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The establishment and existence of trade blocks, for instance, European Economic Community ,
North American Free Trade Organization and the similar ones in Asia and Latin America such as
ASEAN and MERCOSUR, in wich a majority of trade barners including tariffs, are gradually
removed, are integral parts of the broader picture of globalization – a trend in which the global
economy operates as the one entity.
2. Although the protectionism is no longer common in many parts of the world, and countries have
gradually avoided using this turn to refer to the economic development policies, it does not
necessarily mean that protective measures were no longer applied, because otherwise there
would not be any horse trade in which countries bring out /put forward this specific benefits
and criticise each other.
3. While some countries mually blame each other for dumping in which goods are sold at lower
prices than the domestic ones or the production cost, mainly to dominate the export market,
the accused/alleged nations claim/argue that they have a competitive advantages in producing
these products.
Alledge, claim = ko có bằng chứng
4. Particularly, in fair trade, small manufacturers will join in cooperative or associations that strictly
follow environmental and social standards
5. It is these organizations, who directly do business with the consumer goods companies of
developed countries, who are willing to pay much higher prices than the world market ones.
6. On the other end of the supply chain, consumers in developed countries will pay more for a cup
of coffee or a teaspoon of sugar or some bananas.

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