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Covariance-based uncertainty analysis of

reference equations of state

Howard Cheung,∗,† Jérôme Frutiger,∗,‡ Ian H. Bell,∗,¶ Jens Abildskov,‡ Gürkan
Sin,‡ and Shengwei Wang§
†Carbon Exchange (Hong Kong) Ltd., Shatin, Hong Kong
‡Process and Systems Engineering Center (PROSYS), Department of Chemical and
Biochemical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), 2800 Kgs. Lyngby,
¶Applied Chemicals and Materials Division, National Institute of Standards and
Technology, Boulder, CO, 80305, USA
§Department of Building Services Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,
Hung Hom, Hong Kong


Abstract ties are much larger than the uncertainties of

the vapor region due to the use of Maxwell cri-
This work presents a detailed methodology teria to calculate the saturation properties.
for uncertainty analysis applied to a reference
equation of state (EOS) based on Helmholtz
energy. With increasing interest in uncertain- 1 1 Introduction
ties of thermal process models, it is important
to quantify the property uncertainties from the 2 In recent years, there have been several ap-
EOS. However, literature relating to EOS either 3 plications of uncertainty analysis of thermal
does not report uncertainties or report under- 4 systems. This includes the selection of work-
estimated values. This work addresses the is- 5 ing fluids for Rankine cycles, 1 virtual sen-
sue by introducing a covariance-based method- 6 sors of air conditioning systems, 2,3 chiller con-
ology of uncertainty analysis based on a linear 7 trol systems, 4 and evaluation of chiller perfor-
approximation. The uncertainty ranges of the 8 mance models for fault detection and diagnos-
EOS properties (95 % confidence intervals) are 9 tics (FDD) algorithms. 5 There have been sys-
calculated from the experimental values and the 10 tematic efforts in describing the uncertainty of
EOS model structure through the parameter 11 both fundamental physicochemical models 6 as
covariance matrix and subsequent linear error 12 well as correlation-based property models for
propagation. In this case study, the Helmholtz- 13 process engineering applications. 7,8 The uncer-
based EOS of propane is analyzed.The uncer- 14 tainties of equations of state (EOS) have not yet
tainty methodology is general and is applicable 15 been adequately studied; most studies neglect
to any novel or existing EOS because it does 16 the impact of the uncertainty of the EOS. On
not re-train the EOS. The study demonstrates 17 the other hand, the accuracy of the EOS is com-
the insights a thorough uncertainty analysis can 18 monly considered in the literature, but analy-
give for EOS users and developers. Uncertain- 19 ses of accuracy only consider the difference be-
ties vary strongly as a function of the state 20 tween the output predicted by the model and
point, and uncertainties of saturation proper- 21 experimental data. The consideration of accu-

22 racy instead of uncertainty is common among 71 enthalpy and entropy differences. Furthermore,
23 studies of EOS of different substances. 9–12 To 72 uncertainty propagation also helps a user to un-
24 this extent, the accuracy is different from the 73 derstand how the uncertainty of an EOS affects
25 uncertainty of the output of the EOS, which 74 the result of a thermodynamic cycle model or
26 is the range of statistically possible outcomes 75 other process models, especially, when the op-
27 of the model given different property observa- 76 eration characteristics of the cycle cannot be
28 tions and is usually reported by the 95 % con- 77 measured and hence an analysis of model ac-
29 fidence interval. Uncertainty of the EOS may 78 curacy is unavailable. To do so, it is necessary
30 also be as important as the other uncertainties. 79 to make an analysis of the uncertainty of the
31 For example, the accuracy of the curve fit for 80 EOS in addition to the commonly performed
32 the saturation pressure for the refrigerant blend 81 analyses on their accuracy.
33 R410A 13 is 0.5 % of the pressure value, and this 82 Some studies 14,18 consider the accuracy of
34 is on par with the measurement uncertainty of 83 EOS of refrigerants 9–12 as the uncertainties of
35 refrigerant pressure. 14 It is crucial, in the scope 84 EOS, and they ignore the effect of the develop-
36 of good modeling practices, to take the uncer- 85 ment of the EOS to the uncertainties of EOS.
37 tainties of EOS into account in order to estab- 86 Two studies were conducted to account for the
38 lish the application range and the reliability of 87 uncertainty due to the covariance. 19,20 Both of
39 a thermal systems model. 88 them propagated the uncertainty of measure-
40 In this manuscript a clear distinction is made 89 ment data that were used to fit the EOS for
41 between accuracy and uncertainty. The authors 90 the uncertainty of the EOS. One of them re-
42 are aware that some studies 13 also consider un- 91 quired complete knowledge of the uncertainty
43 certainty to be the difference between modeled 92 of measurement data to build the EOS which
44 and measured data, and do not use the term 93 is unavailable for some EOS. 19 The other one
45 accuracy. However, for the sake of clarity, we 94 only involved covariance between the input data
46 intend to use the term accuracy and uncertainty 95 and the EOS and did not involve covariance be-
47 separately in this manuscript. 96 tween the EOS parameters – a crucial part of
48 Accuracy and uncertainty are different mea- 97 EOS uncertainty. 20 In addition, the method 20
49 sures and are both important to assess the per- 98 required re-fitting of the EOS which would be
50 formance of a model. 15,16 Analysis of model ac- 99 too difficult to be used for all existing EOS. Two
51 curacy in the literature of multiparameter ref- 100 other studies were conducted to show how to
52 erence EOS has mostly so far only involved 101 compare the propagation of the EOS parameter
53 the calculation of the closeness between some 102 uncertainties to the output of a process model.
54 model results and known measurement val- 103 The uncertainties of two EOS (cubic-type and
55 ues. 9–12 While a comparison of “closeness” can 104 SAFT-type) were analyzed. The method did
56 validate if a model yields an accurate repre- 105 not use the covariance matrix, but used a boot-
57 sentation of measurement values, it cannot de- 106 strap method as an alternative to estimate the
58 scribe the overall reliability of model results, 107 uncertainties of the EOS parameters. 21,22 While
59 and this model accuracy analysis does not tell 108 the methods performed well for specific appli-
60 the whole story for property estimates that are 109 cations, it was too computationally expensive
61 not associated with any known measurement 110 for general use. There is a need to find another
62 values. The effect of the lack of information 111 method that is less computationally expensive
63 can only be quantified by uncertainty quantifi- 112 to quantify the uncertainty of EOS of fluids.
64 cation. 17 Some variables calculated by the EOS 113 There is also an increasing industrial inter-
65 such as enthalpy and entropy can only be mea- 114 est in the analysis of the uncertainty of EOS
66 sured through differences relative to a reference 115 and the state-of-the-art is to conduct the uncer-
67 point, and it is critical to conduct uncertainty 116 tainty analysis using only the accuracy of the
68 calculations for the estimates of these variables 117 EOS in the literature 12 or the propagation of
69 by approaches such as covariance matrix calcu- 118 the uncertainties from the inputs 23 for compu-
70 lation to show the variability of the estimated 119 tationally efficient calculation. However, these

120 two techniques are insufficient to cover impor-
121 tant uncertainty components in the estimation
122 of a thermodynamic property of a pure sub-
123 stance as shown in Table 1.

Table 1: The steps and sources of uncertainties in the estimation of thermodynamic properties of a pure substance from an EOS

Step Process in the task Potential sources of Uncertainties Uncertainty propagation and
uncertainties propagated quantification procedures
from previous
1 Choose a model form (i.e. an (a) Structural
EOS), a regression method uncertainty
and the corresponding
objective function for the
thermodynamic properties of
a pure substance
2 Choose the state points of the (b) Epistemic
fluid at which we can measure uncertainty in the
properties and collect data to choices of training
train the model data
3 Conduct the experiments to (c) Stochastic and Uncertainty analysis of the

measure the state variables epistemic uncertainty experiments for (c)
such as temperature T , from measurements of
pressure p and density ρ for training data
training data
4 Perform the parameter (d) Epistemic (a) + (b) + Uncertainty quantification
estimation process uncertainty of the (c) based on model covariance
numerical methods in matrix for (a) and (b), and
the parameter uncertainty propagation (e.g.
estimation through linear error
propagation) for (c)
5 Obtain the input variables to (e) Subjective and (a) + (b) + Uncertainty propagation (e.g.
EOS (e.g. temperature T and stochastic (c) through linear error
pressure p) at new conditions uncertainties of the propagation) for (a), (b) and
measurement of input (c), and uncertainty analysis
variables at the new in the experiments for (e)
6 Evaluate the EOS to estimate (f) Epistemic (a) + (b) + Uncertainty propagation (e.g.
the thermodynamic property uncertainty of the (c) + (e) through linear error
of the substance at the new numerical methods in propagation) for (a), (b), (c)
conditions the evaluation of EOS and (e)
124 Table 1 shows the sources of uncertainties in 173 may become larger than expected even if the
125 the various steps to build an EOS of a pure 174 corresponding training data points are observed
126 substance and to use the EOS to estimate a 175 accurately. Hence factors that affect the uncer-
127 thermodynamic property of the substance. It 176 tainties of models in addition to measurement
128 categorizes the uncertainty sources by struc- 177 uncertainties of model inputs must be consid-
129 tural uncertainties, epistemic (systematic) un- 178 ered.
130 certainties, and stochastic uncertainties accord- 179 While there are many important components
131 ing to Sin et al. 24 In step 1, there are structural 180 of uncertainties as shown in Table 1, previously
132 uncertainties for the mathematical form of the 181 reported methods only cover part of them. The
133 EOS, because other mathematical forms could 182 “uncertainties” mentioned in the work of Lem-
134 be used to construct the EOS. Step 2 adds epis- 183 mon et al. 12 only partially involve the calcu-
135 temic uncertainties to the process because the 184 lation of the sum of squares of errors between
136 choices of training data of the EOS are subjec- 185 estimation and measurement values of thermo-
137 tive. Step 3 adds the epistemic and stochastic 186 dynamic properties and part of the uncertainty
138 uncertainties of experimental setups and sen- 187 components (a) and (b) in Table 1. Uncertain-
139 sors, and different training data points have 188 ties propagated by the method of Kline and Mc-
140 different uncertainty values. 25 Step 4 only in- 189 Clintock 23 only involve uncertainty component
141 troduces epistemic uncertainties of the numer- 190 (e). Some methods also fail to address issues
142 ical errors of numerical methods in the param- 191 such as difficulty to refit the EOS and lack of
143 eter estimation. The uncertainties involved are 192 knowledge of measurement uncertianties of the
144 rather typically small (less than 10−6 % of the 193 training data. Hence a study should be con-
145 estimated dependent variable) 18 and are not 194 ducted to perform the uncertainty analysis of
146 calculated. However, the same process also en- 195 EOSs with other methods.
147 ables the calculation of uncertainties of param- 196 This paper aims to describe a covariance-
148 eters which are highly related to the uncertain- 197 based method to calculate uncertainty due to
149 ties in Steps 1 and 2. Step 5 is similar to Step 3: 198 both the sum of squares of residuals and the
150 another set of data from experiments for the in- 199 covariance matrix of the EOS of fluids with
151 puts to the EOS is considered that involves the 200 the same applicable range as the EOS, using
152 epistemic and stochastic uncertainties of new 201 the example of a multiparameter reference EOS
153 measurement values. Step 6 is the use of the 202 of propane (CAS registry number: 74-98-6). 12
154 EOS and may involve numerical iterations to 203 The developed method does not require re-
155 solve implicit equations, and hence its uncer- 204 fitting of the equation of state of the fluid and
156 tainties are not calculated. 205 can be used for an EOS of any pure substance.
157 Table 1 not only shows the sources of uncer- 206 The method is written in general form. If full
158 tainties but also a critical feature of the uncer- 207 and reliable measurement data are available,
159 tainty of a model: the uncertainty of a model 208 the methodology allows to take measurement
160 output at a condition is not only determined 209 uncertainty into account. However, if compre-
161 by the uncertainty of training data at that con- 210 hensive information of the uncertainty of the
162 dition. While intuition suggests that the un- 211 training data is not available, the methodol-
163 certainty of a model at an accurately measured 212 ogy shows how the EOS prediction uncertainty
164 training data point should be small, the uncer- 213 can be calculated without measurement uncer-
165 tainty of a model output at the data point also 214 tainty. Hence, the method invites both develop-
166 depends on other factors such as the structural 215 ers and users of EOS to consider the uncertainty
167 uncertainty and the subjective uncertainties in 216 through the covariance.
168 the choices of training data. For example, if the 217 To validate the method, study its applicabil-
169 structure of the model propagates the large un- 218 ity, and illustrate its applications, the uncer-
170 certainty of model outputs at some conditions 219 tainty is visualized in the saturation dome of
171 to model outputs at other conditions, the un- 220 the temperature-entropy and pressure-enthalpy
172 certainty of model outputs at other conditions 221 diagrams. The uncertainties of sound speed,

