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Reference = a letter that is written by someone who knows you, to describe you

and say if you are suitable for a job, course, etc.
Covering letter = a letter that contains information about the thing it is sent with
CV = a short written description of your education, qualifications, previous jobs,
and sometimes also your personal interests, that you send to an employer when you
are trying to get a job
Fringe benefit = something that you get for working, in addition to your pay, that
is not in the form of money, e.g. a company car, free health insurance, a paid
holiday, etc.
Human Resources = the department within  company or organization that deals
with finding new employees, and is responsible for its relationship with its
employees and for following employment laws
Personality = the type of person you are, which is shown by the way you behave,
feel, and think
Rersonnel/ staff = the people who are employed by a company or organization
Probationary period = the period during which a new employee is being watched
closely to see if they are suitable for their job
A shortlist = a list of people who have been judged the most suitable for a job,
made from a longer list of people originally considered, and from which one
person will be chosen
Track record= all the past achievements or failures of a person or organization,
considered together
Vocational training = providing skills and education that prepare you for a job
Board = the group of people who shareholders choose to manage a company or
Charisma = the ability to attract the attention and admiration of others, and to
be seen as a leader

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