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Face the Facts Episode 2(From 27 min to 40 min)

1: Suggestions to students for overcoming after the pandemic situation to increase quality
and skills for job sectors (by A. A. Md. Arfanul Hoque, Head of retail, Bata Shoe
1. A student who is graduated from any department can also do other jobs what is not
related to his subject. For example, he can do a graphics designing course or an e-
commerce course to be an e-commerce or graphics designing expert. Because job market
is not vertical today, it is becoming horizontal.
2. Pandemic situation gave us some scopes too for new inventions. Suppose Alibaba was
formed during the SARS virus. During the Covid-19 pandemic e-commerce has grown
up 400% than the previous year. So we should be diversified to cope up with the world.
3. Presentation skills and language should be standard. Analytical Skills and other
competences should be gathered. Microsoft excel, PowerPoint skills are important.
4. After Job we have to face competition with colleagues. So we have to prepare ourselves
and develop quality.

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