the template for pristine man that contains all the codes of
creation for the full diversity of life in the cosmos. That is the task for those who are awakening as
masters of time and space. As this is done, we close down the loop of time, will have opened up the
path for the cosmos to move to its next level of resurrection, will have established the template of

BVP of the gods, Volume 1

2 See Journey into the Heart of God, by Almine

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Notes on the Loop of Time and the Subpersonalities of the Vertical and Horizontal Axes of Existence ~
Rune Mastery Intensive ~ Anita Lucia
pristine man within, and opened the portal of the High Heart that will lead us into the resurrected state
of integrated oneness. Each being then has this potential within, and may move through the portal at
their own pace. Our greatest gift is not to 'rescue' others (as all is a mirror until we are real), but to
establish the way 'through' to boundless flourishing. We are to create the new template within our own
being, and all will unfold from there. And those who so operate from this higher reality will cause
exponential change through alchemy with one another. Resolution of the loop of time can only
transpire through alchemy and magic, not through cause and effect.

Those who have fully balanced the subpersonalities live simultaneously from the horizontal axis of
existence (from formlessness in the vastness of being) and the vertical axis (reality of form and
individuated expression). This means that the vessels of cause that are the 8 extraordinary meridians
are fully activated and are determining the quality and direction of life in form. Until then, the vertical
axis is a mirror and not yet an expression. Only when inner (horizontal) and outer (vertical) are lived
as one, can we be masterfully live from the Bridge of No Time (first level of expression that bridges
known and unknown) and Bridge of No Space (where all of life becomes your temple for which you are
fully responsible, bridging unknowable to unknown).

New Building Blocks

A further implication of this is that we are healing the polluted or broken building blocks of the dream
of separation. (Not so much healing, but moving to higher expression of each, and this will create
something altogether new.) We may consider the sub-personalities, extraordinary meridians, and the
directions as equivalent systems that express at different levels (microcosmic and macrocosmic level, at
the level of the psyche or bodies of man, etc.). The original 4 directions represent building blocks that
have lost their codes as a false reality established when the true feminine became submerged below

As the feminine resurfaces and we bring online the masculine's feminine (through principles of deep
contentment and living in surrendered trust, from the first 4 fields of perception), we may then discern
the false feminine and find the true feminine that is the dream body. In effect, we are reuniting the
masculine and feminine and closing down the gap of illusion, which heals the building blocks. As we
never go back in evolution, but rather move to greater refinement, we are fusing building blocks into
something new. Tonal luminosity is the tool of godhood that unites the broken building blocks of the
vertical axis, and as these heal, new matter will be expressed in the reality of form. This new matter,
expressed in perfect balance of gravitation and of levitation, may be a field of potential rather than

While I don't have the details on this4, the path to this new matterless matter is through the following:

 Divine Compassion (completely embodied and lived, such that you become a DNA sigil (via
DC sigil) in the Infinite's DNA
3 Secrets of Dragon Magic, The Sacred Fires of the Hadjika. Almine
4 Have some ideas forming, but it will take more time and finding more pieces to firm up understanding.

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Notes on the Loop of Time and the Subpersonalities of the Vertical and Horizontal Axes of Existence ~
Rune Mastery Intensive ~ Anita Lucia
 Tones of Praise – lived...we must overcome the tyranny of gravity and find our way to joy
 Higher expression of meridians, including the 12 tones of praise in the 12 OMs
 Unifying, permeating fields of perception that balance masculine and feminine perspectives

Balancing the Vertical

From the Art of Dreaming, we are told that the 7 root races of humanity represent the 7 days of the
week, while the 24 hours capture the 24 cosmic cycles of the white light and black light cosmoses. To
merge body and soul, awake and dream states, we are told that the cosmic cycles must cancel each
other out. “The dream cycles have given their 'feelings' in the form of images. The ascension of the
planet and the cosmic ascension that followed have yielded their insights over the years. These cycles
cancel each other out when the tonal keys open the membranes between them—healing the duality and
eliminating alternate realities.”

24 Tones of Contentment in Expression 5

We are given 24 musical keys to unlock the separation of the dream cycles and awake cycles. These
are the 24 Sound Elixirs for Freedom from the Dream that are on the CDs Children of the Sun and
Labyrinth of the Moon (available on spiritualjourneys website). These elixirs capture the 24 Tones of
Contentment in Expression, which when expressed, cause the attainment of diversity within unity and
harmonize the subpersonalities of the vertical axis of existence. This enables the opening to the
horizontal axis and greater depth of living from integrated oneness.

