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Teacher Pedagogical Competence in Improving Student Learning Outcomes at SMKN 17

West Jakarta

Ratnawati Susanto1, Anes Eka Lestari2, Cindy Aulia Deviani3, Alycia Jeaneti Amne4
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Esa Unggul University, West Jakarta
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Esa Unggul University, West Jakarta
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Esa Unggul University, West Jakarta
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Esa Unggul University, West Jakarta

Email:, aneseka08@gmail.com2, cindyaulia2000@gmail.com3,



This study aims to determine the pedagogical competence of teachers in student learning outcomes at
SMKN 17 West Jakarta. To achieve this goal, this research uses qualitative methods. Data collection
techniques were carried out through interviews and documentation. The subjects of this study were
teachers English Language. Pedagogical competence is one of the competencies that must be
possessed by a teacher and plays an important role in teacher assessment performance. One of the
efforts to develop the teaching profession by improving and developing skills can be obtained through
the learning process. Teachers and students play an important role in supporting and motivating
students. The results of this study are the role of the pedagogical competence of the English teacher at
SMK Negeri 17 in improving learning outcomes, namely having the ability to understand students,
being able to use teaching methods, being able to use learning media in class, and being able to
evaluate learning outcomes and provide assessments.

Keywords: Pedagogic competence, teacher, qualitative methods, learning outcomes


Education is a basic need for everyone. Education is a process that includes three dimensions, the
individual, society or national community of the individual, and the entire content of reality, both
material and spiritual, which plays a role in determining the nature, fate, form of man and society
(Nurkholis, 2013). The role of education is very large in preparing and developing reliable Human
Resources (HR) who are able to compete in a healthy manner but also have an increased sense of
community with fellow humans (Yayan Alpian, M.Pd., Sri Wulan Anggraeni, M.Pd., Unika Wiharti,

The purpose of education is none other than to increase or develop the potential as well as intelligence
possessed by children. It is hoped that the potential and intelligence of children who grow and develop
will have qualified knowledge, good creativity, are physically and mentally healthy, independent,
have good personalities, and when they work in society, they will grow to be personal who is useful
and able to make a good contribution. To achieve goals, the teacher is an important factor in these

Teachers are the heart of education who have a very big role in creating the nation's generation
(Agustina & Susanto, 2017). Teachers in Law No. 14 of 2005 are defined as "professional educators
with the main task of educating, teaching, guiding, directing, training, assessing, and evaluating
students in early childhood education through formal education, basic education and secondary
education". The role of the teacher is to continue and as a companion parent role, not the role of
replacing the parents. (Susanto, Syofyan, et al., 2020). A professional teacher is required to have a
number of minimum requirements, including; have adequate professional education qualifications,
have the competence of the ability to communicate with their students, have a creative and productive
spirit, have a work ethic and high commitment to their profession and always carry out continuous
self-development through professional organizations, books, seminars, and the sort. Teachers have a
central role in learning in the classroom (Syofyan et al., 2019). Teaching is a profession that is done
by people who are trained and educated through the LPTKs to carry out the function and process in
the work service as teachers (Susanto, 2019).

In the world of education, the ability or competence of a teacher is highly demanded in carrying out
his duties or in his daily life. Competence is a key factor that integrates knowledge, understanding,
ability, value, attitude and interest so that it becomes a key factor that determines the success of
performance (Susanto, 2020). Teacher competence includes pedagogical competence, personality
competence, social competence, and professional competence which is obtained through professional
education. Pedagogic Competence is one type of competency that teachers need to master. Pedagogic
Competence is the ability of students, designing and implementing learning, evaluating learning
outcomes, and developing students to actualize their various potentials. Pedagogic Competence has
characteristics that will differentiate teachers from other professions and will determine the success
rate of the learning process and outcomes of their students. This competence is not obtained suddenly
but through continuous and systematic learning efforts, both in the pre-service period (education for
prospective teachers) and during their tenure, which is supported by the talents, interests and other
potential of each individual teacher. Pedagogical competence guarantees the focus of the learner, the
level of service, the value contained in the interaction between educators and learners, the ability to
listen with positive words, patterns of guidance, and how learning by providing learning experiences
for students to develop their potential (Susanto, Rachmadtullah, et al., 2020). The preparation of
teachers referring to the development of pedagogical competence model emphasizes the concern of
teachers and learners ' relationship in cultural aspects and becomes an authentic and responsive
maintenance action for the transformation of the students ' behavior (Susanto et al., 2019).

The ten pedagogical competencies are: (1) Mastering the characteristics of students from physical,
moral, spiritual, social, cultural, emotional, and intellectual aspects; (2) Mastering learning theory and
teaching learning principles; (3) Developing a curriculum related to the subject being taught; (4)
Organizing educational learning; (5) Utilizing information and communication technology for the
benefit of learning; (6) Facilitating the development of the potential of students to actualize their
various potentials; (7) Communicate effectively, emphatically, and politely with students; (8) Carry
out an assessment and evaluation of learning processes and outcomes; (9) Make use of the results of
the assessment and evaluation for the benefit of learning; and (10) Take reflective action to improve
the quality of learning.