222 specific heat, and density at different temper- 265 regression equation, θ is a parameter vector of a
223 ature and pressure are also visualized to study 266 regression equation,  is an error of a regression
224 how they change under various conditions. 267 equation, σ is a standard deviation, N (0, σ 2 ) is
268 a Normal distribution with mean at zero and
269 standard deviation at σ.
225 2 Uncertainty of parame- 270 To calculate the parameter covariance matrix
226 ter estimation by param- 271 from the results of Eq. (1), other terms such as
272 the sum of squared errors and the Jacobian of
227 eter covariance matrix 273 function F (X, θ) in Eq. (1) are needed. From
274 the parameter estimation, the weighted sum of
228 In this paper, the uncertainty calculation pre- 275 squared errors SSE between the experimental
229 sented is based on the parameter covariance 276 and predicted data (y exp and F (X, θ)) can be
230 matrix. 26,27 The parameter covariance matrix 277 quantified as Eq. (2).
231 quantifies the uncertainties of the parameters
232 in an equation from a linear regression. It is SSE = Σi wi · (yiexp − F (θ))2 (2)
233 calculated based on a linear approximation to
234 a regression problem - the commonly performed 278 where SSE is the sum of squares of errors,
235 regression for the fitting of the EOS parameters 279 exp means experimental data, and wi is the
236 to experimental values - and is helpful for the 280 weighting factor in multi-variable non-linear re-
237 derivation of the uncertainty of output of the 281 gression
238 regression equation - the equation of state. 282 The Jacobian of function F (X, θ) represents
239 As an example, we consider a property y that 283 the local sensitivity of the property model
240 is described by a model F (X, θ), with X as the 284 F (X, θ) with respect to the parameter values
241 matrix of input variables and θ being a vec- 285 θ. It can be calculated by taking partial deriva-
242 tor of model parameters. 28 X represents the 286 tives of F (X, θ) as shown in Eq. (3).
243 experimental measurements. The uncertainty
244 analysis is performed after the successful iden- 
∂F (x , θ) ∂F (x , θ) ∂F (x , θ)

1 1 1
245 tification of the best parameter estimates θ∗  ∂θ1 ... ...
∂θk ∂θm 
246 through non-linear regression (fitting to exper- 
 ... ... ... ... ...

247 imental values by minimization of an objective  ∂F (xi , θ)

∂F (xi , θ) ∂F (xi , θ) 

248 function) and is begun by the calculation of its J(X, θ) =  ... ... 
 ∂θk ∂θk ∂θm 
249 parameter covariance matrix. 
 ... ... ... ... ... 

250 The calculation of the parameter covari-  ∂F (xn , θ) ∂F (xn , θ) ∂F (xn , θ) 
ance matrix allows linear error propagation ... ...
∂θ1 ∂θk ∂θm
252 for nonlinear regression models. Consider- (3)
253 ing the above-mentioned property y described 287 Its adaptation and calculation steps for EOS
254 by F (X, θ), the underlying assumption of this 288 will be discussed in later sections in detail.
255 method for uncertainty analysis is that the er- 289 The parameter wi is the weighting factor of
256 rors  (i.e. the differences between the model 290 the residuals (yiexp − F (θ)). When there is no
257 prediction and the experiments) are indepen- 291 weighting needed, wi is assigned to be 1. In
258 dently distributed and defined by a Gaussian 292 multivariate non-linear regression, 26 when fit-
259 distribution white noise (normal distribution 293 ting the experimental data of different proper-
260 with zero mean and unit standard deviation σ) 294 ties and orders of magnitude (e.g., pressure and
261 as expressed by Eq. (1). 295 temperature), a weighting factor is needed to
296 normalize the residuals, and wi will be set to
y = F (X, θ) +  2
 ∼ N (0, σ ) (1) 297 values such as 1/(yiexp )2 .
298 The covariance matrix of the parameters is in
262 where y is a dependent variable of a regression
299 its general form written as a function of the Ja-
263 equation, X is a matrix of independent variable
300 cobian matrix, J(X, θ∗ ), and the measurement
264 of a regression equation, F is a function of a

301 uncertainty matrix, V : 26 310 where n is the number of data points and m is
311 the number of parameters in a regression equa-
312 tion
COV (θ∗ ) = (J(X, θ∗ )T · V −1 · J(X, θ∗ ))−1 (4) 313 In Eq. (8), SSE is the value of the sum
314 of squared errors of the objective function ob-
J(X, θ∗ ) expresses the derivatives of F (X, θ) 315 tained from the least-squares parameter estima-
with respect to all parameters and is evaluated 316 tion method, n is the number of data points,
at parameter estimates θ∗ . V is a matrix con- 317 and m is the number of parameters.
taining the measurement uncertainty for each 318 Hence, the covariance matrix of parameters
data point as diagonal elements. Furthermore, 319 can be re-written by Eq. (9). 26
correlation information between the respective
measurement values can be represented as off-
diagonal elements. The elements of V are rep- COV (θ∗ ) = σ 2 (J(X, θ∗ )T J(X, θ∗ ))−1 (9)
resented as variances σ 2 , where σk,k would rep-
resent the standard deviation of measurement 320 where COV is a covariance matrix, θ∗ is an es-
k and n the number of measured data points: 321 timated parameter vector of a regression equa-
 2 322 tion and J is a Jacobian matrix.
2 2

σ1,1 . . . σ1,k . . . σ1,n 323 In Eq. (9), SSE is the value of the sum of
... ... ... ... ...  324 squared errors objective function obtained from
 2 2 2 

V = σ
 1,k . . . σ i,k . . . σ k,n  (5) 325 the least-squares parameter estimation method,
... ... ... ... ...  326 n is the number of data points, and m is the
2 2 2
σn,1 . . . σn,k . . . σn,n 327 number of parameters.
328 With COV (θ∗ ), the interdependence of the
If accurate measurement uncertainties are 329 parameters in the property model F (X, θ) can
available, V can be used. However, correla- 330 be quantified. This is done by calculating the
tion information is often not available for the 331 corresponding elements of the parameter corre-
measurement values or it is assumed that the 332 lation matrix obtained by Eq. (10).
measurements were uncorrelated. Hence, V is
approximated as a diagonal matrix with mea-
surement uncertainties: ∗ ∗
COV (θi∗ , θj∗ )
Corr(θi , θj ) = q (10)
V ar(θi∗ )V ar(θj∗ )
 2 
σ1,1 0 0 0 0
 0 ... 0 0 0 
where Corr means correlated coefficient and
 2

V =  0 0 σ k,k 0 0 
 (6) 333
 0 0 0 ... 0  334 V ar is a Variance
0 0 0 0 σn,n 2 335 In Eq. (10), COV (θi∗ , θj∗ ) is the respective el-
336 ement of the covariance matrix, and V ar(θi∗ )

V = diag[σ1,1 2
, . . . , σk,k 2
, . . . , σn,n ] (7) 337 and V ar(θj ) are the variances of the respective
338 parameters.
302 If the measurement uncertainties are not 339 The covariance matrix of the property model
303 properly reported for all data points, assuming 340 predictions can be approximated by linear error
304 arbitrary uncertainties can lead to over- or un- 341 propagation through the Jacobian of a vector of
305 derestimated uncertainties in θ and y. In order 342 independent variables ~x and the covariance of
306 to produce a simple assumption for the value 343 the parameter estimates as shown in Eq. (11).
307 of σ 2 , which is the variance of the errors , σ 2
308 can be estimated by the sum of squared errors
309 as shown in Eq. (8). COV (y pred ) = J(~x, θ∗ )COV (θ∗ )J(~x, θ∗ )T
2 SSE where pred means predicted values.
σ ≈ (8) 344
n−m With the covariance matrices of the param-

eters and the property model predictions, the 376 distributed measurement errors (according to
uncertainty of the parameters and the property 377 Eq. (1)) would correspond to completely uncor-
model predictions can be quantified using the 378 related measurement data (white noise). How-
confidence intervals of the parameters and prop- 379 ever, it is likely that data points from the
erty model predictions. If the assumptions be- 380 same data source will be correlated and sys-
hind the model are satisfied (as assumed in the 381 tematically higher or lower than another source.
previous steps), the parameter estimates will 382 These systematic errors depend on many fac-
follow a Student t-distribution and the confi- 383 tors such as the experimental set-up, the loca-
dence interval of parameters can be expressed 384 tion and the experimentalists themselves. In
as Eq. (12). 385 the current methodology these correlated mea-
p 386 surement errors have not been systematically
∗ ∗ ∗ )) · t(n − m, γ /2)
θ1−γ t /2
= θ ± diag(COV (θ t 387 incorporated, since it is out of the scope of the
(12) 388 current work.
345 where γt is the Student t distribution per-
346 centile and diag is a vector formed by the diag-
347 onal entries of a matrix. 389 3 Equation of state and its
348 Similarly, the confidence intervals of the prop- 390 uncertainty calculation
349 erty predictions are given by Eq. (13).
391 The thermodynamic properties of pure fluids
pred 392 were first calculated by using the ideal gas laws
y1−γ − y pred
pt /2 393 and variations of ideal gas laws. 29,30 In recent
= ± diag(COV (y pred )) · t(n − m, γt /2) 394 years, EOS have been developed that are based
(13) 395 on the fundamental formulation of the non-
350 In Eqs. (12) and (13), t(n−m, γt /2) is the Stu- 396 dimensionalized Helmholtz energy α = a/(RT )
351 dent t-distribution value corresponding to the 397 with temperature T and density ρ as indepen-
352 γt /2 percentile of the Student t-distribution, 398 dent variables. Extensive literature is available
353 diag(COV (θ∗ )) represents the diagonal el- 399 on these highly flexible empirical multiparame-
354 ements of COV (θ∗ ), and diag(COV (y pred )) 400 ter equations of state. 9,12,30 The detailed formu-
355 are the corresponding diagonal elements of 401 lations and derivations for the equations of state
356 COV (y pred ). 402 used in this paper can be found in the support-
357 The confidence intervals from Eqs. (12) 403 ing material, where all the property equations
358 and (13) can be regarded as the uncertainty 404 and variables of the EOS are listed.
359 of the parameters and the property model pre-
360 dictions, respectively, in very simple regression
361 models with uncorrelated parameters. They 405 3.1 Uncertainty of properties
362 quantify the range of possible outcomes of the 406 with T and ρ as inputs
363 EOS if the regression process is repeated with
407 We use the following formulation of the non-
364 data points obtained at other experimental
408 dimensionalized Helmholtz energy α with tem-
365 conditions. However, since all parameters are
409 perature and density as independent variables:
366 correlated with each other at some degree, the
367 basic theory is too simple for complex models
α( θEOS , Tc , ρc , T, ρ) =α0 ( θEOS , Tc , ρc , T, ρ)
368 like EOS which estimate different types of out-
369 puts based upon various types of experimental + αr ( θEOS , Tc , ρc , T, ρ)
370 data. The forthcoming sections describe how
371 the theory can be applied to the EOS to calcu-
372 late its uncertainty. 410 where α is dimensionless Helmholtz en-
373 The authors would also like to highlight 411 ergy, α0 is ideal gas component of dimen-
374 the problem of systematic measurement errors. 412 sionless Helmholtz energy, αr is dimensionless
375 The assumption of ideally and independently 413 Helmholtz energy due to intermolecular forces,

