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2020 Tarot/Oracle Forecast

Welcome to your 2020 Reading!

Hey there lovely! Another year has passed and it's time to begin
anew! This reading aims to bring you clarity and guidance for your
new year ahead.

At the beginning of every New Year, it can be incredibly helpful

when we have a little bit of a 'heads up' and prep ourselves for next
years gifts, challenges, and opportunities!

In this reading, I will be going over these questions:

What will be your core theme for 2020?

What action can you take and focus on to achieve fulfilment in 2020?

What will be your primary challenge for growth in 2020?

What would be for your highest good to do in order to embrace, face, and
overcome this lesson of growth?

Advice for the year ahead!

Don't Forget you can DOWNLOAD this PDF and refer back to it
next year!

I hope this reading will be helpful and insightful as a mini guide

and insight to your next year! Have a wonderful holiday and a
Happy New Year!
Take a moment

Close your eyes

Take a breath

Focus on the Question

What's in store
for me in 2020?
Choose Your Pile
Use your intuition to
choose your 2020 symbol!
Pile Number 1

What will be your core theme for 2020?

The Magician from 'The Modern Witch Tarot'
Your core theme for the year ahead lies in your ability to manifest
your desired outcomes through your natural skills, talents, abilities,
knowledge and drive to take inspired action.

In 2020, you will be taking full responsibility for what you create in
this world. Your core theme for the year will have you realise your
potential to achieve desired outcomes from embracing your power
as co-creator WITH the universe.

All the lessons you learnt in 2019 had been preparing you for your
new path in 2020. You will be forging a closer relationship with
yourself and your infinite connection to the universe, and will be
taking more fulfilment and enjoyment out of relying on your
manifestation abilities, rather than relying on others to help or
manifest for you.
If you can see it in your mind then you can hold it in your hand. 2020
will be a powerful year of creation for you. All the best things to
come start as a visualisation, then harnessing your inherent and
learnt talents and skills to create what you envision.

in 2020, you will be further coming to know your powerful potential

to create!

What action can you take and focus on to achieve

fulfilment in 2020?
Capricorn (reversed) from the Astrological Oracle
True manifestation first begins with what is internal. Rather than
seeking to forcibly materialise in the outer world, in order to create
solid manifestations that will last, you must first look within yourself
to create and cultivate a secure internal foundation.

Challenges, resistance, and blocks are an inevitable part of any

worth while manifestation, thus cultivating resilience, stability and
self reliability is key before taking external action.

Assess potential challenges prior to taking action.

Get clear on the desired outcome and take inspired action.

Become aware that no challenge means an end, but rather opens

a door to a new path to your desire.

Push past your comfort zone. Change can only occur when we
face our fears, and more often then not, fears are an illusion of
safety, when in fact taking a leap is even better for our feelings of
safety and Security in our own power.

"Everything is figureoutable" - Marie Forleo

What will be your primary challenge for growth in
Knight of Pentacles and 2 of Wands by 'The Everyday Tarot'
Your challenge for this year will be all about putting plans into
action! There is no more 'waiting for the perfect moment', as the
only perfect moment to do anything is RIGHT NOW.

You have been planning where you would like to go and where you
would like to be next year, and it's time to make it happen. With
your practiced skills and vision for the year ahead intact, it's time to
make the magick happen. Feel it, think it, do it!

Your challenge is to create a long term plan for your goals, both a
practical step by step list and also a manifestation vision. The key to
achieving your ultimate manifestation is laying brick by brick, day by
day. In 2020, the solidification of your vision will be brought about by
long term action and progression, making sure you build strong
foundations so you don't have to repeat steps in the future.

The step by step process will ensure that you are taking grounded
practical action for your success, while tapping into your higher
vision will connect you to universal energies to aim towards
manifesting your higher goals. You will receive divine guidance
through the synchronicity and opportunities in the alignment of
your goals being presented.

These opportunities will not directly be put into your lap, but rather
be presented as options and opportunities you will have the
conscious choice to take. It will be up to you to choose which
opportunity that will benefit and help you grow towards your
ultimate goal.

No more watching others success from the sidelines! The Universe

is prompting to take your vision and plans and move forward, step
by step, and pursue your goal with loyalty to your end vision.

The ultimate challenge is to take things one step at a time!

