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Steven Zheng

1. The time frame of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising was during April 19 to May 16, 1943.
2. 400,000, 1 square mile.
3. In November 1940, this Jewish ghetto was sealed off by brick walls, barbed wire and
armed guards, and anyone that tried escaping was shot on sight.
4. Heinrich Himmler was the head of the Nazi paramilitary corps known as the SS, he
ordered the Jews to be resettled to extermination camps.
5. Ghettos were crowded, people often starved and the living conditions were unsanitary.
Diseases were a major threat in ghetto life as there was little medical supplies and
conditions were horrid.
6. This underground defense group was called ZOB, or the Jewish Combat Organization,
on January 18, 1943, when Nazis entered the ghetto to transport a group to a camp, a
ZOB unit ambushed them. As a result, the Nazis suspended the deportations for the next
few months from Warsaw.
7. On April 19, 1943, Himmler sent in SS forces and other troops with tanks and heavy
artillery to liquidate the Warsaw ghetto, they razed ghetto buildings, block by block,
destroying many of the bunkers that protected residents, and in the process, the German
killed or captured thousands of Jews.
8. When the Germans took control of the Warsaw ghetto, they blew up Warsaw's Great
9. 7,000, 50,000

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