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The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the new coronavirus outbreak, which originated in
Wuhan, China, a pandemic. As of May 22, the global death toll surpassed 333,000 amid 5.1 million cases.
The virus even came to Croatia and quarantine was declared. Every job in town closed and we were
recommended to stay at home to avoid virus spreading.

Quarantine was supposed to be a tough period for people because we are social beings, but I was kind
of excited because I am a very positive person and I will never again have a chance to stay at home and
don’t have any tasks to do except schoolwork. I decided to learn new skills and overall have a rest from
everything. Every day I would wake up, go to online school, do all my tasks, and then watch a movie with
my mom. It was amazing I didn’t even know what time of the day it is and relaxed a lot.

On the other hand, there was a bad side to that because I couldn’t see my girlfriend nor my friends. I
was very inactive sports-wise and couldn’t wait to go play basketball or soccer. I tried exercising at home
but I quickly gave up because it’s not really for me.

Overall my quarantine experience was excellent because it was for a short period. I don’t know if it
went on for longer if I would go insane or not but in this case, I just had a big break from everything.

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