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Chloe Niesen

Ms. Trotter

ENG 1201

21 February 2021

Just a Little Boost of Serotonin

The refrain to the popular song “Happy,” by Pharrell Williams, has a line that is repeated

many times, which states, “because I’m happy.” The music video really emphasizes the

reasoning behind this quote and the whole vibe of the song. In the original music video, Pharrell

Williams walks around in many different places, along with many different people, while they

dance and sing about being happy. In the remake by KIDZ BOP, there are a few kids who are

seen singing and dancing around inside an airplane and on a rooftop. While each video shares a

similar meaning behind the song through their videos, they appeal to different audiences who

have different values.

Pharrell Williams is an American singer and songwriter who has released many hit songs

since the start of his career in the 1990s. He is a solo performer and has had a very influential

career. Many young people look up to Williams, and the fact that many of his songs have been

nominated for awards says it all. KIDZ BOP is brand of music that produces family friendly

covers of pop songs. They have expanded as a brand and have merchandise and go on tours.

They not only have an American group, but also they have expanded to the United Kingdom and


Both videos are accompanied by songs that are of the same music genre. Both the

Pharrell Williams music video and the KIDZ BOP music video contain pop music. The song that
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is used in both music videos is the same song, although it is just sung by different people and the

KIDS BOP version is a little more fast-paced. The claim of each music video is also very similar.

Older generations are more likely to relate to the original version of the song, while those

from the younger generation are more likely to relate to the remake. One thing about the original

version by Pharrell Williams that relates it to the older generations is that there are more middle-

aged and older people in this video itself. The people that are represented in the video allow the

people watching the video to relate to it more. In the second video by KIDZ BOP, the primary

people shown are children; therefore, anyone who is in an older generation would most likely not

be attracted to it.

The meaning behind the song and the video in each representation of the music videos is

the same. Each of the videos use the same lyrics to the same song, there are just different people

singing in each video. Both videos explain that happiness can be achieved, but the ways that they

show this are different, simply because the key audiences for the videos are different. Each of the

songs shows that everyone can be happy and only they can take it away from themselves. In the

first video by Pharrell, the adults are shown enjoying life without any distractions from other

people. In the remake by KIDZ BOP, the kids are shown also enjoying life, but in a different

way: with other friends.

Regarding rhetorical appeals, there is only one that is used in both videos. In the first

video by Pharrell Williams, the rhetorical appeal that is used is pathos. This video appeals to the

emotions of the viewers because the song talks about happiness and shows people that they can

be happy. In the second video by KIDZ BOP also uses the rhetorical appeal pathos. This video

also appeals to the emotions of the viewers because it shows the happiness from a child’s

perspective. The specific audience for the original video by Pharrell Williams is adults who have
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many experiences in life and know a lot about how life goes. The specific audience for the

remake by KIDZ BOP is children who still have a lot to learn about life and don’t really know

enough about the details of how life goes.

One main difference between the two videos is the audience. The key audience for the

original music video by Pharrell Williams is anyone ranging from young adults, possibly to

grandparents. This is because these people are more likely to know what true happiness is and

what brings it to them. The video shows that there are not many specific places that bring

happiness, and that you can be happy wherever you are. Meanwhile, the key audience for the

second video by KIDZ BOP is anyone ranging from ages 7 to 12. This is due to the fact that the

video takes place in very few places, for example an airplace, a rooftop, and a hotel. All of these

places could very well represent the happiness that is brought by materialistic things and not the

little things that life brings.

These music videos are very similar in relation to the meaning behind the song and music

video, but each have a different preferred audience. In the song “Happy” by Pharrell Williams,

there’s a line that that states, “Well, give me all you got, and don't hold it back.” This line

explains that you should give all you’ve got towards your self love and self happiness, and don’t

worry about what others think. This lyric goes for both versions of the music video. This song

overall has the ability to change the mood of any situation.

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Works Cited

KIDZ BOP Kids. Happy. YouTube,


Accessed 14 Feb. 2021.

Williams, Pharrell. Happy. YouTube,

Accessed 14 Feb. 2021.

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