414 δ, is reduced density, τ is reciprocal of reduced 463 ever, there are usually considerable differences
415 temperature and EOS means equation of state. 464 among investigators in the measurement of the
416 Equation (14) is the the sum of two terms: α0 465 critical temperature Tc and critical density ρc as
417 is the non-dimensionalized Helmholtz energy of 466 shown by Lemmon et al. 12 This means that it is
418 an ideal gas, and αr accounts for the contri- 467 necessary to take into account the measurement
419 bution to Helmholtz energy as a result of inter- 468 uncertainties of the critical point when calculat-
420 molecular forces, where θEOS are the parameters 469 ing the uncertainty of the EOS outputs.
421 of the EOS. We use the notation θEOS , Tc , ρc 470 The covariance-based uncertainty analysis
422 to clearly indicate that θEOS , Tc and ρc are 471 method, which version for simple linear regres-
423 model parameters of the EOS. ρc is the density 472 sion models has been outlined in Section 2, is
424 at the critical point and Tc the critical tempera- 473 now described for the Helmholtz-based EOS.
425 ture. In some EOS (one example would be that 474 Equation (14) can be written analogously to
426 of refrigerant R-134a 31 ), a reference state other 475 Eq. (1) assuming ideally and independently dis-
427 than the critical point is used to reduce the 476 tributed errors defined by a Gaussian distribu-
428 temperature and density, but that is not fur- 477 tion white noise.
429 ther discussed here. In this work, we consider
430 the EOS of propane of Lemmon et al. 12 and
431 the EOS parameters θEOS can be obtained from y = F (X, ϑ) +   ∼ N (0, σ 2 ) (15)
432 the same work. From the non-dimensionalized
433 Helmholtz energy EOS other fluid properties
434 can be derived and calculated given  tempera-  y := [p, u, h, s, g, a, cv , cp , ω, φ, B, C, cp0 ] (16)
435 ture T , density ρ and parameters θEOS , Tc , ρc :
436 the pressure p, the molar internal energy u, the
437 molar enthalpy h, the molar entropy s, the mo- X := (T, ρ) (17)
438 lar Gibbs energy g, the molar Helmholtz energy
439 a , the molar isochoric heat capacity cv , the mo-
440 lar isobaric heat capacity cp , the speed of sound ϑ := [θEOS , Tc , ρc ] (18)
441 w, the fugacity coefficient φ, the second virial 478 Tc and ρc are defined according to the ex-
442 coefficient B, the third virial coefficient C, and 479 perimental results of thermodynamic properties
443 the ideal gas isobaric heat capacity cp0 12,30 (see 480 around the critical point, and we assume that
444 ?? for detailed derivations of all property equa- 481 the parameter estimation for θEOS (parameter
445 tions). 482 optimization and fitting to a large set of exper-
446 where p, Pressure in Pa, ρ is density in 483 imental data) has been completed by the devel-
447 mol/m3 , ρc is critical density in mol/m3 , u, is 484 opers of the EOS . The set of parameters called
448 molar internal energy in J/mol, h is molar en- 485 ∗
θEOS is known from the literature. 11 Hence, the
449 thalpy in J/mol, s is molar entropy in J/mol- 486 parameter estimates θEOS ∗
are used in this study
450 K, g is molar Gibbs energy in J/mol-K, a is 487 for the uncertainty analysis and re-training of
451 molar Helmholtz energy in J/mol, cv is molar 488 the data is not necessary.
452 isochoric heat capacity in J/mol-K, cp is molar 489 The parameters of the EOS are given by
453 isobaric heat capacity in J/mol-K, w is speed 490 θEOS = [θ1 , ..., θj , ..., θm ], with m being the num-
454 of sound in m/s, φ is Fugacity coefficient, B is 491 ber of parameters.
455 second virial coefficient in m3 /mol, C is third 492 However, experimental data need to be col-
456 virial coefficient in m6 /mol, cp0 is ideal gas spe- 493 lected or taken from the work of the developers
457 cific isobaric heat capacity in J/mol-K. 494 of the EOS because it is needed to calculate the
458 In the literature, Eq. (14) is conventionally 495 errors (differences between experimental data
459 written in terms of the reduced density δ = ρ/ρc 496 and predicted values by the EOS). For exam-
460 and reciprocal reduced temperature τ = Tc /T , 497 ple, in the case of propane, the EOS has been
461 where δ and τ are the independent variables of 498 fitted to experimental data of p, psat , cv , cp , w,
462 the EOS and θEOS are the parameters. How- 499 B, cp0 as functions of T and ρ. These vari-

500 ables are called fitted (or observed) variables squared relative errors objective function from
501 because some of their values are measured and the parameter estimation. 12 In order to obtain
502 included in the fitting process. Other variables SSEcp the parameter estimation does not need
503 (e.g., u, h, s, g, a, C and φ) are called (purely) to be retrained:
504 predicted variables because none of their experi- ncp  exp 2

505 mental measurements are included in the fitting X cp i − cp (θEOS , τi , δi )
SSEcp = (20)
506 process of the EOS. Some EOSs may have dif- i=1
cp exp
507 ferent sets of fitted variables and predicted vari-
508 ables depending on experimental data availabil- 542 where i is the index for the experimental con-
509 ity, but the proposed method focuses on using 543 dition (Ti , ρi ), cp exp
i is the experimental value of

510 the aforementioned set of fitted and predictive 544 specific heat and cp (θEOS , τi , δi ) is the predicted
511 variables for simplicity. The parameter covari- 545 specific heat value. The estimates for variances
512 ance matrix (i.e. the uncertainty information 546 of the other fitted properties are obtained for
513 of the parameter estimates θEOS ∗
) is obtained 547 σc2v , σw2 , σB2 , σc2p0 and σp2c . The estimate for the
514 through the use of data. The uncertainties of 548 error of Tc and ρc (σT2c and σρ2c ) can be calcu-
515 T , ρ, p, cv , cp , w, B and cp0 as well as u, h, s, 549 lated from the standard deviation of the exper-
516 C, φ, a and g estimated by the EOS are then 550 imental measurements. Lemmon et al. 12 used
517 obtained by linear error propagation. 551 a different objective function for the residual
518 For the fitted properties, there are a number 552 errors in the pressure as shown in Eq. (21), in
519 of n experimental data points respectively, e.g. 553 order to obtain similar magnitudes of the liquid
520 pexp = [pexp exp exp
1 , ..., pnp ], cv = [cexp exp
v 1 , ..., cv ncv ], etc. 554 and vapor phase.
521 We describe specifically how the uncertainty
522 analysis described in Section 2 can be applied to  2
523 the estimation of the uncertainty of the predic-
X  pexp − p(θ∗ , τi , δi ) 
524 tions of EOS. We will  use the notation intro- SSEp =  i  EOS  (21)

duced above for α( θEOS , Tc , ρc , T, ρ), where
 i

525 i ρexp
526 the parameters for the EOS are θEOS , Tc and ∂ρi T
527 ρc , and the independent variables are T and ρ.
528 Equation (9) described the covariance matrix 555 where pexp
i is the experimental pressure value,

529 of the parameters determined from the vari- 556 p(θEOS , τi , δi ) is the predicted pressure value,
530 ances of errors σ 2 and the Jacobian J(θ∗ ), where 557 ρexp
i is the experimental density value and

σ 2 is obtained from the sum of squared errors 558 ∂pi

531 is the partial derivative of the pressure
532 SSE of the objective function from the least- ∂ρi T

533 square parameter estimation. Hence, in the 559 with respect to the density calculated at θEOS .
534 case of the fundamental EOS for propane, as 560 In order for the uncertainty assessment of the
535 described by Lemmon et al., 12 SSE is described 561 EOS to be consistent with the EOS itself, the
536 as the sum of squared relative errors – the dif- 562 exact objective function used in the training of
537 ference between the predicted and experimen- 563 the EOS is needed, but this is very difficult to
538 tal property value divided by the experimental 564 achieve in practice. The state-of-the-art fitting
539 value (least square regression). Hence, for the 565 process includes addition and removal of data
540 example of the fitted property cp , its variance 566 points and constraints in an iterative fashion,
541 σ 2 should be written as 567 and it is not possible to obtain the weights that
568 were ultimately used in the regression process.
SSEcp 569 Therefore, the weights that were used in the
σc2p ≈ (19) 570 fitting process of Lemmon et al. 12 are unknow-
ncp − mcp
571 able, and an estimation of the objective func-
where ncp is the number of data points for cp
572 tion (i.e. the corresponding SSE) is required.
and mcp is the number of EOS parameters that
573 While Eq. (21) is appropriate for pressure
are needed to calculate cp using the EOS (note
574 data points with density and temperature as
ncp −mcp > 0). SSEcp is the value of the sum of

575 independent variables, it is not suitable for va- 608 as more accurate approximations to Eq. (22).
576 por pressure data. For vapor pressure data, the 609 The derivations in the supplemental material
577 desired residue would be 610 explain how this non-dimensionalization can be
611 obtained, following the assumptions that a)
612 a first-order series expansion of Gibbs energy
X  pexp − psat (θ∗ , τi ) 2
SSEpsat = i
, (22) 613 with respect to pressure difference can be used,
p i 614 b) the vapor phase derivative of Gibbs energy
615 with respect to pressure at constant tempera-
578 though this form is not suitable because the 616 ture is much greater in magnitude than that of
579 evaluation of psat requires an iterative solution 617 the liquid phase, and c) the vapor phase can be
580 for the vapor pressure, which is a calculation 618 treated as an ideal gas.
581 fraught with potential perils. For that reason, 619 Figure 1 presents numerical values for each
582 it is preferrable, and common practice, to mini- 620 of the approximations to the vapor pressure
583 mize the difference in Gibbs energy between the 621 residue of propane. This figure demonstrates
584 saturated liquid and vapor phases for the given 622 that ∆g/(RT ) provides a fair representation
585 temperature and pressure (see for instance Bell 623 of the saturation pressure residue although the
586 et al. 32 ). In this case, the densities must be 624 second-order expansion yields a superior evalu-
587 solved for in each phase, but the full resolution 625 ation of the vapor pressure residue.
588 of the Maxwell criteria is not required.
To describe the minimization process in terms

