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Unit Conversion Tables

SI unit: Meter (m)
1 kilometer = 1000. meters
= 0.62137 mile
1 meter = 100. centimeters
1 centimeter = 10. millimeters
1 nanometer = 1.00 x 10-9 meters
1 picometer = 1.00 x 10-12 meters
1 inch = 2.54 centimeters (exact)
1 Ångstrom = 1.00 x 10-10 meters
SI unit: Cubic meter (m3)
1 liter (L) = 1.00 x 10-3m3
= 1000. cm3
= 1.056710 quarts
1 gallon = 4.00 quarts
Si unit: Pascal (Pa)
1 pascal = 1 N/m2
= 1 kg/m * s2
1 atmosphere = 101.325 kilopascals
= 760. mmHg
= 760 torr
= 14.70 lb/in2
= 1.01325 bar
1 bar = 105 Pa (exact)
SI unit: Joule (J)
1 joule = 1 kg * m2/s2
= 0.23901 calorie
= 1C x 1V
1 calorie = 4.184 joules

SI unit: Kilogram (kg)
1 kilogram = 1000. grams
1 gram = 1000. milligrams
1 pound = 453.59237 grams
= 16 ounces
1 ton = 2000. pounds

Si unit: Kelvin (K)
K = 273.15 °C
K = °C + 273.15 °C
°C = (5 °C/9 °F)(°F - 32 °F)
°F = (9 °F/5 °C)°C + 32 °F
ADB Asian Development Bank (ADB)
ADP Annual Development Program
AF Acre Feet
ASTM American Standard Testing Material
B/C Ration Benefit Cost Ration
BEP Breakeven Point
C&F Cost and Freight
CDM Clean Development Mechanism
CDWP Central Development Working Party
CERs Certified Emission Reduction
cfs Cusecs
cms Cumecs
CPI Consumer Price Index
DDWP Departmental Development Working Party
DED Detailed Engineering Design
DNA Designated National Authority
E&M Electrical and Mechanical
EIRR Economic Internal Rate of Return
ER Emission Reduction
F.E.C Foreign Exchange Component
FIRR Financial Internal Rate of Return
FS Feasibility Study
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GoP Govt of Pakistan
GWh Gigawatt Hour
HEP Hydro Electric Project
HPP Hydropower Project
IDC Interest During Construction
IPPs Independent Power Producers
KEL K-Electric Limited
km Kilo Meter
kV Kilo Volt
kW Kilo Watt
M.S.L. Mean Sea Level
MAF Million Acre Feet

MoWR Ministry of Water Resources

MW Megawatt
NEPRA National Electric Power Regulatory Authority
NTDCL National Transmission and Distribution Company Limited
PD Project Director
PEPCO Pakistan Electric Power Company
PKR Pak Rupees
PSDP Public Sector Development Program
R.C.C Reinforcement Cement Concrete
RD Reduced Distance
RMB Result Based Monitoring Indicators
ROE Return on Equity
UNEB United Nation Executive Board
UNFCCC United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change
WAPDA Water and Development Authority
WPI Wholesale price Index


Annex I Checklist for Disaster Risk Reduction Infrastructure Sectors

Annex II Carbon Credits Sectoral Assessment for Public Sector Projects of Pakistan
Annex III Guidelines for Carbon Credits Benefits in Public Sector Projects of Pakistan

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