What would be for your highest good to do in order to
embrace, face, and overcome this lesson of growth?
Vishuddha from the 'Yogic Path Oracle' and 'Strength' from the
Starchild Tarot
To get what you want, you need to ask for what you want.
Expressing your desires externally, whether journaling or expressing
to another or the universe, is a part of manifestation.

Allowing your desires to run laps within your mind often proves less
than productive, and has no great effect on manifestation as
expressing them can and does. Expressing your vision brings your
manifestation to the first phase of solidification from an idea in the
mind to and outward expression.

If you desire that dream date, ask them out. If you desire that dream
job, send in your resume. Rejection is redirection, and Fail is
First.Attempt.In.Learning. Having the strength and courage to
express your true desires will see them being met in one way or
another, and initial blocks are simply an opportunity for redirection.

In 2020, the Universe wants you to embrace your power as a

manifester and co-creator of this universe, and the Law of Attraction
can only draw opportunities to you, though that doesn't
necessarily lead to a fully bloomed opportunity. In 2020, embrace:

Speaking your truth

Embody your raw and authentic self

Create and share your creations

Start laying the foundations of what is to grow

Don't filter your message, have the courage to speak from the

Trust that expressing your authentic vision will have it echoed

back to you by the universe and by others

Your desires is someone else's need. What you want to create,

someone else wants!

Embrace the courage of setbacks, as these are not blocks but

challenges for growth
Advice for the year ahead!
Gula - Healing from The 'Goddess Oracle Deck'

In the past, feelings of inadequacy, unworthiness, and/or feeling

incapable proved to be a tremendous block towards cultivating
what you truly desired. You may have waited for others to take the
initiative for you, or felt like you didn't have enough skills, talent or
resources, and thus feeling reluctant to take any step forward in
fear of causing pain through accidental error or action.

Spirit's advice to you is that in inaction, there is also wounding.

Limiting belief in yourself brings aching to your soul and spirit,
and thus, in 2020 and being called into action, you bring about
self healing through stepping into your own creative power.

Realising your worth and potential is as valid and as powerful as

anyone else will help you tap into the full capacity of your
manifestations potential! Your being, your soul and your dreams
are as worthy and as needed, and by bringing healing to others
though accomplishing your dreams, goals and ambitions, you
also bring healing to yourself 

Trust that in the art of action, you bring yourself one step closer
to your dreams, one step closer to healing, and one step closer
to your true self.

(Suggested reading: Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo)

Pile Number 2

What will be your core theme for 2020?

The Seven of Swords from 'The Modern Witch Tarot'
Under stress, pressure, anxiety and strain from internal and
external worlds, there can be times where we find ourselves
literally just wanting to pack everything up and go (and for others,
it can feel like drop everything and run!), while for others choosing
this pile, there can be an insistent need to bring everything with
you into the future, even when you know that some things no
longer serve your highest good.

In 2020, the core theme for you will be about moving on and
letting go of what no longer serves you.

There will be some who have picked this pile feeling like a part of
you wants to take everything with you from your past into your
new chapter of next year, however, there are things that you
know is time to let go of in order to start anew. In order to get
where you want to go, sometimes the required action is to let go 
to let in new opportunities for you to grow.

Next year you will be going through the old, things that are long
overdue for a tidy up, sorting, and cleansing, and only taking with
you the things that are still valuable to you in the following year.
This can mean a literal cleanse, such as in the home, handing over
job tasks to other co-workers, or letting go of people who no
longer provide a true sense of connection.

On a metaphorical and personal level, this can mean the trial and
test of the resilience and longevity of your relationships with
others, and sticking by others who stick by you, and releasing
those who are not willing to journey with you into the future.

The key themes for you next year will include cleansing, testing
the structure and resilience of what you have - will it bend or
break? Your willingness to let go and leave behind the things that
no longer serve your highest good, moving onto an entirely new
phase in life (for some, moving houses/location seems probable),
and your testing your willingness to take what is most important
to you and moving on into the future.
What action can you take and focus on to achieve
fulfilment in 2020?
Cancer (reversed) from 'The Astrological Oracle'
Cancer is the sign that rules the home, comfort, the maternal figure,
nourishment, care, emotions, intuition and the past. Here we seeing
a revisiting and re-evaluation of these themes for you in 2020.

