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Battle of Carabobo on June 24 1821

1. The battle of Carabobo was one of the military actions of the Independant War. It
took place on 24 june 1821and ended with the patriots victory and the defeat of the
enemy forces.

2. It was fought between Patriots army led by Venezuelan General Simón Bolivar and
José Antonio Páez, who represented the Gran Colombia and the Royalists army led
by the Spanish Field Marshal Miguel de la Torre, who represented Spanish Colonial

3. The war between Patriots and Royalists had started in 1811and had ceased with the
signing of the de Trujillo Armistice in 1821. However this agreement was broken
before expected due to a patriots rebellion on 28 january 1821 which ended with the
Maracaibo freedom, this action caused the Royalists reaction, they took action against
4. There were 4.000 Royalists soldiers gathered, meanwhile there were 10.000 Patriots

5. On june 24 1821 the Royalists Troops was gathering on Carabobo field and that day
in the morning, they recognized their positions, then Bolivar lanched his attack
against the right flank.

6. Inmediately the Royalists chief tried to neutalized Bolivar´s attack but the Patriots
through a combination of infantry and cavalry,they were doblegating the opposite
position and pushed the enemy off.

7. just as Pedro Camejo, lance in hand, was trying to rally the formations, only to be
killed due to two shots to the chest from enemy gunfire, in front of General Páez.
Páez, watching him in retreat, told him that he was a coward, to which, with his dying
breath, Camejo responded: No, I am not! My general, I have to tell you goodbye,
because now I am dead!
8. the patriot cavalry led by Colonel Munoz eventually broke through the Royalist lines
on the center, and marched towards the rear of de La Torre's forcé.

9. Torre was watching approach defeat and some of the King´s soldiers instead of to
stay and fight, they was fleeing. The remain of the Royalists army fled to Puerto

10. The overwhelming patriot triumph allowed Venezuela to be definitively liberated

from Spanish rule.

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