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The Alternative to Always Be Connected to The Internet During Pandemic Covid -19

Juan Evander, Yoga Sihombing

“Information system, IT DEL”

I. Introduction shopping through applications, and

so on. For that, it is very important to
The world is being hit by the always be connected to the internet.
Corona Virus which has resulted in This also supports the consequences
most countries locking down for a of daily activities inseparable from
while with the aim of breaking the technological advances such as
chain of spreading the Corona Virus. cellphones, laptops, computers, and
In this case, all activities that are others. Therefore, it is very important
usually carried out on a daily basis to have adequate networks and
must be moved to their respective adequate quotas in balancing the
homes, starting from working from needs, especially during the current
home, shopping from home, studying pandemic.
from home, and many other things
In addition, the increase in
transferred to the house. However,
demand during stay at home has also
there are also those who are forced to
increased dramatically, especially in
carry out activities from outside the
terms of quotas and monthly
home and it is obligatory to follow
electricity bills. And without
health protocols. This aims to take
realizing it, to prevent boredom or
care of yourself and care for others in
boredom while staying at home, you
order to stop the spread of the
will usually play games, immerse
Corona Virus in the world.
yourself in social media, watch
As a result of the lock down excessive YouTube, and many
in various countries, there will be a more.With the pandemic that is still
decline in the economic sector while ongoing until now, an approach was
the demand for needs increases. One taken to produce a solution to the
of the important things during this problems experienced, especially the
pandemic is to be connected to the use of a quota every month.
internet for various things, such as: Questionnaires were distributed to
knowing the latest information, find out what problems were going
taking lessons from schools and on in accordance with what our team
universities online, taking webinars, practiced.
Therefore, we conducted this current pandemic also requires everyone to
survey to find out what alternatives be able to carry out all forms of activities
are used so that internet data usage is from home that are carried out online or
not too wasteful during this online. For workers this is commonly
pandemic to reduce expenses for referred to as Work From Home (WFH),
buying internet data packages as well while for students it is called Distance
as efforts to be safely connected to Learning (PJJ). Various media are used by
social media or so on. educators and students to make distance
learning successful. This activity is carried
out through online media such as Whatsapp,
Google Meet, Google Form, Zoom, etc. Of
course, all of this consumes a lot of internet
quota, especially for face-to-face media use
such as zoom. High internet quota costs and
II. LITERATURE REVIEW network inequality were factors that
hampered online activities during the Covid-
II.1 Impact of Covid-19 19 pandemic. If the situation is like that,
Incidents where the there are other alternatives that can be used
emergence of the corona virus to make savings. Obtained from the
pandemic can be a barrier to any innovations that exist in the current era,
community activities that are to be there is already such a thing as WiFi. WiFi
carried out outside the home. There is a technology that utilizes electronic
are negative impacts and there are equipment to exchange data wirelessly via a
also positive impacts from the computer network, including high-speed
current pandemic. However, most of internet connections. The types of wifi that
the impact of Covid-19 on society is we can find around us are Indi-Home and
negative. Starting from the decline in the fee is at least 320 thousand per month.
trade results, the need at home is The second is first media with a minimum
increasing, for example gadgets and rate of 361 thousand. The third is MNC Play
kouta every month, layoffs from with a minimum rate of 290 thousand per
work, unemployment has increased, month. The fourth is MyRepublic with a
and many more. In addition, there minimum tariff of 329 thousand per month.
are positive things that can be felt,
starting from often with family, II.2 Price
opportunities to hone skills, create
creative things, learn to cook and Price is the value of a good or service as
much more.(Ansori, 2020) measured by the amount of money (Gischa,
2020). According to(Rusdi, 2016) , price
In this proposal we find 2 problems,
according to Kotler and Armstrong is the
namely an increase in quota rates during a amount of money exchanged for a product
pandemic and network inequality. The and service. The money is issued by
someone to get the goods or services Electronic devices such as
provided. In the field of economics, there is computers, smart phones, tablets, and
a theory which states that value and utility even video game consoles need to be
are a concept of pricing(Compass, 2020). connected to a computer network
 Value: the value of a product to be including the Internet via Wifi.
exchanged for other products (barter Wifi itself actually stands for
exchange) but the current exchange wireless fidelity. Generally, in order
rate used is money.
to be connected to electronic devices,
 Utility: An attribute attached to an
Wifi uses radio wave frequencies in
item, which allows the item to meet
needs, wants, and satisfy consumers. the 2.4GHz to 5GHz range. Wifi
Or in short, is the use value of an speed function used by JMP
item. LAMONGAN coffee shop.