Next year, your path to fulfilment will be to consider your own

wellbeing and needs. In 2019, you may have overworked yourself or
pushed incredibly hard to work and be there for others, and
therefore putting your needs aside in order to focus on being of
service. There are several factors to be aware of with this previous

For some, there was a need to focus on the attention and care of
others that was (and potentially is) rooted in the fear of not having
your needs met by others, thus compensating through over
activity in focusing on their care. Unfortunately,
overcompensating on others needs often leads to feeling
disappointed, worn out and still feeling neglected, regardless of
the attempt to take control by taking on the role of caretaker.

We all need to be cared for on some level, and caring for yourself
is within everyones responsibility and need.

In 2020, this is going to be a year for you to be your own care taker
rather than a care taker for others. This will be a year that will
prompt you into taking self responsibility in your own
wellbeing and security, and tending to your inner child that needs
nurturing. If you have been neglecting your own needs for the
sake of other, 2020 challenges will present themselves to prompt
you to finally hold your inner child and give them the attention
and care they deserve.

This will also require you to hand over others responsibilities to

keep to themselves also. As a healer and an empath, there is a
part of you that feels like you may be being too harsh if you were
to raise boundaries, however, these boundaries to put into place
will ensure you have the strength, health, mental and emotional
clarity to carry out extraordinary change and mass healing and
help others.

It is of no good to others if you are running on a tank half empty,

and it is in no way selfish to hold others accountable for their own
wellbeing and also give others the opportunity to also embrace
becoming their own caretaker.

Keys to higher fulfilment in 2020:

Be your own best care taker
Do the things that make YOU feel good
Give others the opportunity to care for themselves to help
them grow
Acknowledge and honour your true feelings and needs
Healthy boundaries means a healthy you
Rest and recuperate
Don't hold onto things/people of the past that no longer feel
good to you or make you feel good
Find security in self sufficiency 
What will be your primary challenge for growth in
Page of Wands + Cups Reversed by 'The Everday Tarot'

Your primary challenge for 2020 will be facing individuals who

want you to do, be, think or feel like the person they envision and
expect you to be. This could be a family member, friend,
colleague, partner or ex partner.

There may be people or a certain person in your environment (or

someone like this whom you will come across next year) that may
make you feel like you 'need' to be someone else. This person or
persons are very fixated on their own ideals of the world, and don't
seem to be open to others who don't fit their vision of who they
'are' according to them. Their desire for you to change and to
become a person to fulfil a role to take care of their needs is part
of their own insecurities of needing to be nurtured.

You may come across someone who has a rather immature

mindset, and thus in accordance to your challenge in 2020 of
taking care of your self and your needs, be aware when you feel
the itch to bend in the direction others are telling you to is a sign
post where a boundary is being called to be put into place.

Remember, that you are not obligated to change to appeal to

anyone else's ideals. Everyone is unique, has their own needs and
visions, and yours are as valid and valuable as any one else's.

The Challenge for you in 2020 will be staying true to yourself, your

values and your own self worth, and walking away when others try
to force you to mute or change your authenticity.

The challenge will to be to overcome fears of rejection, guilt and

worry around being alone or feeling you won't be accepted. The
truth is that your authenticity has its own tribe. For some,
physically moving away from unhealthy people or environments
may be a part of your path and growth, while for others it will
include moving consciously in your own direction and creating
the foundations, both internal and external to cultivate faith and
trust in yourself and the value of your auhtenic being.
What would be for your highest good to do in order to
embrace, face, and overcome this lesson of growth?
Krishna from the 'Yogic Path Oracle' + 9 and 10 of wands from
the Starchild Tarot
You’re being asked to embrace a higher form of self-love and self-
care in 2020. 'Love' to the universe means something far beyond
the love between two people. It is the origin of all life, and you are
being asked to embrace universal love within yourself.

Acknowledging when you feel tired and exhausted, and taking

action on your needs before letting things get too out of hand is
important for next year's personal growth.

This is not a matter of hearing and reading this message and

thinking "I'd love to have me time!", the purpose of the challenge
is being loyal enough to yourself to take ACTION. Without action
on responding to your needs and feelings, the change will only
remain a concept.

In 2020, be aware of over exhausting your energy which ends up

leaving you feeling defensive and resentful to others. Allow others
to also help life the load for you while you take the opportunity to
heal and relax as needed.

