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Printable Adjective List A-Z

List of Adjectives That List of Adjectives That

Start With A Start With B
adorable : adorable annoyed :molesta bad :malo blushing :ruborizado
adventurous :aventurero annoying :molesto beautiful :hermoso bored :aburrido
aggressive :agresivo anxious :ancioso better :mejor brainy :inteligente
agreeable :agradable arrogant :arrogante bewildered :desconcertado brave :bravo
alert :alerta ashamed :avergonzado black :negro breakable :quebradizo
alive :vivo attractive :atractivo bloody :sangriento bright :brillante
amused :divertido average :promedio blue :azul busy :ocupado
angry :enfadado awful :horrible blue-eyed :ojos azules buttery :mantecoso

List of Adjectives That List of Adjectives That

Start With C Start With D
calm :calmado colorful :vistoso dangerous :peligroso difficult :dificil
careful :cuidadoso combative :combativo dark :oscuro disgusted :disgustado
cautious :cauteloso comfortable :comodo dead :muerto distinct :distinto
charming :encantador concerned :preocupado defeated :derrotado disturbed :perturbado
cheerful :alegre condemned :condenado defiant :desafiante dizzy :mareado
clean :limpio confused :confundido delightful :encantador doubtful :dudoso
clear :claro cooperative :colaborador depressed :deprimido drab :monótono
clever :inteligente courageous :valiente determined :determinado dull :aburrido
cloudy :nublado curious :curioso different :diferente dusty :polvoriento
clumsy :torpe cute :lindo

List of Adjectives That List of Adjectives That

Start With E Start With F
eager :dispuesto energetic :energico fair :justo foolish :tonto
easy :facil enthusiastic :entusiasta faithful :fiel fragile :fragil-delicado
elated :exaltado envious :envidioso famous :famoso frail :fragil
elegant :elegante evil :malvado fancy :lujoso frantic :frenetico
embarrassed :avergonzado excited :emocionado fantastic :fantástico friendly :amistoso
enchanting :encantador expensive :costoso fierce :intenso frightened :aterrado
encouraging :alentador exuberant :exuberante filthy :asqueroso funny :gracioso
fine :fino furry :peludo
List of Adjectives That List of Adjectives That
Start With G Start With H
gentle :amable gorgeous :precioso handsome ::guapo homeless :vagabundo
gifted :dotado graceful :agraciado happy :feliz homely :acogedor
glamorous :atractivo grieving :afligido healthy :sano horrible horrible
gleaming :reluciente grotesque :grotesco helpful :servicial hungry :hambriento
glorious :glorioso grumpy :gruñon helpless :indefenso hurt :herido
good :bueno grungy :sucio hilarious :gracioso hushed callado

List of Adjectives That List of Adjectives That

Start With I-K Start With L-M
ill :enfermo itchy :picante lazy :perezoso magnificent :magnifico
important :importante jealous :celoso light :ligero misty :brumoso
impossible :imposible jittery :nervioso lively :dinamico modern :moderno
inexpensive barato jolly :alegre lonely :solo motionless :inmóvil
innocent inocente joyous :jubiloso long :largo muddy :fangoso
inquisitive :inquisitivo kind :amable lovely :encantador mushy :pulposo
lucky :afortunado mysterious :misterioso

List of Adjectives That List of Adjectives That

Start With N-O Start With P-Q
nasty ::desagradable open :abierto panicky :lleno de pánico precious :precioso
naughty :travieso outrageous :indignante perfect :perfecto prickly .espinoso
nervous :nervioso outstanding :sobresaliente plain :llanura proud :orgulloso
nice :bonito pleasant :agradable putrid :podrido
nutty :de nuez poised :listo puzzled :perplejo
obedient :obediente poor :pobre quaint :pintoresco
obnoxious :odioso powerful :poderoso queasy :mareado
odd :extraño
old-fashioned :pasado de moda
List of Adjectives That List of Adjectives That
Start With R-S Start With T-U
real :verdadero smogy : ahumado talented :talentoso tough :duro
relieved :aliviado sore :dolorido tame :manso troubled :preocupado
repulsive :repulsivo sparkling :espumoso tasty :sabroso ugliest :mas feo
rich :rico splendid :esplendido tender :tierno ugly :feo
scary :asustadiso spotless :inmaculado tense :tenso uninterested:desinteresado
selfish :egoísta stormy :tormentoso terrible :terrible unsightly :feo
shiny :brillante strange :extraño thankful :agradecido unusual :raro
shy :timido stupid :estúpido thoughtful :considerado upset :molesto
silly :tonto successful :exitoso thoughtless :desconsiderado uptight :tenso
sleepy :soñoliento super :super tired :cansado useful :util
smiling :sonrriente svelte :esbelto

List of Adjectives That

Start With V-Z
vast :vasto wild :salvaje
victorious :victorioso witty :ingenioso
vivacious :vivaz worried :preocupado
wandering :errante worrisome :inquietante
weary :cansado wrong :equivocado
wicked :malvado zany :loco
wide-eyed :ojos abiertos zealous :celoso

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