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Brochure One Page Summary

Author Names: Conner Steffke & Darie Kirschling

Our target audience includes people in the geriatric community who are struggling with
depression. They could be struggling with depression for multiple reasons including: chronic
illness, feeling alone, isolation in a nursing home facility, loss of friends or loved ones,
deteriorating health, or feeling like they are close to death. Mental health of the geriatric
community is commonly neglected; leaving an open landscape for healthcare providers to make
a profound difference. It is important for our brochure to let these individuals know that they are
not alone and there are ways for them to seek help. This brochure should be accessible in
doctor’s offices, rehabilitation centers, nursing homes, gyms like the YMCA, or anywhere that
edlerly people would have access to it. The more widely available we can make our resources,
the more likely we are to have an impact on the lives of those in need of a helping hand. As
healthcare providers, we are concerned with the whole person, not just an individual’s physical
injuries. Our hope is that elderly people that see this brochure will be more inclined to seek help
when they need it, rather than isolating themselves or more drastic measures. This brochure may
prove beneficial for individuals who do not feel comfortable discussing this topic to have the
opportunity to seek out help on their own. Listed below are two learning objectives written in
behavioral terms:
1. Individuals who read the brochure will be able to identify at least 2 activities that they
can get involved in to help reduce their feelings of depression
2. Individuals will be able to report at least 1 way to seek help.

Three references used to develop brochure include:

1. Smith S. 10 common elderly health issues. Vital Record. Published February 11,
2016. Accessed July 25, 2019.
2. DailyCaring. 10 Ways to Help Seniors Deal with Isolation and Depression. DailyCaring.
Published April 12, 2019. Accessed July 25, 2019.
3. Berkey CA. Service To Senior. National Exchange Club (NEC). Accessed July 25, 2019.

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