590 of SSE, Eq. (23) is used with vapor pressure

0.6 RT
591 data. first

SSEg =
" ∗ ρ ∗ ρmax,i
P g(θEOS , τi , min,i ) − g(θ , τi , )
ρc EOS ρc
ρ(Tiexp , pexp
ρmin,i = min(~ i )) (24)
ρ(Tiexp , pexp
ρmax,i = max(~ i )) (25) 0.6
592 where ρmin is the minimum density calculated 0.5 0.0 0.5
593 by iteratively solving for density from the speci- (pexp pcalc)/pexp
594 fied temperature and pressure, ρmax is the maxi-
595 mum density calculated from the same iterative Figure 1: Comparing three different approxima-
596 calculation of density, R is the universal gas tions to the deviation in pressure with relative
597 constant, Tiexp is the experimental temperature error in pressure calculation. For more infor-
598 reading in the vapor pressure data. mation, see the derivations in the supplemental
599 One may wonder if the SSE in Eq. (23) is material (RT: res = ∆g/(RT ), first: a first-
600 suitable to describe the deviation in pressure order expansion in pressure difference, dropping
601 differences between estimated and measured va- the liquid derivative without any further simpli-
602 por pressure. To verify that Eq. (23) is approxi- fications, second: a second order expansion in
603 mately equivalent to Eq. (22), the relative devi- pressure difference without any further simpli-
604 ation between the estimated and pressure pres- fications)
605 sure is plotted with the difference of the Gibbs
606 energy of saturated liquid and vapor divided by 626 The results show that the difference of Gibbs
607 the product of the gas constant and T , as well 627 energy can effectively describe the difference

628 between estimated and measured vapor pres- 677 the corresponding experimental values used to
629 sure. However, since the differences of pressure 678 normalize the Jacobian. The method to calcu-
630 are not really used in the estimation of the co- 679 late the partial derivatives is discussed in the
631 efficients in the Helmholtz-energy-based EOS, 680 Supplementary Materials for reference.
632 Eq. (23) is used in this study. 681 Assuming that the uncertainties of critical
633 A diagonal matrix containing all the er- 682 properties have no effect on the estimation
634 ror variances can then be built as follows in 683 of the coefficients θEOS and do not propagate
635 Eq. (26). 684 through their estimation process, the Jacobian
636 where V is a matrix of variance. 685 of p evaluated at the experimental values can
637 The V matrix in Eq. (26) contain 2npv num- 686 be simplified by setting the last two columns of
638 ber of σg2 because each σg2 is calculated by two 687 values in Eq. (29) as zeros.
639 predicted values: the predicted values of Gibbs 688 It is important to notice that Jp is evaluated

640 energy of saturated vapor and the predicted val- 689 at the parameter estimates θEOS , but is a func-
641 ues of Gibbs energy of saturated liquid. 690 tion of T and ρ. In analogy, the Jacobian for
642 The Jacobian for all of the fitted properties 691 the other fitted data can be obtained, giving
643 needs to be calculated at the specific experi- 692 Jcv , Jcp , Jw , JB and Jcp0 . Since we are account-
644 mental measurement point of the variables T 693 ing for the effect of the uncertainties of critical
645 and ρ (or τ and δ respectively for their dimen- 694 densities and critical temperature, their Jaco-
646 sionless form), and at the specific fitted param- 695 bians are given as

647 eter values θEOS . However, since the variances
648 σp , σg , σcp , σcv , σw2 , σB2 , σc2p0 , σT2c and σp2c used
2 2 2 2
 ∂Tc 1

649 relative errors, the elements of the Jacobians 01xm ∂Tc,1 Tc,1
 ... ... . . .
650 need to be normalized by their corresponding  
∂Tc 1
JTc = 01xm 0

651 experimental value. As an example, the gen- ∂Tc,i Tc,i 
 ... ... . . .
 
652 eral analytical expression of the Jacobian of p
∂Tc 1
653 can be written as Eq. (27). 01xm ∂Tc,nT Tc,nT
c c
654 While the Jacobians of an experimental data  1
 (30)
01xm nTc Tc,1
655 point of most fitted variables can be calculated  ...
656 in a similar way as Eq. (27), the Jacobian of  ... . . .

= 01xm 0

657 each experimental observation of vapor pressure nTc Tc,i 
 ... ... . . .
 
658 are calculated differently because they have two
659 predicted values of Gibbs energy in each dif- 01xm nTc Tc,nT
660 ference term in Eq. (23). To involve the par-
661 tial derivatives of both predicted values in the  ∂ρc 1 
662 SSEg , the Jacobian of vapor pressure is a 2 × 01xm 0 ∂ρc,1 ρc,1
663 (m+2) matrix as Eq. (28)  ... ... ... 
 
∂ρc 1
664 The first row of the Jacobian in Eq. (28) cor- Jρc = 01xm
 0 ∂ρc,i ρc,i

665 responds to the predicted values of Gibbs en-  ...

... ...

666 ergy of the maximum density value at the vapor 01xm 0 ∂ρc 1
∂ρc,nρc ρc,nρc
667 pressure, and the second row of the Jacobian  1
 (31)
668 corresponds to the predicted values of Gibbs 01xm 0 nρc ρc,1
 ... ... ...
energy of the minimum density values at the

669  
corresponding temperature. = 01xm 0 .
 
670 nρc ρc,i
The Jacobian of the fitted data of p at multi-  ... ... ...
 
671 
672 ple experimental data points of τ and δ, evalu- 01xm 0 nρc ρc,nρc

673 ated at the parameter estimates θEOS is then

674 given by Eq. (29), where Jp (θEOS , τ, δ) is a 696 The combined Jacobian of the fitted data p,

675 np x (m+2) matrix with θEOS = [θ1∗ , ..., θm

], 697 pv , cv , cp , w, B and cp0 can constructed as in
676 τ = [τ1 , ..., τnp ] and δ = [δ1 , ..., δnp ]. pi are 698 Eq. (32).

V = diag[σp2 , ..., σp2 , σg2 , ..., σg2 , σc2v , ..., σc2v , σc2p , ..., σc2p , σw2 , ..., σw2 , σB2 , ..., σB2 , σn2 cp0 , ..., σn2 cp0 , σT2c , ..., σT2c , σρ2c , ..., σρ2c ]
| {z } | {z } | {z } | {z } | {z } | {z } | {z } | {z } | {z }
np 2npv ncv ncp nw nB ncp0 nTc nρc


1 h ∂p ∗ ∂p ∗ ∂p ∂p
(θ∗ , Ti , ρi ) (θ∗ , Ti , ρi )
Jp ( θEOS , Tc , ρc , Ti , ρi ) = exp ∂θ1 (θEOS , Ti , ρi ) . . . ∂θM
(θEOS , Ti , ρi ) ∂Tc EOS ∂ρc EOS

 ∗  1
Jpv ( θEOS , Tc , ρc , Ti , pi ) = ×
" #
(θ∗ , Ti , ρmin,i ) . . . ∂θ∂gM (θEOS
∂θ1 EOS

, Ti , ρmin,i ) ∂g
(θ∗ , Ti , ρmin,i )
(θ∗ , Ti , ρmin,i )
∂ρc EOS
∂g ∗ ∂g ∗ ∂g ∂g
(θ , Ti , ρmax,i ) . . . ∂θM (θEOS , Ti , ρmax,i )
∂θ1 EOS
(θ∗ , Ti , ρmax,i )
(θ∗ , Ti , ρmax,i )
∂ρc EOS

∂p ∂p ∂p ∂p
 ∂τ1
∂δ1 

∂θ1 θEOS ,T1 ,ρ1 ∗
∂θm θEOS ,T1 ,ρ1 ∗
∂τ1 θEOS ,T1 ,ρ1 ∂Tc ∗
∂δ1 θEOS ,T1 ,ρ1 ∂ρc
exp ... exp
p1 p1 pexp pexp
 
 1 1 
... ... ... ... ...
 
 
 ∂p ∂p ∂p ∂τi ∂p
∂δi 
 ∂θ1 θ∗ ,Ti ,ρi ∗
∂θm θEOS ,Ti ,ρi ∗
∂τi θEOS ,Ti ,ρi ∂Tc ∗
∂δi θEOS ,Ti ,ρi ∂ρc

Jp =  EOS
exp ...  (29)

 p i pexp
i pexp
i pexp

 ... ... ... ... ...
 

 ∂p ∂p
∂τnp ∂p
∂δ n p 
 ∂θ1 θ∗ ,Tnp ,ρnp ∗
∂θm θEOS ,Tnp ,ρnp ∗
∂τnp θEOS ,Tnp ,ρnp ∂Tc ∂δnp θ∗ ,Tnp ,ρnp ∂ρc 
pn p pexp
np pexp

 ∗   
Jp ( θEOS , Tc , ρc , T, ρ)

Jpv ( θEOS
 ∗ , Tc , ρc , T, p)

Jcv ( θEOS , Tc , ρc , T, ρ)
  ∗  
Jcp ( θEOS
 ∗ , Tc , ρc , T, ρ)

 ∗  
Jtot ( θEOS , Tc , ρc , T, ρ, p) = 
 Jw ( θEOS , Tc , ρc , T, ρ) 
 (32)

 JB ( θ , Tc , ρc , T ) 
 EOS 
 Jc ( θ∗ , Tc , ρc , T ) 
 p0 EOS 
 JTc 

699 where tot means total.

 ∗  706 only.
700 The Jacobian Jtot ( θEOS , Tc , ρc , T, ρ, p) is a 707 In Eq. (32), with the exception of Jpv , all
701 (np +2npv +ncv +ncp +nw +nB +ncp0 +nTc +nρc ) 708 output variables are assumed to be associated
702 x (m + 2) matrix. Jpv are functions of T and p 709 with measurements of temperature and den-
703 because their SSE in Eq. (23) have no density 710 sity. However, in actual experiments, other
704 values as inputs. JB and Jcp0 are not functions 711 sets of variables like temperature and pressure
705 of δ because B and cp0 depend on temperature 712 are more natural independent variables. Hence,

713 conversion for the measurement data point is 737 The variances σ are essentially weighting fac-
714 needed before it can be used to calculate the 738 tors for the elements of the Jacobian.
715 Jacobian. For data with temperature and pres- 739 To avoid refitting the EOS for the covariance
716 sure measurement but unknown density val- 740 between the coefficients and the critical values,
717 ues, the density values are calculated from the 741 it is assumed that the uncertainties of critical
718 temperature and pressure measurement via the 742 properties have a negligible effect on the esti-
719 EOS. The conversion method for density of dif- 743 mation of the coefficients θEOS . The covariance
720 ferent variables is outlined in Table 2. 744 can be written as

Table 2: Methods of data conversion for density  ∗ 

values in Jacobian calculation COV ( θEOS , Tc , ρc )

 
COV (θEOS ) 0 0
Type of mea- Density values  σT2c 
surement  0 0  (35)
 Tc2 
cp0 Not needed  2

σρc 
p, ρ, T From ρ measurement 0 0
B Not needed where ∗
 ∗ COV (θEOS ) is the submatrix of
w, cp and cv Calculated by T and p 746 COV ( θEOS , Tc , ρc ) describing the covariances
from EOS 747 of the EOS parameters but not Tc and ρc .

748 COV (θEOS ) can also be obtained directly by
721 According to Eq. (9), the covariance matrix 749 using Eqs. (32) and (33) when Tc and ρc are as-
can be given as in Eq. sumed to be known perfectly and have therefore
no uncertainty.