The 24 Tones of Contentment in Expression are precursor tones to be able to be in full expression of the
24 Tones of Coming Home to the Self6. Singing these tones through the healed subpersonalities of the
vertical axis (I-Warrior, I-Sage, I-Nurturer, and I-Child) means that we have harmonized and resolved
the 24 dream and 24 awake cycles of the cosmos in the dream of separation—we are healing the rift
between masculine and feminine aspects, through establishing the tones that capture the gems of all
that was lived through....of having turned all tyrants into tools. Together the tones restore the
knowingness that there is only One Being in Existence.

These 24 tones are captured in the Lemurian Clock of Depth of Living, and when we live all the tones
of its hours simultaneously—as a field with different emphases—we will have integrated the
knowingness from the cycles gone by.

“In its highest functionality the clock pulls all the hours into the timelessness of the 24th hour—the very
first cycle of existence when the Inner Child and the One Life played in the pristine setting of life.”

The Concepts of Deep Contentment and their sigils7, which soothe the IC nature within the
subpersonalities of the Inner Warrior, the Inner Nurturer, and the Inner Sage, will enhance embodiment
and expression of the 24 Tones of Contentment in Expression.

5 From the Art of Dreaming course, by Almine

6 These correspond to the horizontal axis of existence, and are studied with the work on the sub-personalities.
7 IAM_ConceptsofDeepContentment.pdf from (also available with materials)

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Notes on the Loop of Time and the Subpersonalities of the Vertical and Horizontal Axes of Existence ~
Rune Mastery Intensive ~ Anita Lucia
The Inner Child is the most 'magical' of the subpersonalitites, and its jubilance in expression is key to
indivisibility. When the other subpersonalities have healed their Inner Child nature, they will
appreciate the presence of the Inner Child, and will be in harmony to merge with the subpersonalities of
the horizontal axis, which bring instinctual knowing, boundless resourcefulness, and self-sustenance.

From the Lemurian Tablets of Life and Death...

Each segment is a is a window into a dream cycle and into the depth of the self. These
windows open through joy.8 Out depth remains elusive when we are still in the distortions that keep the
past unresolved and 'open. This creates a 'gap' into which artificial enters. So long as there are gaps, we
are vulnerable to the unresolved distortion—they are doors that allow the past to seep in to the present,
which keeps us in the cycles through 'karma'.

Song is a clock...and so long as we are in distorted tones, we live the segment's separation. Through
living the affirmations of the spine...we begin to sing new tones of indivisibility that addresses each
cycle specifically. The subpersonalities of the vertical axis, have become distorted in particular, through
6 segments or cycles of ascension/descension over the evolution of our cosmos. These 6 cycles,
captured in 6 hours, represent a cosmic stage pertaining to the phases of linear change.

Through healing the distortions in the tones...through entraining masculine and feminine to sing in
harmony...which creates a new tone of indivisible androgynous expression, we refine expression
through the clock and it becomes our song on the vertical axis. “Song is a clock”, as the fairies have
told us in their Secrets. So long as the song is distorted, we operate under the tyranny of the clock's
time cycles. But when the Song is in tonal harmony, the clock becomes a tool of expression, whereby
we may operate from all levels of expression that evolved as capacities over evolution.

It is only when the vertical axis' time is internalized that we can have mastery of the runes and
become the Bridge of No Time—until then it remains an elusive concept. Another part of
resolving the LCDL is healing the animalistic natures of man, which will be discussed when we
embody the runes of the 7th field, whose 'song' is the 'Courageous Adventure of the High Road'
(the inner scout's domain), and whose outer sense is the skin untouched.

8 AoD p. 37

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Notes on the Loop of Time and the Subpersonalities of the Vertical and Horizontal Axes of Existence ~
Rune Mastery Intensive ~ Anita Lucia

24 Tones of Contentment in Expression

1. The Cellular Bliss of Unfolding Life

2. Replacing Hierarchies with Oneness
3. Joyous re-discovery of the Magical Life
4. Welcomed clarity of what is real
5. Emphasis of child-like exuberance
6. Deep peace of timelessness
7. Innocent wonderment at the miracle of the self
8. Game of playful discovery
9. Richness of experience through living with no identity
10.Contented embrace of living with no opposites
11. Grateful participation in Life's playground
12.Lighthearted adventures of enjoyment
13.Restful surrender to Infinite Oneness
14.Turning distorted reactions to laughter through appreciating the ridiculous
15.Complete contentment with the newness of unfolding expression
16.Fluid allowing through surrendered trust
17.Pristine experience without worldviews
18.Delighting in the diverse simplicity of self-expression in Oneness
19.Complete self-generating resources through the comforting connection of Source
20.Relaxed knowing of having nothing to accomplish
21.Contentment through knowing the perfection of complete fulfilment
22.Discovering the ridiculousness of games of pretending separation
23.Knowing the magic of the responsiveness of appreciation
24.Realizing we are home in the magical beauty of indivisible Beingness

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Notes on the Loop of Time and the Subpersonalities of the Vertical and Horizontal Axes of Existence ~
Rune Mastery Intensive ~ Anita Lucia


Taking in the 24 Tones of Contentment in Expression

Fragrance Alchemy
 Do your favorite protocol for the 12 ordinary meridians (the standard one to clear meridians, the
4-point Luo connecting points protocol, the entry-exit points, etc.)
 Apply Lotus oil to the 671st acupunture point, Song of the High Heart to the 672nd point, and
Rose oil on the yintang point (corresponding to pristine man).