Price Indicator
According to(Stanton, 1998) There are II.3.1 Free Wifi indicator
several indicators for measuring Source:(Ula and Fauzi, 2019)
prices, namely: There are 3 wifi indicators, namely:
o Affordability of prices 1. Access speed
Affordability of prices can be Access speed (wifi) is very
interpreted as an adjusted important to describe service
price indicator based on functions (wifi) when accessing
consumer income.
the Internet, including upload and
o Competitiveness
download speeds.
Often consumers compare
prices aimed at consumer 2. The coverage hotspot signal
consideration in buying. coverage area describes the
o Price compatibility with coverage or coverage of the area.
product quality The location is reachable by a
Prices that have been set hotspot (wifi) network.
based on the quality of the 3. Ease of use describes how easy it
product are made by the
is for users to access hotspot
o Price compatibility with (wifi) services, that is, how easy
product benefits it is to find or obtain a hotspot
The most important thing in a signal or log in (wifi).
product is how useful / useful
the product / item is and the
balance between the benefits
and the price given.

II.3 Free WIFI This research aims to identify IT

DEL students in the aspect of staying
Understand that Wifi is a
connected to the internet during a
technology that uses various
pandemic like today and this study
electronic devices to exchange data
uses data collection methods in the
using radio waves (wireless).
form of descriptive analytical can make it easier for us to communicate
research. Analytical descriptive can and do many things without having to meet
be said as a way of how data is other people outside the home. The
displayed so that the information government encourages the public to keep
displayed can be clearly accepted by their distance, avoid crowds with the aim of
others. In analytic descriptive, data is minimizing the spread of coronavirus. So,
usually displayed in tables and we need to stay connected on the internet in
graphs. Data collection techniques order to continue to do activities without
are carried out by using references violating the rules of protocol set by the
and related sources and not government. By connecting to the internet
all become easier and one of the alternatives
conducting direct research into the
that can be used is Wifi. In today's pandemic
field on the grounds that conditions
to connect to the internet we can also use a
are not possible due to the Covid-19 mobile data plan however, it costs more and
pandemic. In addition, other it can be detrimental in the current pandemic
collection techniques are also carried period. Wifi can be a way out to overcome
out through questionnaires with the greater losses, wifi can save user spending
scope of IT DEL students who are and also use more freely. Wifi stands for
none other than internet users Wireless Fiderity can be reached or used by
more than one person and usually the range
distance to be able to connect with wifi is 20
For our paper we use a data collection meters. Wifi also has a faster network than
system from some of the S1 student mobile data plan and the quota is unlimited
information system. We collect data via as long as the usage period has not expired.
Google Form to be filled in by friends from Wifi is the best way out to connect to the
our class. For the link we will present it internet.
So, from the results of the data acquisition that we have done to review the public's
A- interest in using wifi to stay connected to the
cNa17idgzjVq1FwXIu50tpA2J2mwbDoJPc/ internet will be directed from the
edit questionnaire results with some questions
that we have compiled.


The Internet is a communication network
that connects one electronic media with
another. The global supporting technology
standard is Transmission Control Protocol or
Internet Protocol Suite (abbreviated as
TCP/IP). TCP/IP is a packet exchange
protocol (in foreign terms Switching
Communication Protocol) that can be used
for billions more users in the world. The
Internet is needed in this day and age,
especially during this pandemic because it
Based on the chart above the results of the
Based on the chart above the results of the analysis obtained are all answered that wifi
analysis obtained is 89.9% choose "yes" that becomes one of the alternatives besides
to connect to the internet is important in the cellular data plan.
present and 11.1% choose "maybe" to
connect to the internet is important in the
present. So, it can be concluded that it is
important to stay connected to the internet in
the current pandemic.

Based on chart above the results of the

analysis obtained is wifi has advantages and
disadvantages. The advantage we can stay
connected all day long to the internet
without fear of running out of data packages.
Based on chart above the results of the The disadvantage is when the electricity
analysis obtained are several reasons why goes out, the wifi goes out too and we can't
we should stay connected to the internet is connect to internet after it goes out
internet is important in learning activities
and knowing the latest information. Here are
some of the reasons that are widely used in Conclusion
surveys in a pandemic like today, connecting to the
internet is very important. because it will
make it easier for us to do some activities
without having to leave the house such as
shopping, studying at home and several
other activities. But all good things must
have their own negative qualities. Like the
internet This can lead to addiction, playing
games until you lose track of time and so on.
Not to mention always being connected to
the internet is not easy because of several
factors such as blackouts and others. The use
of the internet depends on ourselves whether
we want to use the internet properly or if we
let it be. the internet rules our lives.
Ansori, A. N. Al (2020) Belajar di Rumah Akibat Corona COVID-19, Ini Pendapat dan
Harapan Anak Indonesia.
Gischa, S. (2020) ‘Bank: Pengertian, Fungsi, dan Jenisnya’. Available at:
at: file:///C:/Users/USER/Downloads/16974-Article Text-20949-1-10-20160825.pdf.
Stanton (1998) ‘Indikator Harga’.
Ula, R. and Fauzi, A. (2019) ‘the Role of Free Wireless Fidelity ( Wi-Fi ) Service , Food
Quality , and Servicescape Toward Customer Satisfaction’, Asian Journal of Social Science
Research, 2(2).

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