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APRIL 27, 2021

Name : Firda Adelia - 2002301004

Class : 2A TIP (Semester II)


1. Please make 5 sentences using ‘Will’
- You will face many defeats in life but never let yourself be defeated
- I will just wacth me.
- They say: “ it will get better”. It’s a lie. It doesn’t get better. You just get used to it.
- Today I will do what others won’t, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others won’t
- A sense of happiness will arise when you have used the time to work
2. Please make 5 sentences using ‘Be Going to’
- You can’t be who you are going to be and who you used to be at the same time.
- I used to say: "I sure hope things will change" Then I learned that the only way
things are going to change for me is when I change.
- I ain’t as good as I’m going to get, but I’m better than I used to be
- I am going to love you as I’ve never been broken. I am going to say it like it’s never
been spoken
- I am going to do me, you do you.

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