723 The size of COV ( θEOS , Tc , ρc ) depends on 751

724 the number of parameters in the EOS. For ex- 752 Calculating COV (θEOS ) based on Eq. (35), it
725 ample, the EOS of propane has 97 parameters 753 is possible to calculate the respective 95% con-
726 that are obtained from measured data in the 754 fidence interval of the EOS parameter values
727 literature. Taking into account Tc and ρc , its 755 θEOS
728 covariance matrix is a 99×99 square matrix. 12
729 The EOS of refrigerant R-22 has 55 parameters θEOS,1−γt /2
730 and its covariance matrix is a 57×57 square ma- q
9 ∗ ∗
731 trix. =θ EOS ± diag(COV (θEOS )) · t(n − m, γt /2)
732 Following Eq. (9), the variance σp is only mul- (36)

733 tiplied with the elements of Jp (θEOS , τ, δ); the
734 same holds for the other properties. In order to 756 In Eq. (36) t(n − m, γt /2) is the Student t-
735 illustrate this, it is possible to re-write Eq. (32) 757 distribution value corresponding to the γt /2
736 in the following way 758 percentile of the Student t-distribution.
759 The covariance of the prediction of a certain
 760 property is obtained from the respective Jaco-
1/σp2 · Jp

761 bian and the parameter covariance matrix and
 1/σg2 · Jpv 
  762 is dimensionalized so that its unit should be the
 1/σcv · Jcv 
 763 square of that of the property. For example, the
 1/σc2 · Jcp 

p  764 covariance COV (p) for a pressure p is given by
V −1 ·Jtot ( θEOS
  2
, Tc , ρc , T, ρ, p) = 
 1/σ w · Jw

 765 Eqs. (37) and (38).
 1/σ · JB 
 B  766 where j is aJacobian vector
1/σ 2 · Jc  ∗

 cp0 p0  767 The COV ( θEOS , Tc , ρc ) is a matrix with
 1/σ 2 · JT 
Tc c 768 elements independent of the input variables
1/σρ2c · Jρc 769 to EOS. However, the adjusted Jacobian
(34) 770 j (θ∗ , T , ρ  , T, ρ) depends on the value of
p EOS c c

, Tc , ρc , T, ρ)T · V −1 · Jtot ( θEOS
 ∗    ∗   ∗ 
COV ( θEOS , Tc , ρc ) = Jtot ( θEOS , Tc , ρc , T, ρ) (33)

 ∗   ∗   ∗ 
COV (p) = Jp ( θEOS , Tc , ρc , T, ρ) · COV ( θEOS , Tc , ρc ) · Jp ( θEOS , Tc , ρc , T, ρ)T · p2
∗ ∗ ∗ (37)
= jp ( θEOS , Tc , ρc , T, ρ) · COV ( θEOS , Tc , ρc ) · jp ( θEOS , Tc , ρc , T, ρ)T

h i
∂p ∗ ∂p ∗ ∂p ∂p
(θ∗ , T, ρ) (θ∗ , T, ρ)
jp ( θEOS , Tc , ρc , T, ρ) = ∂θ 1
(θEOS , T, ρ) . . . ∂θM
(θEOS , T, ρ) ∂Tc EOS ∂ρc EOS

771 T or ρ for the prediction. In complete analogy 805 for a calculation of the 95% confidence interval
772 the covariance matrix is obtained for purely pre- 806 for pressure p and entropy s. The same holds
773 dicted properties such as entropy s by Eqs. (39) 807 for the other properties.
774 and (40). The covariance matrix of other pre-
775 dicted properties (e.g. u, h, a, g, φ and C) can p
776 be calculated in a similar manner. ppred
1−γt /2 = p
± diag(COV (p))·t(n−m, γt /2)
777 The calculation of the two covariance matri- (41)
778 ces is numerically not trivial.
 ∗ The parameter

779 covariance matrix COV ( θEOS , Tc , ρc ) is the- p
780 oretically obtained through an inversion (see spred
1−γt /2 = s
± diag(COV (s))·t(n−m, γt /2)
781 Eq. (33)). However, both the Jacobians and the (42)
782 parameter covariance matrices are very large 808 It is important to notice that in this study
783 sparse matrices and the parameter covariance 809 the sum of squared errors and the Jacobian of
784 matrix can also be positive semi-definite, which 810 the fitted properties used relative values, i.e.
785 means it has columns that are numerically close 811 the residuals and the derivatives have been di-
786 to being linearly dependent. We recommend 812 vided by the corresponding experimental value.
787 the following procedure to overcome these is- 813 This corresponded to the objective function for
788 sues: 814 the fitting of the parameters used by Lem-
815 mon et al. 12 However, this means that the co-
789 1. In order to store more significant digits of 816 variance matrices provide the relative uncer-
790 matrix elements and to allow more precise 817 tainties, which subsequently need to be mul-
791 matrix operations compared to ordinary 818 tiplied with the corresponding predicted ther-
792 algebraic calculation of matrices, we rec- 819 modynamic property from the EOS, in order to
793 ommend the usage of arbitrary precision 820 obtain the absolute uncertainty range as shown
794 methods, such as mpmath in the Python 821 in Eqs. (41) and (42).
795 programming language. 822 Similar methods can be used to calculate the
823 uncertainties of the differences of properties be-
796 2. For the calculation of the covariance ma-
824 cause covariance of differences or sums of prop-
797 trices of the properties, e.g. COV (p) or
825 erties can be calculated in a similar manner.
798 COV (s), we have used LU decomposi-
826 This is especially important for properties like
799 tion. The calculation is shown in the sup-
827 u, s, h, a and g, in which only the differ-
800 porting information.
828 ence of values matters in EOS applications.
801 Having obtained the respective covariance 829 For example, to calculate the uncertainty of
802 matrices of the properties, it is now possible 830 the difference of two entropy values s1 (T1 , ρ1 )
803 to calculate the 95% confidence interval of the 831 and s2 (T2 , ρ2 ), one can first calculate the Jaco-
804 respective properties. Eqs. (41) and (42) allow 832 bian of the difference between the two values

, Tc , ρc , T, ρ)T
 ∗   ∗   ∗ 
COV (s) = js ( θEOS , Tc , ρc , T, ρ) · COV ( θEOS , Tc , ρc ) · js ( θEOS (39)

 ∂s ∗ ∗
∂s ∂s
(θ∗ , T, ρ) ∂s
(θ∗ , T, ρ)
js ( θEOS , Tc , ρc , T, ρ) = ∂θ 1
(θEOS , T, ρ) . . . ∂θM
(θEOS , T, ρ) ∂Tc EOS ∂ρc EOS

833 by Eq. (43) and calculate the covariance using done by Eqs. (46) and (47).
834 Eq. (44).
∂T pred ∂T

js1 −s2 ( θEOS , Tc , ρc , T, ρ)T
 = ∂x1 ∆x1 + ∂x2 ∆x 2

x2 x1

 ∂s1 ∗ ∂s2 ∗
(θ , T1 , ρ1 ) − ∂θ (46)

∂θ1 EOS 1
(θEOS , T2 , ρ2 )
 
 
 ∂s1 ∗ ∂s ∗
=  ∂θ (θEOS , T1 , ρ1 ) − ∂θ (θEOS , T2 , ρ2 ) pred

 ∂s1 ∗ m

 ∂T (θEOS , T1 , ρ1 ) − ∂T (θEOS , T2 , ρ2 )  ∂ρpred ∂ρ

∂s2 = ∂x1 ∆x1 + ∆x 2

(θ∗ , T1 , ρ1 ) − ∂ρ ∗ ∂x2
∂ρc EOS c
(θEOS , T2 , ρ2 ) x2 x1

(43) (47)
839 where ∆x is the standard uncertainty of vari-
835 The uncertainty of the difference between s1 840 able x, T pred and ρpred are the temperature and
836 and s2 can be calculated by Eq. (45). 841 density values predicted by using an iterative
842 solver with the EOS, x1 and x2 are the inde-
pendent variables used to predict T pred or ρpred ,
837 3.2 Properties with inputs other 843
844 ∆x1 and ∆x2 are the EOS uncertainties of the
838 than T and ρ 845 variables x1 and x2 calculated by using the tem-
In practical applications of EOS, there are 846 perature and density values in Eq. (42), and
many scenarios where the inputs to the EOS 847 the partial derivatives are obtained according
are not temperature and density. For exam- 848 to Thorade and Saadat. 34
ple, a user may be given the measured temper- 849 If any of x1 and x2 in Eqs. (46) and (47) are T
ature and pressure of a fluid to find the speed of 850 or ρ, their corresponding uncertainties in these
sound, and the user must use an iterative solver 851 equations will be zero.
to find the density of the fluid first before calcu- 852 Since the use of Eqs. (46) and (47) is a result
lating the speed of sound. For substances that 853 of the difficulty to define covariance of temper-
are either superheated vapor or subcooled liq- 854 ature and density, calculating the uncertainties
uid, if the output variable required is neither 855 of the sums and differences of temperature and
temperature nor density, the calculation of the 856 density with equations similar to Eq. (45) is im-
uncertainty of the output variable will follow 857 possible. Hence the calculation of the uncer-
that in Section 3.1 after calculating the missing 858 tainties of the sums and differences of tempera-
temperature and density values by using an it- 859 ture and density is the same as that of ordinary
erative solver on the EOS. However, if the out- 860 variables and follows the method in Kline and
put variable is either temperature or density, 861 McClintock. 23
the uncertainty of the output variable should
be calculated by propagating the uncertainty of 862 3.3 Saturated liquid and vapor
the input variable due to the EOS to the output 863 properties
using the linearization of the EOS. 23,33 This is
864 Calculation of thermodynamic properties of a
865 fluid that is based on temperature and density

, Tc , ρc , T, ρ)T (44)
 ∗   ∗   ∗ 
COV (s1 − s2 ) = js1 −s2 ( θEOS , Tc , ρc , T, ρ) · COV ( θEOS , Tc , ρc ) · js1 −s2 ( θEOS

spred pred
1,1−γt /2 − s2,1−γt /2 = s1 − s2 ± diag(COV (s1 − s2 )) · t(n − m, γt /2) (45)

866 values for a homogeneous phase can be achieved 900 Eqs. (50) and (51).
867 by the procedure in Section 3.1. However, users
868 of EOS are often asked for fluid properties of
869 saturated liquid and vapor of a fluid given a ∆ρl
 ∂res −1 
870 temperature or pressure value only. According = ∂ρl 1 ∆res1 + ∂ρl 2

871 to Lemmon et al., 12 this is achieved by finding
872 two density values for which Gibbs energy and
873 pressure values are equivalent at the given tem-
874 perature value – this is the Maxwell’s criteria. ∆ρ
The smaller density value corresponds to the

