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Paper Assignment #1: Deviance

You have 2 choices for this assignment. Choose either option A or option B. This essay should be 3-4
pages, typed, and double-spaced.

A. All of us constantly comply with, or deviate from norms. Many of these norms are so
internalized that we do not even think about them. One day, keep a log of the formal and
informal norms that you follow, stopping if and when you reach 100 norms. Remember to think
broadly; for example, you are following norms when you drive on the right side of the street,
when you refrain from staring at strangers, and when you hold the door for someone who walks
into a building right after you. What do you have to say about the list of norms you’ve
compiled? How long did it take you to list 100 norms? Are you surprised by some of the norms
you followed? Ordinarily, when you comply with the norms on your list, are you consciously
thinking about them? How many of the norms on your list are formal (written down, as in laws),
and how many informal? What can you conclude about the nature and importance of norms in
our society?

This essay should be not only a DESCRIPTION of the norms you follow, but an ANALYSIS of your
experience. Relate your experience to three theories discussed in your text: control theory, differential
association theory, or labeling theory. (Staple your handwritten list of norms to the back of your paper).
Failure to reach 100 norms will result in a minimum 10 point deduction.

B. WE often face a number of situations in which conforming to the norms of one social group, or
being obedient to authority, means deviating from the norms of another social group. For
example, some students often conform to the expectations of their friends by staying out late at
parties. Such behavior violates the norms of their professors, who expect students to stay in at
night to study. Such conflicting situations are common for college students. Write a paper in
which you compare the norms of your college peer group, with those of (choose one):
a. Your professors
b. Your family
c. Your religion
d. Peer groups that are very different from yours, i.e., that are more or less academically
“serious,” or more or less religious.

This essay should be not only a DESCRIPTION of role conflict, but an ANALYSIS of your decision-making
process when faced with such dilemmas. Relate your experience to the theories discussed in your text:
control theory, differential association theory, and labeling theory. I would also expect your essay to
deal with values.

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