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Louisa Rossel

Professor Mbure
Democratic Education
28 April 2021
Portfolio Self-Assessment

My portfolio includes both my original and revised syllabus, so I would grade myself with a
10/10 for this criterion. Additionally, in terms of course breakdown materials, I would grade
myself with a 9/10. I included “Home Play” tasks included at the end of my Slide Show
presentations each week, readings, Padlet assignments, and the weekly Poem/Prayer/Meditation
and Song Sharing exercise. I did not utilize eLearn discussion boards or written journal
reflections during my class, so I deducted one point from the overall grade. Moving towards my
course facilitation section, I graded myself with an 8/10. I included two examples each of class
lesson plans and in-class activities. However, my course did not include any student-created
discussions, so I deducted 2 points from my overall score.
Looking at the student work section of my portfolio, I included at least two examples of student
work for each of my nine Growing Green Faith students. Therefore, I would grade myself with a
10/10. Under the “Class Photos” section of my portfolio, I attached numerous images throughout
the course of the semester from various in-class activities and lessons outside. Therefore, I would
grade myself with a 10/10 for this section.
Moving towards the Teaching Statement, I would grade myself with a 16/20 on this
portion of the teaching portfolio. My statement reaches the required length of approximately two
full pages. Additionally, I took the necessary steps to revise and rewrite my draft which I
completed and turned in for comments and suggestions last week. I feel as if I could have gone
into a bit more detail on how teaching the IDEAS course shaped my journey as a future educator
outside of Stonehill.
For the timely submission and inclusion of the self-assessment within my teaching
portfolio, I would grade myself with a 15/15. My portfolio is organized with the help of section
headings and is unique to my course themes and topics. It effectively conveys the journey of my
IDEAS course from start to finish. Finally, I would also give myself a 14/15 for my intentional
effort and creativity in conveying my Democratic Education journey. Although I could have
added more images and made my portfolio more colorful and vibrant, I feel as if it is a solid
representation of my journey as a facilitator.

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