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English Composition and

Comprehension (SS150)

Are Assignments Helpful Or Harmful for

Every individual can relate themself to this topic. Different people, including parents,
teachers and students have different views, when the question is ‘are assignments
helpful or harmful’ comes around.
There are many advantages of assignments. Assignments helps you to reinforce what
is learnt at school as most of the students forgets what is taught to them in the school.
Moreover, assignments do improve your thinking skill, and helps the students in
mastering the concepts that are taught in the school.
According to a survey by Stanford, 56% students find assignments stressful. Where as,
only 1% students felt assignments are not stressful. The most stressful thing is to
complete assignments before the due date and this stress causes health problems in
student such as headaches, lack of sleep, stomach aches, and much more.As well as,
Spending too much time on assignments prevents students from having an active social
life. Additionally, they are unable to take part in extra-curricular activities
It is definitely true that assignments have benefits, but as it is said too much of
something is bad. Assignments can only be helpful they are in optimum amounts. The
teacher should give assignments within the boundaries of the syllabus. Moreover,
students should be given ample amount of time to complete the assignment. Students
should complete assignments before the deadline and start working on the next
assignment or else they would pile up a lot of work and will not be able to submit all the
assignments on time.
It is up to the students and teachers at the same time to get maximum benefits from
assignments. The teacher should limit the size of assignments and students should
complete assignments on time instead of piling up one by one and not completing them.


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