875 ∂res −1 
= ∂ρv1 ∆res1 + ∂ρv2 ∆res2

876 density of saturated vapor whereas the larger T T
877 density value corresponds to the density of sat- (51)
878 urated liquid, and the other properties of satu- 901 However, ∆res2 in Eqs. (50) and (51) involves
879 rated liquid and vapor can be calculated from 902 uncertainty of pressure of saturated liquid that
880 the density values. The uncertainty of the ther- 903 changes very nonlinearly with respect to den-
881 modynamic properties (calculated through the 904 sity. The rapid changes of the sensitivity of
882 equations in ??) can be calculated in the same 905 saturated liquid pressure with density renders
883 manner as that in Section 3.1 once the density 906 linear error propagation to be invalid to cal-
884 values are found. The calculation of the residu- 907 culate the uncertainties in Eqs. (50) and (51).
885 als in the Maxwell criteria is given by Eqs. (48) 908 To calculate ∆res2 for the linear error propa-
886 and (49). 909 gation in Eqs. (50) and (51), the uncertainty of
910 the Gibbs energy difference in Eq. (52) is used
911 to approximate the uncertainty of difference of
res1 = g(ρv , T ) − g(ρl , T ) (48) 912 pressure values as shown in Eq. (53).
res2 = p(ρv , T ) − p(ρl , T ), (49)
∆res2 = (53)
887 where res is a residual function. RT
888 where res1 and res2 are residual functions of 913 Equation (53) is used because the relative dif-
889 the Maxwell criteria. By finding the density 914 ference of Gibbs energy between saturated liq-
890 values that lead to zero values for both residual 915 uid and vapor changes proportionally with the
891 functions, the saturation densities of the fluid 916 difference of estimated and measured saturated
892 at a certain temperature T can be found. 917 pressure as shown in Fig. 1.
893 The uncertainty of the Gibbs energy differ- 918 Since residual functions calculate the differ-
894 ence in Eq. (48) given by ∆res1 can be calcu- 919 ences of Gibbs energy and pressure respectively,
895 lated by calculating the covariance of the Gibbs 920 the uncertainties of the corresponding Gibbs
896 energy values from Eq. (52). 921 energy and pressure at saturation are given by
897 The uncertainties of the density values can 922 the uncertainties of the residual functions as
898 then be calculated by propagating the uncer- 923 shown in Eqs. (54) and (55).
899 tainties of the residual functions as shown in

∆res1 = diag(COV (g(ρv , T ) − g(ρl , T ))) · t(n − m, γt /2) (52)

951 is needed, the calculation can be carried out by

952 Eqs. (58) and (59).
∆gsat = ∆res1 (54) 953 The uncertainty of the entropy of vaporiza-
∆psat = ∆res2 (55) 954 tion can be calculated by Eq. (60).
955 Uncertainties of other properties (e.g., u, h,
924 where sat means saturation. 956 a, cp , cv and φ) of saturated liquid and va-
925 With the approximation in Eq. (53), the un- 957 por can be calculated in a similar manner as
926 certainties of p and g at saturation in Eqs. (54) 958 Eqs. (56) and (57). Numerically, the uncer-
927 and (55) and the definition of fugacity, the un- 959 tainties can also be calculated from Eq. (42)
928 certainty of fugacity coefficient φ at saturation 960 with density and temperature of the saturated
929 can be derived to be zero and the relative un- 961 liquid and vapor, but Eq. (42) does not in-
930 certainty of fugacity equals to the relative un- 962 clude the uncertainty in the EOS caused by
931 certainty of pressure at saturation in Eq. (55). 963 the Maxwell criteria and underestimates the un-
932 However, other thermodynamic properties at 964 certainties. Hence when the uncertainties of
933 the saturated states are calculated by solving 965 properties at saturation are needed, Eqs. (56)
934 the original EOS with the density values from 966 and (57) should be used to calculate the uncer-
935 the Maxwell criteria and the original tempera- 967 tainties of entropy of the saturated liquid and
936 ture input to the Maxwell criteria. The calcu- 968 vapor instead.
937 lation would propagate the uncertainties calcu- 969 Properties other than temperature can be
938 lated from Eqs. (50) and (51), and the uncer- 970 used as inputs to the EOS to calculate the ther-
939 tainties from Eqs. (50) and (51) will be added 971 modynamic properties of saturated states; for
940 to the uncertainties from Eq. (42) to calculate 972 instance pressure can be used as an input to find
941 the uncertainties of these thermodynamic prop- 973 the saturation temperature of a fluid at that
942 erties. For example, the uncertainty of entropy 974 pressure. To calculate the uncertainty of satu-
943 of saturated liquid and saturated vapor are cal- 975 ration temperature, the uncertainty of pressure
944 culated by adding the uncertainties as Eqs. (56) 976 in Eq. (55) can be used to propagate the un-
945 and (57). 977 certainty of the EOS to the saturation temper-
978 ature value, and the uncertainty of saturation
u diag(COV (s(T, ρ ))) · t(n − m, γ /2)2 979
v temperature can be calculated by Eq. (61).
u l t
u  ∂sl 2 

∆sl = t ∂T

∆Tsat = ∆psat (61)

+ ∂ρl sat ∆ρl
∂T sat
dp sat

(56) dT
980 where |sat is calculated by the Clapeyron
v 981 relation as shown in Eq. (62). 29
u diag(COV (s(T, ρv ))) · t(n − m, γt /2)2
u  ∂sv 2
∆sv = t ∂T |sat
dT 1/ρl − 1/ρv
+ ∂ρv ∆ρv = (62)
∂T |sat dp sat sv − sl
(57) 982 and the uncertainty in vapor pressure ∆psat is
946 where l means saturated liquid and v is satu- 983 obtained from Eq. (53).
947 rated vapor.
948 When the uncertainty of the differences be-
949 tween the entropy of saturated liquid or vapor
950 and an entropy value in a homogeneous phase

v !2
∂T sat
∆(sl − s1p ) = tdiag(COV (s(T, ρl ) − s1p (T1p , ρ1p ))) · t(n − m, γt /2)2 + ∆ρl
∂T sat

v !2
∂T sat
∆(sv − s1p ) = tdiag(COV (s(T, ρv ) − s1p (T1p , ρ1p ))) · t(n − m, γt /2)2 + ∆ρv
∂T sat

udiag(COV (s(T, ρ ) − s(T, ρ ))) · t(n − m, γ /2)2
u v l t
 ∂sl 2
∆(sv − sl ) = t (60)
∂T |sat
+ ∂ρl sat ∆ρl − ∂ρ ∆ρv
∂T |sat
∂T sat

984 3.4 Thermodynamic quality

985 When defining the thermodynamic state of liq- ∂q 1−q
=   (65)
986 uid and vapor phases in equilibrium of a pure ∂ρl 2 1 1
substance, an additional property called ther- ρl −
987 ρv ρl
988 modynamic quality as defined by ∂q q
=   (66)
1/ρ − 1/ρl (T ) ∂ρv 2
1 1
q= (63) ρv −
1/ρv (T ) − 1/ρl (T ) ρv ρl
989 where q is thermodynamic quality. 1007 where ∆q is the uncertainty of the thermody-
990 is commonly used, where ρl is the density1008 namic quality, and ∆ρv and ∆ρl are uncertain-
991 of saturated liquid, ρv is the density of satu-1009 ties calculated in Section 3.3.
992 rated vapor, q is the thermodynamic quality,1010 If either temperature or density are not given
993 and ρv ≤ ρ ≤ ρl . 1011 as inputs to the EOS, they will be first calcu-
994 Although q is not given as part of an out-1012 lated by solving the EOS iteratively. The tem-
995 put of a part of Helmholtz-based EOS, it is1013 perature and density values will be used to cal-
996 commonly computed as an internal function in1014 culate uncertainty of the thermodynamic qual-
997 software packages calculating thermodynamic1015 ity according to Eq. (64).
998 properties, and hence it is necessary to define its
999 uncertainty calculation. From Eq. (63), it can
1016 3.5 Other thermodynamic prop-
1000 be seen that the uncertainty of thermodynamic
1001 quality due to EOS mainly comes from the cal-1017 erties of two-phase mixtures
1002 culation of the density of the saturated liquid1018 The calculation method of the uncertainty of
1003 and vapor. By propagating the uncertainty of1019 the property from the EOS for two-phase sys-
1004 the density of saturated liquid and vapor, the1020 tems with input variables other than tempera-
1005 uncertainty of thermodynamic quality due to1021 ture and density is different from that in Sec-
1006 the EOS can be calculated by Eq. (64). 1022 tions 3.1 and 3.2, because it involves the cal-

1023 culation of the thermodynamic quality. In this
∆q = ∆ρv + ∆ρl (64)1024 case, the uncertainties calculated in Section 3.3
∂ρv ∂ρl 1025 related to the Maxwell criteria are also involved
1026 in the calculation of the uncertainties of proper-

1027 ties using thermodynamic quality as one of the1058 from
1028 inputs.
1029 When the thermodynamic quality is 0 (satu- s 2
1030 rated liquid) or 1 (saturated vapor), the uncer- −1/ρ2
∆ρ2p = ∆q + (∆ρ)2 , (72)
1031 tainty of the properties can be calculated based 1/ρv − 1/ρl
1032 on the equations in Section 3.3, and their uncer-
1033 tainties are given by Eqs. (54), (55) and (61).1059 where ∆ρ comes from Eq. (47).
1034 However, for all other properties, their uncer-1060 The properties cp and w are undefined for
1035 tainties are calculated with a different method.1061 two-phase states and therefore do not have any
1036 For example, if the uncertainty of an entropy1062 uncertainty values associated with them.
1037 value is calculated with an intermediate ther-
1038 modynamic property as one of its inputs, to in-1063 3.6 Summary
1039 clude the uncertainty propagated from the use
1040 of the Maxwell criteria, its calculation will be1064 Figure 2 summarizes the choice of uncertainty
1041 carried out with Eq. (67). 1065 calculation method of the EOS based on the
1066 input variables and the phase of the fluid where
1067 the uncertainty of a property value is needed.
v 2p 1068 When the input variables are temperature
u  2
u ∂s2p 1069 and density, the calculation method follows the
|T ∆q basic uncertainty calculation method derived in
= t
∂q 1070
2 Section 3.1 because the calculation does not
+diag(COV (s2p )) · t(n − m, γt /2) 1071
s 1072 involve the determination of the phase of the
[(sv − sl )∆q]2
= 1073 fluid nor any iterative calculation. If the input
+diag(COV (s2p )) · t(n − m, γt /2)2
1074 variables are not temperature and density, the
(67)1075 EOS would involve iterative calculation. For
1042 where 2p is two-phase. 1076 superheated vapor and subcooled liquid, the
1043 where the subscript 2p means two-phase fluid.1077 method should follow Section 3.2. For satu-
1044 For the uncertainty of its difference with en-1078 rated vapor and liquid, the calculation involves
1045 tropy values in single phase, the uncertainty can1079 the Maxwell criteria and Section 3.3 should be
1046 be calculated by Eq. (68). 1080 followed. For two-phase states, if the output is
1081 Gibbs energy, pressure, fugacity coefficient or
1082 temperature, the calculation method would be
v 2p (T2p , q2p ) − s1p )
1083 the same as that of saturated liquid and va-
u [(sv (T2p ) − sl (T2p ))∆q2p ]2
(68)1084 por, and the method in Section 3.3 should be
= t +diag(COV (s2p − s1p ))
1085 followed. If the output is thermodynamic qual-
·t(n − m, γt /2)2 1086 ity, the uncertainty calculation method in Sec-
1087 tion 3.4 should be used. Otherwise, the uncer-
1047 where 1p is one-phase. 1088 tainty calculation method in Section 3.5 should
1048 When the uncertainty of its difference with1089 be followed.
1049 entropy values of the saturated liquid or vapor1090 When the differences of properties are needed,
1050 is needed, the uncertainty can be calculated by1091 the calculation steps of the uncertainties follow
1051 Eqs. (69) and (70). 1092 the flowchart in Fig. 3
1052 The uncertainty of the difference between a1093 If the difference involves T , ρ, or q, whose co-
1053 pair of two-phase entropy states can be calcu-1094 variance cannot be calculated directly, the un-
1054 lated by Eq. (71). The uncertainty of properties1095 certainty of the differences will be calculated
1055 u, h and a can also be calculated in a manner1096 by propagating the uncertainties of individual
1056 similar to Eqs. (67) to (70). 1097 property values with methods in Kline and Mc-
1057 The uncertainty of density can be calculated1098 Clintock. 23 If the inputs are all T and ρ, no
1099 Maxwell criteria will be involved even for two-

u diag(COV (s2p (T2p , q2p ) − sl (Tl ))) · t(n − m, γt /2)2
u  2
u ∂s l (Tl )