A teacher needs to have good pedagogical competence in order to be able to design and implement
various learning methods that are deemed suitable to the interests and talents and according to the
level of student ability including utilizing various sources and learning media to ensure the
effectiveness of learning. When a teacher has pedagogical competence then the essence of child-
educating actions (paedagogi) will manifest in learning interactions (Susanto & Rachmadtullah,

The results of the teaching and learning process are measured or determined by a learning outcome.
Learning outcomes are abilities that students have after receiving their learning experiences. The
improvement of student learning outcomes is influenced by the quality of the learning process in the
classroom. So that to improve student learning outcomes, the learning process in the classroom must
take place well and be supported by teachers who have high performance because teachers are the
spearhead in the implementation of student education in schools and play a role in developing the
To achieve satisfactory learning outcomes, competent teachers are needed in managing learning.
Therefore, teachers must have good pedagogical competence. Researchers want to know the role of
English teacher pedagogic competence in improving student learning outcomes of SMK Negeri 17
West Jakarta. The reason the researchers conducted research at SMK 17 is because the school is a
favorite vocational high school in West Jakarta so that many students are interested in attending SMK


Research Plan

Research is an activity carried out by researchers to solve a problem that occurs by providing a
detailed explanation using knowledge to achieve a certain goal. Research must be predicated on
content and contextual relevance, without which is not only purposeless but also unethical (Naidoo,
2011). A researcher must use the right type of research when conducting research. This is to get
results that match the problem being studied. The type of research used in this research is qualitative.
The qualitative approach is an approach that primarily uses a knowledge paradigm based on a
constructivist view (such as the plural meaning of individual experience, the meaning that is socially
and historically constructed with the intention of developing a theory or pattern) or an advocacy /
participatory view (eg, political orientation, issues , collaborative, or change orientation) or both
(Prof. Dr. Emzir, n.d.).

This research is a qualitative study using an ethnographic approach. This qualitative-ethnographic

study describes the characteristics of a group or society as the subject under study (Hanifah, 2016).
Researchers observe the behavior of a person or group as it is. The data were obtained from very in-
depth observations so that it took time to linger in the field, in-depth interviews with members of
cultural groups, studying documents or artifacts in detail.

Subject, Object and Place of Research

In this study, the researcher explained that the subject of the study was an English teacher at SMKN
17 Jakarta. The object of this research is the pedagogical competence of teachers in improving the
learning outcomes of SMKN 17 students. The place of research to be researched is SMK Negeri 17
West Jakarta.

Research Instruments

The instrument in this study was to collect data at SMKN 17 with the money instruments used were:
1. Make observations in advance by collecting data through the process of observing and
recording the symptoms that are investigated in these observations.

2. Prepare the interview format as necessary to make it easier for

researchers to interview informants who are considered to be able to provide concrete data
that are related to the discussion of this research.

In collecting the data mentioned above, the types of data to be collected have also been identified.

Data Collection Procedure

Data in qualitative research is obtained through various types of data collection techniques such as
interviews, document analysis, focused discussion, or observations that have been recorded in field
notes. In conducting research, we first classify data as sources or materials. The types of data can be
divided into two, namely:

a. Primary data
In this study, primary data were obtained directly in the form of observations and interviews about
how a teacher actually behaves when teaching in the classroom. The data source in this study was the
English teacher at SMKN 17.

b. Secondary Data
Secondary data is data obtained or collected by people conducting research from existing data
sources. In this study, obtained from the results of observations made by researchers.

Data Collection Technique

The data collection techniques in this study are as follows:

1. Observation
Direct observation or observation is a technique of collecting data by directly seeing the activities
carried out by the user. The types of observation include structured observation, unstructured
observation, participant observation, and non-participant observation. Observations made in this study
were non-participant observations, meaning that the researcher did not play a direct role in the
learning process, the researcher only observed. Observations were made by observing the pedagogical
competence of the English teachers of SMKN 17.

2. Interview
An interview is a conversation to find information between the source and the researcher. Generally,
the data collected through interviews is verbal data obtained through conversation or question and
answer. (Gumilang, 2016) There are three approaches; namely structured, semi-structured and
unstructured interviews. (Palmer & Bolderston, 2006) The interview approach used in this study was
an unstructured interview. This interview guide contains only an outline that will be asked. Interviews
were conducted with English teachers at SMKN 17 West Jakarta. Interviews were conducted to
determine the role of teachers in student development in schools. Student development in schools
includes teacher mastery of student characteristics, use of teaching methods, use of instructional
media in class, and implementation of assessment and evaluation of student learning outcomes.

Data Analysis

Data analysis is the process of finding and compiling data obtained from interviews, field notes, and
other materials so that they can be easily understood and the findings can be informed to others.
Below are the stages of the data analysis technique:

1. Analysis of observational data

In analyzing the data from the observations the researcher adjusted to the results of the observations
as well as the interviews.