Having your needs met also means giving others permission to

help you, those who truly do love and care for you who are eagerly
eagerly to be of service to you. Show them love by allowing them
to love you also, as the power of love and healing increases when
exchange and flow are present.
Advice for the year ahead:
Artemis - Focus from The 'Goddess Oracle Deck'
Your advice from the spirit is to maintain focus on yourself, your
needs, and your desired direction. This does not mean to neglect
others, but rather keeping your own goals and needs in mind with
everything you do. If helping someone else requires you to sacrifice
your needs, desires, time, energy, or what you intuitively feels out of
alignment for you, be aware not to deviate from your path.

Be aware not to allow people or things of the past to drag you back
into old experiences. You are a unique expression of consciousness
with every right to say ‘no’ to something that doesn’t resonate with

You’re being called to make the year 2020 for yourself, not try to
make someone else’s year better for them.

Stand your ground and take care of that inner child that longs to be
nurtured by you. Take action on the things that light you up and
promise yourself you will keep moving forward like an arrow in the
sky until you hit your desired target of achievement.
Pile Number 3

What will be your core theme for 2020?

The Seven of Wands from 'The Modern Witch Tarot'
The core theme for you in 2020 will be to cultivate and maintain
your inner and outer strength. Your lesson for 2020 will be to hold
your ground towards achieving your goals, dreams. and

Inevitably when working towards something you truly and deeply

care about, there will be people around you who may not be as
passionate or as supporting of you achieving your goals as much
as you care about them. There may also be competition between
others in your field of venture who desire the same thing as you
do, thus finding, creating and embracing your unique stand point
will gain you a better advantage towards achieving your desired

In 2019, you covered a lot of ground and maybe in a much better

place than you were in 2018, however, the challenge isn’t over yet
and you are being called to be determined to persevere until you
reach your final destination.
You’re being called to hold your ground against any setbacks or
challenges you may face in the coming year, being true to your
values and not allowing others to push their vision of who you are
or who should be onto you.

As a unique co-creator of the universe, you are here to have your

own experience, and anyone else’s opinion is simply a part of their
own paradigm of reality.

Some advice from others may be helpful, while others may simply
be there to pull you down from your progress for their personal
reasons or fears.

You’re not here to be anyone else’s ‘yes’ person - you’re here to go

into 2020 ready for action and pressing on towards your desired
outcome, regardless of haters, doubters and disbelievers. The
power is literally in your hands. 

What action can you take and focus on to achieve

fulfilment in 2020?
Taurus from 'The Astrological Oracle'
In 2020, embracing resilience and tenacity towards making 2020
your own is what is being called to you. Spirit is asking you to be
clear of your highest values and be loyal and unwilling to
compromise them, even against yourself.

For example, if you say you value self-care, before you jump into any
action in 2020, ask yourself - “If I do this action, will I be aligned with
my value of [Self Care/ Your Values]?”. In 2020 you are building self
reliability and self-love through being loyal to your self promise of
not allowing anyone to overstep your boundaries based on your
values you’ve clearly created for yourself (I highly suggest journaling
your values, and reducing them to your top 3 as a self-care

When it comes to making your vision a reality, slow and steady wins
the race. Attempting to force change, impact and creation when
You are not currently ready or aligned with it will not make the
manifestation occur any faster, and trying to force an outcome
sooner make in fact delay the process.

Stand strong the foundations you began and cultivated for your in
2019, and focus on nurturing, caring for, nourishing, and refining
what talents, skills and resources you currently are already in
possession of, rather than seeking more 'newness'. The new will
come in time along with the gratitude and appreciation of what
you have already cultivated for yourself.

What will be your primary challenge for growth in

The Devil and 10 of Wands Reversed from The 'Everyday Tarot'
Your primary challenge for 2020 is going to be pushing your
consciousness to a higher state to be able to recognise and witness
the false perception and illusion of control outside of you.

In parts of 2019, and perhaps even later in 2018, your consciousness

only allowed to see the problems, challenges and setbacks which
held you back from action, either from feeling blocked by them or
not sure how to overcome them.

However in 2020, spirit is pushing your consciousness even further.

You will come to see the ways in which everything outside of you
reflects what is going on in your inner world also, reflecting back to
you beliefs about yourself and your own capabilities, many of which
may be false perceptions of self doubt or fear of failure.