∆(s2p (T2p , q2p ) − sl (Tl )) = u
u + ∂T sat  (69)
u  ∆ρl (Tl ) − [(s v (T2p ) − s l (T2p ))∆q 2p ] 
t  ∂ρl (Tl ) 
∂T sat

u diag(COV (s2p (T2p , q2p ) − sv (Tv ))) · t(n − m, γt /2)2
u  2
u ∂sv (Tv )
∆(s2p (T2p , q2p ) − sv (Tv )) = u
u + ∂T sat  (70)
u  ∂ρ (T ) ∆ρv (Tv ) − [(sv (T2p ) − sl (T2p ))∆q2p ]

v v
t 
∂T sat

1100 phase substances, and the uncertainty of prop-1121 4.1 Experimental data
1101 erty differences can be calculated directly fol-
1122 The experimental data used in this work were
1102 lowing Section 3.1. If the difference involves
1123 obtained via NIST ThermoDataEngine (TDE)
1103 two-phase states, the property calculation fol-
1124 #103b. 35–38 The data sources are summarized
1104 lows that listed in Section 3.5. If the difference
1125 in Table 3, and a more detailed list of the exper-
1105 involves saturated liquid or vapor, the method
1126 imental data considered is provided in the Sup-
1106 to calculate the uncertainty of property differ-
1127 porting Data. These data span several different
1107 ences in Section 3.3. Otherwise, the calculation
1128 types, including densities, saturation proper-
1108 method of uncertainty methods listed in Sec-
1129 ties (vapor pressure, latent heat of vaporization,
1109 tion 3.1 will be used.
1130 etc.) and properties in homogeneous phases
1110 The Python code used to calculate the uncer-
1131 (speed of sound, heat capacities, etc.).
1111 tainties is listed in the Supplementary Materials
1132 The resultant normalized σ values in Eq. (26)
1112 for reference.
1133 that are calculated based on the deviations be-
1134 tween the data in Table 3 and the estimation
1113 4 Results and Discussion 1135 from the EOS are listed in Table 4. These σ val-
1136 ues come from the relative deviations between
1114 To illustrate the application of the proposed un-1137 the EOS and the measurement results. The rel-
1115 certainty calculation method, it is applied to1138 ative deviation between measurement data and
1116 the EOS of propane. 12 Its EOS is Helmholtz-1139 the EOS estimation of pressure from the data
1117 energy-explicit, and the proposed uncertainty1140 sets of liquid and vapor density yield the largest
1118 calculation method can be applied to it to1141 values in Table 4. It can be seen that the ma-
1119 demonstrate how uncertainties of the EOS af-1142 jor source of uncertainties come from the de-
1120 fect the properties estimated by the EOS. 1143 viations of the measurement data of density of
1144 liquid and vapor with the EOS estimation. The
1145 relative deviations between measurement and

diag(COV (s2p,1 − s2p,2 )) · t(n − m, γt /2)2
∆(s2p,1 (T2p,1 , q2p,1 )−s2p,2 (T2p,2 , q2p,2 )) =
+ ([(sv (T2p,1 ) − sl (T2p,1 ))∆q2p,1 ] − [(sv (T2p,2 ) − sl (T2p,2 ))∆q2p,2 ])2

Are the input variables T Yes
Follow Section 3.1
and ρ with no q as output?


Is the state superheated or Yes

Follow Section 3.2


Is the state saturated vapor Yes

Follow Section 3.3
or saturated liquid?


Is the EOS output g, p, φ or Yes

Follow Section 3.3


Is thermodynamic quality Yes

Follow Section 3.4
the EOS output?


Follow Section 3.5

Figure 2: Flowchart showing the choice of equations to calculate the uncertainties of EOS based
on the input variables and state of the fluid

Calculate the uncer-
Are the outputs Yes tainties individually
T , ρ, or q? and follow Kline
and McClintock 23

Are the input

variables T and ρ Yes
Follow Section 3.1
only with no q as


Is the state Yes

Follow Section 3.5


Is the state
saturated vapor Follow Section 3.3
or liquid?


Follow Section 3.2

Figure 3: Flowchart showing the choice of equations to calculate the uncertainties of property

1146 the EOS estimation of specific heat capacity1160 property values that are converted. These
1147 of liquid and vapor, saturation pressure, sec-1161 uncertainty values were taken from Thermo-
1148 ond virial coefficient and speed of sound also1162 DataEngine and represent a combination of
1149 contribute to the uncertainties of the EOS sig-1163 experimental uncertainties ascribed by the indi-
1150 nificantly. However, the relative deviations be-1164 vidual researcher as well as, when appropriate,
1151 tween measurement and the EOS estimation of1165 expert evaluation to increase the uncertainty
1152 ideal gas specific heat capacity, critical temper-1166 to a more reasonable value if the claimed un-
1153 ature and critical density are much smaller than1167 certainty is not reasonable. These standard
1154 that of the other properties, and they do not1168 uncertainty values are calculated by averag-
1155 contribute to the uncertainty of the EOS as1169 ing the standard measurement uncertainties of
1156 significantly as the measurement of the other1170 the measurement data, and they can be com-
1157 properties. 1171 pared directly with the normalized σ values.
1158 Table 4 also shows the corresponding stan-1172 The results show that the noramlized σ are not
1159 dard measurement uncertainty of different1173 significantly larger than their corresponding

Table 3: Summary of experimental data from TDE considered in this study. Any experimental
data points flagged by TDE as being unreliable were not included.

Data type N T range p range

Tc 45
pc 38
ρc 18
psat 1392 85 to 369 1.6332×10−10 to 4.91426
Liquid ρ 3746 88 to 369 0.3546 to 1072.7
Saturated Liquid ρ 528 86 to 369
Vapor ρ 3494 243 to 609 0.040934 to 1047
Saturated Vapor ρ 100 230 to 369
Second Virial Coefficient B 167 183 to 559
Enthalpy of Vaporization 50 186 to 362
Liquid cp 108 89 to 366 0.101325 to 5.43
Vapor cp 138 273 to 573 0.049033 to 10.3421
cp0 50 148 to 353
Homogeneous Phase cp 110 100 to 374
Liquid w 655 90 to 339 1.92 to 60.58
Saturated Vapor w 59 90 to 325
Vapor w 423 225 to 375 0.01008 to 0.8513
Homogenous Phase w 593 239 to 498 9.80665×10−6 to 101.337

1174 measurement uncertainties with the exception1196 to assess the parameter identifiability. The
1175 of the second virial coefficient and the speed of1197 square-root of the diagonalp elements of the

1176 sound. For these two variables, the normalized1198 covariance matrix (i.e. diag(COV (θEOS )))
1177 σ are at least 100.0% larger than their mea-1199 correspond to the parameter standard devia-
1178 surement counterparts. The normalized σ for1200 tion. If the standard deviations with respect to
1179 p from data sets of liquid and vapor ρ is also1201 the parameter values are large, parameters are
1180 much larger than the relative standard mea-1202 not practically identifiable. This means that
1181 surement uncertainty of p values at saturation.1203 there are not enough data to estimate the pa-
1182 The results show that the inaccuracy of EOS1204 rameters with the current model and objective
1183 estimation may also play a critical role in the1205 function. We chose
p as a metric for practical
1184 uncertainty of EOS besides the measurement1206 ∗ ∗
identifiability: diag(COV (θEOS ))/θEOS . In

1185 uncertainty of the experimental data. 1207 the given study nearly all the parameters (be-
1186 We present the results in three parts. First1208 sides n16 and n17 ) have a small standard de-
1187 the parameter identifiability is analyzed. Then1209 viation compared to the parameter value, i.e.
1188 the uncertainties of saturation properties are p
∗ ∗

diag(COV (θEOS ))/θEOS < 0.1 (see the Sup-

1189 studied. Finally the variation of uncertainties1210
1190 with the thermodynamic state points are pre-1211 porting Information). This result implies that
1191 sented and discussed. 1212 the amount of experimental data used for the
1213 parameter fitting (see Lemmon et al. 12 ) and
1214 the uncertainty analysis is sufficiently high to
1192 4.2 Covariance, correlation ma-1215 guarantee the identification of the parameters
1193 trix and identifiability 1216 from the data. A small amount of experimen-
1194 Considering the parameter covariance matrix1217 tal data would lead to poor identifiability and
1195 (as calculated by Eq. 9) it is also possible1218 therefore parameter values with large standard

Table 4: Normalized σ values from deviations between measurement and EOS estimation in Eq. (26)
for propane, and their corresponding average relative standard measurement uncertainty

Property Normalized σ Corresponding average rela-

tive standard uncertainty
cp0 5.104 × 10−3 1.448 %
cp 8.113 × 10−2 4.391 %
cv 7.021 × 10−2 1.081 %
Saturated liquid 2.661 × 10−2 5.228 %
and vapor p
p from data sets of 1.465 × 10−1 Not available
liquid and vapor ρ
ρc 4.447 × 10−6 1.306 %
Tc 7.767 × 10−6 0.100 %
B 3.880 × 10−2 1.623 %
w 6.388 × 10−2 0.196 %

1219 deviations. It is recommended that develop-1248 are plotted from the triple point temperature
1220 ers of Helmholtz-type EoS analyze the parame-1249 of 85.525 K to the critical temperature 12 with
1221 ter covariance matrix with respect to parameter1250 uncertainty bounds overlaid as shown in Fig. 4.
1222 identifiability in order to ensure that sufficient1251 The uncertainties in Figure 4 are reasonable
1223 experimental data has been used for the fitting1252 at most conditions except near the critical point
1224 of the respective parameters. 1253 in both diagrams and at low temperature for
1225 The parameter correlation matrix (obtained1254 saturated vapor in Fig. 4a. The uncertainties
1226 by Eq. 10), contains information of the corre-1255 of properties near the critical point are much
1227 lation coefficients between the parameters; the1256 larger than ones further from the critical point,
1228 parameter correlation matrix is attached in the1257 which is also reported in Lemmon et al. 12 with-
1229 supplementary material. Several of the parame-1258 out quantification. The reason for the large un-
1230 ters are highly correlated, corresponding to high1259 certainties is due to the mathematical structure
1231 correlation coefficients > ±0.7 (a correlation co-1260 of the Maxwell criteria as shown in Section 3.3.
1232 efficient equal to 1 would correspond to a per-1261 According to the Maxwell criteria and Eqs. (50)
1233 fect correlation). This means that many param-1262 and (51), the uncertainties of the density of sat-
1234 eters are not independent from each other, due1263 urated liquid and vapor and hence the uncer-
1235 to the structure of the equations: Parameters1264 tainties of other saturated properties depend on
1236 increase or decrease, when other ones increase1265 the derivative of densities with respect to pres-
1237 or decrease. However, due to the fact that a suf-1266 sure and Gibbs energy. As the temperature of
1238 ficiently large amount of experimental data has1267 a saturated substance approaches the critical
1239 been used for the calculation, the high correla-1268 point, the saturation densities change rapidly
1240 tion coefficients did not lead to high parameter1269 along the saturation line, and the derivatives of
1241 uncertainties. 1270 densities with respect to pressure become very
1271 large in magnitude, as shown in Fig. 5.
1242 4.3 Saturated property uncer-1272 The trend of the derivative increasing to in-
1273 finity at the critical temperature as shown in
1243 tainty 1274 Fig. 5 are unavoidable because critical points
1244 To understand the magnitude of uncertain-1275 are classically defined as the point where ∂p
1245 ties of various properties within the applica- 2

1246 ble range of the EOS, the uncertainties of den-1276 and ∂∂pρ2 are infinite. 29 The uncertainties of
1247 sity and enthalpy along the saturation curves1277 saturated liquid and vapor properties depend

(a) Change of relative uncertainty of ρ of saturated liquid
and vapor with temperature along the saturation line Figure 5: Changes of relative derivatives of den-
sity with respect to pressure with temperature
from 85.525 K to the critical temperature of

1282 Fig. 5 also explains why the uncertainty of

1283 saturated vapor is large at low temperature in
1284 Fig. 4a. The relative derivatives of density of
1285 saturated vapor with respect to pressure is in-
1286 creasing with decreasing temperature. These
1287 increasing derivatives propagate into the uncer-
1288 tainty of saturated density by Maxwell crite-
1289 ria, and the uncertainty of density of saturated
1290 vapor becomes large. In contrast, the relative
1291 derivative of density of saturated liquid is de-
1292 creasing with decreasing temperature, and by
1293 the same uncertainty propagation mechanism,
1294 the uncertainty of density of saturated liquid
1295 becomes small at low temperature in Fig. 4a.
(b) p-h diagram with uncertainties of h relative to its ref-
1296 To examine the uncertainty of saturation
erence state 1297 pressure along the saturation line, the un-
1298 certainty of saturation temperature and the
Figure 4: Uncertainties along saturation lines
1299 relative uncertainty of pressure calculated by
in different property diagrams from 85.525 K
1300 Eq. (73) are plotted with the saturation prop-
to the critical temperature
1301 erties in Fig. 6.

