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Three reasons that you should

NOT use deep learning
George Seif Aug 8, 2018 · 4 min read

Tweaking neural network hyperparamters can be tricky business. Even Peter Griffin has trouble with it!

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Deep Learning has been the hottest thing in AI for the past several years. In
fact, it’s really what sparked new interest in AI from scientists,
governments, large corporations, and practically everyone else in between!
It really is a very cool science with potentially tremendous practical and
positive applications. It’s being used for >nance, engineering,
entertainment, and consumer products and services.

But should we really be using it everywhere? Whenever we make something

new, should we automatically be going with deep learning?

There’s a few cases where it really isn’t appropriate to use deep learning and
a number of reasons why you would choose to go another route. Let’s
explore them…

(1) It doesn’t work so well with small data

To achieve high performance, deep networks require extremely large
datasets. The more labelled data we have, the better our model performs.
Well-annotated data can be both expensive and time consuming to acquire.
Hiring people to manually collect images and label them is not eIcient at
all. And in the deep learning era, data is very well arguably your most
valuable resource.

The networks achieving high performance in the latest research are often
trained on hundreds of thousands and even millions of samples. For many
applications, such large datasets are not readily available and will be
expensive and time consuming to acquire. For smaller datasets, classical ML
algorithms such as regressions, random forest, and SVM often outperform
deep networks.

(2) Deep Learning in practice is hard and expensive

Deep learning is still a very cutting edge technique. You can de>nitely get a
quick and easy solution as many people do, especially with widely available
APIs such as Clarifai and Google’s AutoML. But if you want to do something
fairly customized, such services won’t cut it. You’re a bit limited to doing
something at least slightly similar to what everyone else is doing, unless
you’re willing to spend the money on research…

Which is also expensive, not only because of the resources required to get
the data and computing power, but also hiring researchers. Deep learning
research is very hot right now and so all three of these expenses are very
inTated. You also end up with a very high overhead in that when doing
something so customized, you spend a lot of time just experimenting and
breaking things.

(3) Deep networks are not easily interpreted

Deep networks are very “black box” in that even now researchers do not
fully understand the “inside” of deep networks. They have high predictive
power but low interpretability. Hyper-parameters and network design are
also quite a challenge due to the lacking theoretical foundation.

There has been a lot of recent tools like saliency maps and activation
diXerences that work great for some domains, similar to the one shown in
the >gure below. But unfortunately they don’t transfer completely to all
applications. These tools are mainly well designed for making sure that you
are not over>tting your network to the dataset or focusing on particular
features that are spurious. It is still very diIcult to interpret per-feature
importance to the overall decision of the deep net.

Visualizations of features in a deep convolutional neural network

On the other hand, classical ML algorithms such as regression or random

forests are quite easy to interpret and understand due to the direct feature
engineering involved. In addition, tuning hyper-parameters and altering the
model designs is more straightforward since we have a more thorough
understanding of the data and underlying algorithms. These are
particularly important when the results of the network have to be translated
and delivered to the public or a non-technical audience. We can’t just say
“we sold that stock” or “we used this drug on that patient” because our deep
network said so. We need to know why. Unfortunately, all the evidence we
have for deep learning so far is empirical.

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Here, you will be able to >nd links to all articles, agenda, and general
information about an estimated release date of next articles on the bottom of
the 1st article. They are also available in my open source portfolio —
MyRoadToAI, along with some mini-projects, presentations, tutorials and

You can also read the article on my personal website, hosted with Jekyll in
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