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Guanajuato generates blood products despite the drop in donations

Guanajuato March 22, 2021

Providing safe and quality blood is the mission pursued by the State Center for Transfusion
Medicine (CEMT), this has led to surgeries in Guanajuato not being suspended due to lack of

Despite the pandemic and the drop in blood collection, in the last year 31 thousand 501
donations were achieved in the state, 1531 voluntary donations and 702 apheresis procedures.

With the aim of satisfying user service, this center works on continuous improvement in the
performance of processes, improving the integral development of staff and implementing and
maintaining the Quality Management System in accordance with the standards: NOM 253
SSA2 .2012. Use of blood for therapeutic purposes.

Original source:
Guanajuato genera productos sanguíneos pese a la baja de donaciones. (2021, 22 marzo). Boletines

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