1278 on the uncertainties of their densities; hence ∆x

1279 their large derivatives with respect to pressure Relative uncertainty of variable x = (73)
1280 near the critical point results in large uncertain-
1281 ties as shown in Fig. 4. 1302 .

1308 lowered to the triple point of propane. How-
1309 ever, when the uncertainty is studied from the
1310 perspective of pressure in Figure 6b, the relative
1311 uncertainty of saturation pressure is found to be
1312 increasing as the pressure drops. The cause of
1313 the large uncertainty is due to the scattering of
1314 the deviations between the estimated and mea-
1315 sured pressure at low pressure levels as shown
1316 in Fig. 7.

(a) Changes of uncertainty of saturation temperature with


Figure 7: Relative deviations of pressure esti-


1317 As the pressure drops, the relative deviations

1318 between the estimated and measured pressure
1319 scatter. At high pressure, the relative devi-
1320 ations concentrate between +10% and -10%.
1321 However, as lower pressure, the distribution of
1322 the relative deviations widens to between +40
1323 % and -30 %. The large scattering of the rela-
(b) Changes of relative uncertainty of saturation pressure
with pressure
1324 tive deviation of saturation pressure at low lev-
1325 els results in the increase of relative uncertain-
Figure 6: Changes of saturation property un-1326 ties of saturation pressure with a drop of pres-
certainties with their corresponding properties 1327 sure.
1328 To have a more comprehensive understand-
1329 ing, the relative uncertainty of pressure in the
1303 Figure 6a shows that the uncertainty of sat-
1330 single phase region is also studied by plot-
1304 uration temperature becomes more significant
1331 ting the contour plot of its relative uncer-
1305 at lower temperature. At temperature around
1332 tainty over a temperature-specific-volume (T -
1306 200 K, the uncertainty peaks at around 1.5 K,
1333 1/ρ) plot. The contour plot is shown in Fig. 8.
1307 and it approaches 1 K as the temperature is
1334 Figure 8 shows that the relative uncertainties

1360 property data were not collected in the pressure
1361 regime. Thus the figure only shows an uncer-
1362 tainty value lower than 8% between 240 K and
1363 610 K at pressure higher than 108 Pa, and the
1364 uncertainty of the speed of sound remains high
1365 at all other temperature values in the pressure
1366 regime.
1367 Figures 9b and 9c show a similar pattern in
1368 which the relative uncertainty remains lower
1369 than 4 % in the subcooled liquid region and
1370 highly superheated vapor region. However, the
1371 relative uncertainties of the specific heat are
1372 much more significant near the the saturated
1373 vapor line at 250 K. While the cp and cv of su-
1374 perheated vapor near the saturated curve at low
1375 temperatures should behave as an ideal gas, the
1376 relative uncertainties of cp and cv near the sat-
1377 urated curve at around 250 K are much higher
Figure 8: Relative uncertainty of pressure in a1378 than one of their ideal gas counterparts at lower
T -1/ρ diagram 1379 pressure. While this may be caused by the ap-
1380 proximation to use model deviation instead of
1381 measurement uncertainty to conduct the calcu-
1335 of pressure of vapor in the single-phase region
1382 lation, it may also caused by potential overffit-
1336 are much less than the relative uncertainties of
1383 ing issues in the part of the EOS related to the
1337 saturation pressure. There are some relative
1384 residual Helmholtz energy.
1338 uncertainties of pressure of subcooled liquid at
1385 Overfitting arises when a regression equation
1339 high densities that are high, but it fits the gen-
1386 contains too many coefficients and is fit for
1340 eral understanding that the derivative of pres-
1387 the random variation in the experimental data
1341 sure with density is high in that regime and
1388 rather than the systematic relationship between
1342 hence the relative uncertainty of pressure in the
1389 variables. Equations with overfitting issues usu-
1343 regime is high.
1390 ally result in very accurate prediction at the ex-
1391 perimental data points but large model uncer-
1344 4.4 Uncertainty of properties in1392 tainties. 39 Since cp and cv in the vapor phase
1345 the single-phase region 1393 with the exception of ones near the critical
1394 point should not differ too much from their ideal
1346 To further understand how the uncertainties of1395 gas counterparts and the EOS part of the ideal
1347 EOS change in the single-phase region, the rel-1396 gas contribution (α0 in Eq. (14)) is not complex
1348 ative uncertainties of speed of sound, isochoric1397 enough to result in significant overfitting, the
1349 specific heat capacity, isobaric specific heat ca-1398 large uncertainty is likely caused by the over-
1350 pacity and density are calculated at different1399 fitting of the residual part of the Helmholtz
1351 temperature and pressure state points, and the1400 energy arising from the intermolecular forces
1352 results are shown in Figs. 9a to 9d. 1401 (αr in Eq. (14)). To mitigate these issues and
1353 Figure 9a shows that the relative uncertainty1402 the uncertainties, simplification of EOS or con-
1354 of speed of sound is lower than 4 % in most1403 straints to the coefficients such as penalization
1355 cases except conditions near the critical point1404 should be made to reduce these unexpectedly
1356 and at pressure higher than 108 Pa. At pressure1405 high uncertainties. 40
1357 higher than 108 Pa, only speed of sound data1406 Figure 9d shows a different pattern. Rela-
1358 were only collected near 240 K and density data1407 tive uncertainty of density is lower than 0.25 %
1359 were collected between 370 K and 610 K. Other1408 for all subcooled liquid states and is lower than

(a) Relative uncertainty of speed of sound (b) Relative uncertainty of cv

(c) Relative uncertainty of cp (d) Relative uncertainty of density

Figure 9: Relative uncertainties in p-T coordinates

1409 1 % for most highly superheated vapor states.1416 pressure and speed of sound, their relative un-
1410 The relative uncertainty of density of the su-1417 certainties in the subcooled liquid region are
1411 perheated vapor at higher pressures also ranges1418 higher than that of the superheated vapor re-
1412 between 1 % and 4 %. The relative uncertainty1419 gion. For specific heat capacities and densities,
1413 only exceeds 8 % in the critical region. 1420 the relative uncertainties of superheated vapor
1414 In summary, the relative uncertainties of EOS1421 close to saturation are higher than those of the
1415 are in general large in the critical region. For1422 subcooled liquid and more highly superheated

1423 vapor. 1468 method is the only computationally
1469 tractable method that could be used for a
1470 nonlinear model like the equation of state
1424 5 Conclusion 1471 studied here. Other more advanced sam-
1472 pling techniques (Markov Chain Monte
1425 In this paper, a method to calculate the
1473 Carlo (MCMC) sampling methods, etc.)
1426 uncertainty of thermodynamic properties of
1474 are too computationally expensive to be
1427 Helmholtz-energy-explicit EOS is developed
1475 practically applied in technical applica-
1428 based on the parameter covariance matrix of
1476 tions.
1429 nonlinear regression models. The covariance
1430 matrix can be calculated from the experimen-1477 • The method assumes a Gaussian distri-
1431 tal data in the literature and the Jacobian ma-1478 bution for the uncertainties of the EOS,
1432 trix of the EOS with respect to the parameters1479 and may fail to calculate the appropri-
1433 of the EOS. To ensure that the effects of the1480 ate value at conditions which uncertain-
1434 Maxwell criteria and uncertainties of the dif-1481 ties distribute differently from the Gaus-
1435 ferences of properties such as enthalpy values1482 sian distribution.
1436 are properly calculated, the uncertainty calcu-
1437 lation method also involves the linearization of1483 • The method assumes that all experimen-
1438 the EOS and the covariance of the differences1484 tal data points are not correlated with
1439 of properties. 1485 each other. However, some training data
1440 To test the applicability and validity of the1486 points are not associated with compre-
1441 calculation method, it is demonstrated by a1487 hensive information on their measure-
1442 calculation of the uncertainties of the EOS of1488 ment uncertainties and hence information
1443 propane. The method also enables an analy-1489 on correlation between data, and more re-
1444 sis of the parameter correlation matrix which1490 search is needed before the effect of corre-
1445 shows how the parameters are correlated with1491 lation can be comprehensively accounted
1446 each other. It also demonstrates how the use1492 for by an uncertainty calculation method.
1447 of the Maxwell criteria and the rapid change1493 • The method does not involve the struc-
1448 of properties with respect to the state of the1494 tural uncertainty in Table 1.
1449 substances around their critical point result in
1450 larger uncertainties of properties along the su-1495 • The state-of-the-art fitting process of the
1451 perheated vapor line than the uncertainties of1496 EOS includes addition and removal of
1452 properties in the single-phase region. The re-1497 data points and constraints in an itera-
1453 sults of this study allow users to take into ac-1498 tive fashion, and it is computationally ex-
1454 count the uncertainties of the EOS in process1499 pensive to involve the constantly chang-
1455 model simulations. However, the results also1500 ing and exact objective function for the
1456 show some limitations of the method: 1501 fit of the EOS into the uncertainty calcu-
1502 lation method. Thus the method has to
1457 • The uncertainty analysis does not present1503 use an approximated objective function of
1458 the effect of experimental uncertainty of1504 the EOS for the uncertainty calculation,
1459 the training data to the EOS because of1505 and it is unknown how much error is in-
1460 the lack of information in some data sets1506 troduced by the difference as a result.
1461 of propane. The authors strongly en-
1462 courage future research to take into ac-1507 Last but not least, it is recommended that
1463 count measurement uncertainties, if full1508 users and developers of EOS perform this type
1464 and trustful measurement uncertainties1509 of analysis in order to obtain insights about the
1465 have been obtained for each data point. 1510 uncertainties of the properties calculated by the
1511 EOS. Since the method does not incorporate
1466 • The uncertainty analysis follows a lin-1512 other sources of uncertainties such as experi-
1467 ear propagation of error approach. This1513 mental uncertainties shown in Table 1, other

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1519 contains the mathematical derivation related to1562 (5) Reddy, T. A.; Niebur, D.; Ander-
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