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Review Questions Chapter 9 Lesson 3

• How would a pilgrim in ancient India use a stupa?

To worship their gods and goddesses.

• What is the Bhagavad Gita?

The "Song of The Lord"

• Determining Cause and Effect How did religion influence the Mauryan Empire?

They donated money to Hindu scholars and built Hindu Temples.

• Describing How did the Gupta Empire grow powerful?

Through trading things with their silver and gold mines.

• Identifying What were the written epics of the Mauryan and Gupta period?

The Mahabharata & The Ramayana

• NARRATIVE You are living in India during the rule of Ashoka. Write a letter to a friend describing
the things Ashoka is doing as a leader. In your letter, explain whether you think Ashoka is a great

He turned into a first rate king, for my part, due to the fact he led India to prosperity. even though he
became a Buddhist, he founded colleges and Hindu temples! most rulers would no longer permit such
moves, however he did. He constructed severa essential homes, together with palaces and temples.

Reading Progress Check

Explaining What caused Ashoka to denounce violence? What was the result?

Ashoka witnessed death of many fighters on a battlefield and became a member of the Buddhist.

Explaining How did the Gupta Empire profit from trade routes?

Trade routes facilitated trade, cities expanded along the trade routes, and pilgrimages and shrines
benefited them.

Analyzing What lasting achievement did Indian mathematicians make?

Algebra, the Arabic number system, the concept of zero, and the concept of infinity were all
developed by them.

This was about Hindu and Gupta talked about what their periods were and what they did in
their roles. They talked about what they invinted and many more. They are really cool tribes that i
learned pelentie of information from.

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