For example, say you are a person who has a dream of becoming an
entrepreneur, and someone outside of you said “You can’t do that!
You’re not capable enough!”, and with this, you withdraw from

Is the truth of the matter “I can’t be an entrepreneur because so-

and-so said I can’t” OR “I can’t be an entrepreneur because so-and-
so validated what I CHOSE to believe about myself”?. Just because
someone tells you that you 'aren’t' capable doesn’t make them
correct unless you choose to believe them, or they validate what you
already believe about yourself. Your challenge for 2020 will be to 
flip the script. You’re being called to move into a position of self
empowerment, resilience and persistent belief in your goals and

No one outside of you is legitimately in control over the direction

of your life unless you choose to hand over the reins to them. It is
most definitely a difficult challenge, however coming back to your
core values and sticking true to them will be an incredibly helpful
tool for you. Determine and create your boundaries, and learning
to say no to adopting additional burdens that doesn’t align with
you and your highest good.

2020 is a year of embracing your boundaries and standing your

ground for what you truly believe in, and cultivating the power
and courage to face any person or situation with self conviction
and resilience.

What would be for your highest good to do in order to

embrace, face, and overcome this lesson of growth?
Dhyana from a 'Yogic Path Oracle' + 'Strength' from the Starchild
In sticking to your values, you are being called to not only define
them but to EMBODY them. If you value health, are you practising
and embodying your idea of health? If you value love, are you
embodying self-love and the love of others?

In order to become who you want to be in 2020, you have to

practice what you dare to preach and be courageous in stepping
into embracing this new way of being.

It takes bravery, courage and strength to become the person who

you desire to be, especially against all odds. In defining and
embodying your values, you will start to see a shift in the way you
treat others and yourself. Be compassionate in your path of
embodying your values next year, take your time and you will see
you begin to build trust in yourself and others when you align
with what you truly value.
Advice for the year ahead:
Athena - Knowledge (reversed): from The 'Goddess Oracle Deck'
Your advice for next year is to be willing to be trusting of your innate
wisdom and guidance. While others may have the best intentions
(while others not so much), it is important to be discerning as to all
information that comes to you without cross-referencing and self-

What works for some, doesn’t work for others, and what one
experienced, may not be the same for others. When someone says
to you “You can’t because I tried and it didn’t work”, they are only
speaking from their own experience, and rather than shutting them
down or leaning fully into the advice of others, learn from others
mistakes and choose to take a new path of experience for yourself.

In doing so, you will cultivate your new-found wisdom from going
within to experience something new without. Knowing thyself is the
golden key to clarity and cultivating the courage to stand in the
truth of your own innate wisdom and knowledge.
Pile Number 4

What will be your core theme for 2020?

The Ten of Pentacles from 'The Modern Witch Tarot'
2020 will be a year of establishing firm roots into plans that will
bring you solid foundations in your life, lifestyle, in society and
work well into the future. 2020 will provide a chance for you to
potentially move and settle into a new home, renovate or
redecorate the home you currently live in, settle into
the community environment, start a family, and/or take the next
big step in establishing the longevity of your personal business or

In 2019 and previous years, building, saving and growing until you
reached a point of final accumulation for stability and abundance,
in 2020, you will have the opportunity to enjoy your hard earned
labour to share and enjoy with others. For others, you may still be
currently working and aiming to seek further growth in personal
business or work your current employment.

Long term savings, money, security, and investment into the

future will be a big theme for you in 2020. You will be taking more
consideration as to where you invest your money, taking financial
responsibility, open a savings account etc. You'll be generally
thinking and focusing about where you'd like to be in the future,
especially on a material, security and family level.

You may have a stronger desire to connect in a new or local

community, and/or spend more time with family and friends
and/or improving your relationships and connections at work.

There is also a strong theme of growing connections and being a

more active part of a greater whole. Your core theme for 2020 will
be focally on cultivating and enjoying the greater long term
experiences life has to offer.

What action can you take and focus on to achieve

fulfilment in 2020?
Mercury (reversed) from 'The Astrological Oracle'
In 2020, you're being called to open up to take mercurial action on
the world around you. For some, this can mean putting pen to
paper and figuring out a long term plan to bring not only mental
clarity, but also to create a tangible action plan.