Set the intention that you bring to harmony the cycles of the dream of separation, and integrate the
knowingness from the full diversity that has emerged from life in the dream. It is good to have worked
with the Concepts of Deep Contentment and their sigils for a few days before doing this ceremony.

 Play the 24 Sound Elixirs of for Freedom from the Dream (Children of the Sun and Labyrinth
of the Moon)

 Lie down and place the Enhanced Sigil of Blahut just above the navel, and the sigil of the Real
High Heart on the thymus area.

 Look at the Lemurian clock of Depth of Living (below), and go through each segment, running
your fingers over the sigils.

 When this is complete, place the clock at your feet.

 Read over each tone of Contentment in Expression, and feel each one deeply. You may want to
take your time so that you are in contemplation for the duration of the sound elixirs. Look at
your life through the lens of that tone....feel into areas that would benefit from it.

 Now let deep enjoyment arise from depth within. See life through the lens of deep enjoyment,
until you can feel it activating your cells. The BBC ignite on deep enjoyment and you are a
blessing for all life when you live from this state.

 When you are done, move the LCDL through your body.

 End with purging breaths from Crown through the pranic tube—flushing out obsolete
perspectives and attitudes, so that only contentment and the joy of delighting in the never-
ending journey remain.

 Leave the elixir to play all the way to the end, if you are done with the ceremony.

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Notes on the Loop of Time and the Subpersonalities of the Vertical and Horizontal Axes of Existence ~
Rune Mastery Intensive ~ Anita Lucia

Lemurian Clock of Depth of Living

By Almine, LLC Spiritual Journeys (

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The 24 Principles of Coming Home to Oneself9
also known as The Principles of the Inner Babe


The sub-personalities of the psyche represent the directions – a navigational system with
which we decide which qualities of a specific direction we wish to emphasize in the
expressions of our lives. The sub-personalities of the Inner-nurturer, Inner-child, Inner-
sage, and Inner-Warrior (the four directions) are used to relate in physical life – the four

In expanded awareness, three additional directions, or sub-personalities, are used: The

High-priest, or High mind, representing the direction of above, the Inner Scout,
representing the direction of without, the Wild Woman, representing the direction of

It is only when the master moves into resurrection stages of evolution, that the eighth
sub-personality (the direction of within) become vitally important, the Inner Babe. A
resurrected master lives with one foot in Inner space, or inner awareness. The other foot
is in the awareness, and seven directions, of the master's outer world. The direction of
within, represented by the Inner Babe, must therefore be accessible to the master. This is
done by accessing and living the 24 qualities of being home for oneself.

The emphases of the Inner Babe is also very important for the practitioner of High
Magic. It is the store house of the latent resources a practitioner of high magic draws
from; the resting place of inaction where we gather the strength for potent action. It is
the channel for effortless knowing and innate discernment.

The power of the Inner Babe balances the vision of the High Priest, as it observes the
large flow of events, with the inner guidance of inevitable action within the larger arena.
This means the Inner Priest's high minded vision establishes a parameter within which
the Inner Babe can explore its world, and its self.

The Inner Babe does not differentiate play from non-play, or duty. It approaches all life
with light-hearted wonderment as long as its basic needs are met. To see life through its
eyes, is to see life anew.

9 Unpublished. By Almine

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The 24 Principles of the Inner Babe

1. The gentle power of pivotal action

2. Latent resources of primal origins
3. The Reservoir of gathered strength
4. The Source of authenticity
5. The well-spring of happiness
6. The discovered core of individuation
7. The joyous reunion with the root of individuation
8. The natural expression of unique perspective
9. The innocence of guiltless responses
10. Inevitable action through inspired wonderment
11. The perspective of surrendered curiosity
12. The ultimate marriage of inner and outer realities
13. Deeper exploration of the senses
14. The resting place of inaction
15. The storehouse of inner resources
16. The channel for innate discernment
17. The inalienable, self-contained contentment of being at home
18. Exploration of the self in a designated arena
19. Delightful discoveries of the boundless self
20. Expressing the laughter of the endless adventure
21. The fluid balance of the chosen focus
22. Receptivity to nurturing from the environment
23. Complete confidence in supply
24. The self-sovereignty of pleasing the self

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