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SEMESTER GENAP TA. 2019 – 2020

Nama : Nur Pitriana

NPM : CG191120495
Kelas : G3-04-19-DQ
Mata Kuliah : Business English
Dosen : Mohamad Jufri Sarlata

Part One : Read the article. Then Answer the following questions.
1. C. March 4, 2014
2. B. Every two weeks
3. B. $87.69
4. A. $386.91
5. Brian’s regular hourly pay rate is 25.45

Part Two : Grammar

1. C. so is
2. D. Finished
3. D. working
4. A. lately
5. A. was driving
6. C. Upgrading
7. A. Come
8. B. isn’t he
9. A. Find
10. D. should come

Part Three : Match the words to the correct definitions. Write the letter.
1. Acceptance C. Agreement for someone to be part or a group
2. Degree F. an official statement that says you have completed your studies at a
universite or collage
3. Promotion A. a move to a better position at work
4. Responsibility E. Something you do because it is your duty
5. Challenge H. Something difficult that needs skill or effort to do well
6. Innovative B. New and better than in the past
7. Strategy G. a planned way of achieving something
8. Task D. Something that you have to do

Part Four
The reporters ask you to describe a crash you witnessed
The accident happened at 3 pm. At the time I was eating at a nearby food stall. The chronology of the
accident is I see a motorcyclist advancing his motorcycle because the traffic lights have turned green, but
came a car with speeds above the average from the right and hit the motorcyclist. The collision happened
so hard that the motorcyclist was thrown from his motorcycle. Victims who suffered severe injuries and
unconscious then immediately taken to the nearest hospital. The situation of the driver of the car was
quite severe because after crashing into the victim, the driver of the car slams the steering wheel of the
left and hit the road divider. The diver’s head hit the steering wheel and suffered heavy injuries. After
checking, it turns out the car driven by the brake failed.

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