2. Analysis of interview data

In this study, to process data derived from interviews, the authors first collected all the results of the
researchers' interviews with respondents. After the data is collected, the researcher gives an
assessment of the respondent's answer which is in accordance with the topic discussed.

When researchers conducted research and interviews with English teachers of SMKN 17, according to
him, pedagogical competence was very important and useful for teachers, especially teachers in order
to educate and guide their students in developing their education. Pedagogic competence is the
teacher's ability to manage learning, if a teacher already has this competency, it is a professional
teacher so that it can achieve learning objectives (Dr. Ratnawati Susanto, S.Pd., M.M., M.Pd., CIRR.
Yuli Asmi Rozali, M.Psi., n.d.).

Based on the results of observations and interviews, it is known that there are four components in the
pedagogical competence of the SMKN 17 English teacher, namely:

1. Teacher mastery of student characteristics

Students have different characteristics and abilities, both in terms of creativity and different abilities.
Based on the results of interviews with the English teacher of SMK 17, he stated that he always uses
several learning strategies that are in accordance with the characteristics of the students themselves.
For example, the teacher divides students into several groups consisting of students who are active in
class and students who are less active in class so that in delivering material it can be in accordance
with the abilities of the child and their respective characteristics, so that students in the class in
absorbing the material can better understand the material.

2. Using Learning Methods

The method really demands the understanding of students, because without a strategy or method that
is done in class, students in understanding the material will experience difficulties, but if the method
can be applied properly, students understand the lesson will be easier. Based on the results of
observations, the teaching methods used by the English teachers of SMKN 17 are as follows:
a. Lecture
Lecture is a method in conveying subject matter to students by means of explaining and
narrating it orally.
b. Assignment
Assignment is a way of teaching in which a teacher assigns certain tasks to students, while
the results are checked by the teacher and students are accountable for them.
c. Question and answer
This teaching method allows direct two-way communication because at the same time there
is a dialogue between teachers and students.
d. Work in group
Presentation of material by giving assignments to learn something to study groups that have
been determined in order to achieve goals.
e. Demonstration
A method of presenting subject matter by showing the process of implementing the material
which is made directly in front of students so that students can watch it to be understood and

3. Use of Learning Media in Classroom

Today, many people say that this era of globalization is an era full of sophisticated technology. In
developing education in schools, of course, it will not be separated from learning technology. For
example, with the internet, computers and other information media. To develop students in the
classroom, of course, the teacher must have competence in using this technology, so that it is not out
of date and information. Technology is related to the teaching and learning process as an effective and
efficient media in the teaching and learning process.

Based on the results of an interview with an English teacher at SMKN 17, he explained that when
teaching in the classroom, students can use the internet and cellphones to open an online dictionary if
there are vocabulary that students do not understand. He does not require students to have a dictionary
book if students have adequate cellphones and internet. According to him, online dictionaries are
more effective and make it easier for students to understand the meaning of vocabulary they don't

4. Implementation of Assessment and Evaluation of Student Learning Outcomes

Evaluation is a process of measurement or assessment. The success or failure of an education in
achieving its goals can be seen from the evaluation of the output produced. With their competences,
each teacher must conduct an evaluation after the material being taught is complete.
Based on the results of interviews with the English teacher at SMKN 17, it was explained that every
time the lesson ended, it always provided an evaluation of the students.
In this evaluation, the objective is to measure students' abilities and measure the results of the material
that has been conveyed. Meanwhile, learning outcomes are the things that have been done during the
learning process, such as conducting essay tests and optional tests. In the assessment system at SMKN
17, English teachers focus more on cognitive, affective, and psychomotor assessments. In this
assessment can be taken from:
a. Written test
b. Oral test
c. Assignment
d. Work in group

Based on observations, it is known that pedagogical competence improves student learning outcomes
of SMKN 17 because English teachers master the material being taught, know student characteristics,
use appropriate methods and carry out evaluation of student learning outcomes.

Teachers are professional educators with the main task of educating, teaching, guiding, directing,
training, assessing, and evaluating students in formal education, primary education and secondary
education. Pedagogic Competence is one type of competency that teachers need to master. Pedagogic
Competence is the ability of students, designing and implementing learning, evaluating learning
outcomes, and developing students to actualize their various potentials. After the researcher presents
the research report and analyzes, the researcher will conclude a number of things, namely the role of
the pedagogical competence possessed by the English teacher at SMK Negeri 17 in improving
learning outcomes, namely having the ability to understand students, being able to use teaching
methods, being able to use learning media in class, and is able to evaluate learning outcomes and
provide assessments.

Teachers are expected to further improve pedagogical competence, especially in the aspect of
understanding educational insights or foundations. Understanding educational insights or foundations
is absolutely necessary for teachers because from there teachers must understand that they have the
ability to understand students, be able to use teaching methods, be able to use learning media in class,
and be able to evaluate learning outcomes and provide assessments. Teachers are expected to use
more teaching methods and learning media so that learning feels more enjoyable.

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