To get what we want, we first must need to know exactly what is is

that we want. This is not a year to rush the process, but rather take
action on making a clear plan and writing out bite sized steps to get

Actions to take in 2020:

Literally write out your plan and goals for the year ahead
Write out your vision for where you want to be in 3, 5, and 10 years
Don't worry so much about the 'how', but rather bring clarity to
your long term vision
What basic, concrete steps can you take now?
Who can you talk to that will help you progress?
Take things slow and step by step - Don't skip steps!
What will be your primary challenge for growth in
Two of swords/ Wheel of Fortune (Reversed)/ Two of Cups from
The 'Everyday Tarot'
Your primary challenge for 2020 is going to be to bring clarity to
confusion by letting go of the tendency to ignore of avoid the hard
tasks (secretly hoping they will go away). Your challenge in getting
clarity will inevitably help you make a design and take action on
where you want to be.

The universe can only assist you with synchronicities and

opportunities when you also know and are clear on what you desire
to achieve!

In the past you may have been used to trying to do things to the
best of your abilities alone or refusing helps from others (either due
to not wanting to be a burden or feeling like you like things done a
specific way), however in building deeper roots, you’re challenge for
the coming year is to in fact reach out to others for help, guidance
and assistance.

For some who have chosen this pile, money may make you feel
uncomfortable, nervous or confused, and therefore having
resistance to learning about it or making stable financial plans, for
others, shyness and/or fear around forming relationships with others
holds you back from establishing a secure connection.

In all cases of personal resistance, your challenge in 2020 is to

overcome fear, resistance and blocks by connecting with others. At
any time during the year where you’re feeling blocked or down
know where to go, connecting with others and seeing things from
an alternative perspective can greatly help you bring further future
What would be for your highest good to do in order to
embrace, face, and overcome this lesson of growth?
Sahasrara from a 'Yogic Path Oracle' + Three of Wands from the
Starchild Tarot
Meditating on your long term vision and experiencing what you'd
like to be doing and who you'd like to be in years to come can also
help bring more clarity to your long term vision.

Getting small plans into motions will help your progress, though
be aware not to compare where you are in life with anyone else
and their position.

Connecting to your Crown Charka will keep you connected with

the greater emphasis of All That Is, and that life is not a
competition  or a race but an experience, and bringing clarity and
action will inevitably ensure that you meet with your desired
experience when the timing is in alignment for you.

Where you are now and what you do now determines where you
will be, however by utilising the Universal Laws and Manifestation,
you can tap into your creative potential by getting back in touch
with your higher self.

Remember, there is no rush, thus taking the time to journal, write

things down and meditate will exponentially grow your progress
in 2020. 
Advice for the year ahead:
Arianrod (reversed): from The 'Goddess Oracle Deck'

Your advice for next year is to take things slow, one step at a time,
and lay your foundations to secure you in your future vision. Time
is not something we gain or lose, but is always consistent, and it's
how we choose to utilise it that determines how much of 'time'
we consciously participate in.

When it comes to time, the advice is to not fear that you are ever
'running out'. Taking the time to plan, learn and grow ensures the
more efficient use of your future time. The clarity we gain in a slow
process provides a stable and secure foundation ahead
When it comes to life experience, no one is ever truly 'ahead' of
you, as when we witness other peoples success in a certain area of
life, it is often due to how much time they spend in that area. If
they put more time into their careers, they may put less into their
relationships, thus they feel 'behind' when it comes to romance.

Think of time as currency we spend. When we put all of our

money into one place, we may have to sacrifice it in another area
(such as buying a car vs long term savings), thus spending time
on planning is like saving money, as you will be able to spend it
freely in the future.

Advice Summary:
Spend time to make time
Spend time on the things and people important to you right
NOW rather than saying "I'll do it in the future". Time is
infinite and the best time is now.
Plan for the future, don't project yourself into it
Don't fear 'losing' time, focus more on how you can become
more conscious of the time you have and that always is
Don't compare 'how far ahead' someone is to where you are.
Appearances aren't what they seem. Everyone feels they are
'falling behind' somewhere in life.
No one is losing time, everyone chooses how they want to
spend it - including you. Plan how you'd like to spend it
Take things slow and step by step to avoid repeating steps in
the future

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