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Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Mental

Health and People with Hearing Problems
By Dany Pineault, AuD

he COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in an increased
prevalence of mental health problems among the
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general population.1,2 The epidemiological distribu-

tion of mental health problems provides evidence
for a psychiatric epidemic co-occurring with the COVID-19
pandemic.2A systematic review examining the general popula-
tion’s mental health status amid the pandemic found significantly
higher levels of irritability, stress, anxiety, and depression.1-3 In
an attempt to lessen the emotional burden associated with
this unprecedented hardship, studies have also shown an in-

Anthony Patrick Manieri

crease in maladaptive coping strategies such as higher tobacco,
alcohol, and cannabis consumption, increase in junk food in-
take, physical inactivity, changes in sleep routines and exces-
sive social media/news consumption.2-6
Mental health experts around the world have linked the in-
creased psychological distress to public health measures used
to mitigate the spread of the virus.1-3 Enforced lockdowns,
quarantines, restrictions in social and family gatherings, dis- a better understanding of its impact on the quality of life and
ruption of non-essential services delivery, and suspension of treatment outcomes.1
cultural and sporting activities have all been identified as new
stressors and factors exacerbating mental health disorders.3,4
These restrictions combined with fear of contracting the virus, COVID-19-RELATED PSYCHOLOGICAL
food insecurity, permanent and temporary layoff, relationship DISTRESS & HEARING PROBLEMS
struggles, loneliness, boredom, and lifestyle changes (e.g., Although hearing loss and tinnitus have been identified as po-
working from home, homeschooling) have had an enormous tential long-term complications of COVID-19, this article fo-
impact on the psychosocial and economic well-being of the cuses on the experience of patients with pre-existing hearing
general population.2-4 problems amid the pandemic.15-18 Recent studies have also
Chronic psychological distress increases the risk of devel- found an association between COVID-19 related psychologi-
oping physical and mental health conditions such as high blood cal distress and exacerbation of hearing problems such as in-
pressure, digestive problems, autoimmune diseases, sleep creased trouble understanding conversations in public places,
disturbances, psychological disorders, and memory and con- increased hearing difficulties with phone and video calls, and
centration deficits. Moreover, psychological distress is also worsening of tinnitus and hyperacusis.19,20 An online survey of
highly associated with various hearing problems such as age- 129 individuals with hearing loss revealed an increased level
related hearing loss, sudden idiopathic sensorineural hearing of stress and anxiety with public health measures adopted in
loss, tinnitus, hyperacusis, and Ménière’s disease.7-12 Conse- response to coronavirus.19 For instance, 66 percent of re-
quently, the prevalence of mental health disorders is higher spondents worried about having to communicate with others
among people with hearing problems than among people with face masks.19 Moreover, 60 percent reported that the
without these conditions.10-12 Furthermore, several studies possibility of having to speak to people wearing face masks or
suggest that severity of hearing loss, tinnitus, and hyperacusis from a distance added to their anxieties about going to public
may also be linked to a higher risk of anxiety and depression.13 places (e.g., parks, supermarkets),19,21 and 61.5 percent re-
As pandemic-related psychological distress can either trigger ported hearing worse during video calls than if the other per-
or aggravate hearing health problems, audiologists must gain son was in the room with them. Finally, 75 percent of the
respondents worried more than usual about what to do if their
Dr. Pineault is an adjunct assistant professor at A.T. Still hearing aids stop working as audiology services have been
University’s Post-Professional Doctor of Audiology pro- suspended or delivered remotely. In another online survey of
gram. He also practices as a clinical audiologist at the 3,103 individuals with tinnitus from 48 countries, 40 percent
Canadian Hearing Services and serves as a research advi- of the respondents reported that their worsening tinnitus
sor for Statistics Canada.
symptoms were related to the same public health measures.20
On the other hand, forced social isolation might have cre-
ated more favorable listening environments for some people

36 The Hearing Journal  March 2021


with hearing loss. A recent study conducted by Dunn and col-

leagues found that CI users reported feeling less anxious in
their listening experiences as a result of spending more time
at home in quiet surroundings and engaging in more speech
listening on electronic devices (e.g., smartphones, TV) rather
than live conversations.22


At the most basic level, stress is a hard-wire physiological reac-
tion to dangers.23,24 This primitive response is triggered by either
real or perceived threats and consists of a complex outpouring
of hormones intended to keep us out of harm’s way and main-
tain our body’s normal functional equilibrium (i.e., homeosta-
sis).22 The fight-or-flight response is beneficial if trying to escape
from the four inches claws of a grizzly bear’s but less helpful
when dealing with a deadline at work.23,25 The pervasive impact
of stress is influenced by the type, severity, and duration of
stressors. Acute stress is adaptive and necessary for short-term Figure 1. Clinical tools that can be used to screen levels of
survival. However, in its chronic form, stress is maladaptive and stress, anxiety, depression, and sleep problems.
can lead to alterations in brain structures (e.g., prefrontal cortex,
amygdala, and hippocampus) and neuronal networks.23,24 go beyond the traditional model of symptom(s) progression/
Although the deleterious effects of stress on brain health aggravation and screen for emotional well-being.
have been investigated for over 50 years, little is known on how
it can create havoc in the auditory system.23,24,28 Chronic stress-
related health conditions such as hypertension are often listed COMPREHENSIVE CASE HISTORY &
as an important risk factor for high-frequency sensorineural EMOTIONAL WELL-BEING SCREENING
hearing loss and tinnitus.10,11 It is hypothesized that reduced Although the incidence of mental health problems most likely
cochlear blood supply due to cardiovascular disease may af- increases with the severity of hearing loss, the audiogram re-
fect the inner ear tissue and result in accelerated cell loss in the mains insensitive at predicting poor levels of mental well-being.
stria vascularis.25 However, the pathophysiological mechanism As the pandemic continues, a comprehensive case history is
underlying the association between hypertension and hearing needed to access critical information around events surrounding
loss remains unclear. Neuroscientists have also shown that a recent worsening in pre-existing hearing problems. Here are
stress can interfere with sound processing and speech per- some examples of questions that will alert clinicians about the
ception.28 More specifically, studies have found reduced potential influence of COVID-19-related psychological distress:
speech recognition performance under stressed conditions  How different are your hearing problems now compared to
and induced state of acute anxiety.31,32 Anxiety in adults has pre-COVID-19?
also been associated with poor speech recognition ability in  Were there any new stress-related health symptoms ac-
noisy settings.33 Finally, it is also common for tinnitus and hy- companying recent changes in hearing or tinnitus? (e.g.,
peracusis to become worse during periods of high stress.30,34 muscle tension, sleep problem, upset stomach, concentra-
tion difficulty)
 What lifestyle changes did you need to adopt because of
LOOKING BEYOND THE AUDIOGRAM public health restrictions? (e.g., working from home, home-
As soon as patients report an increase in hearing problems or schooling)
a decrease in benefits from hearing aids, audiologists may be  Why are these new lifestyle changes exacerbating your
quick to rule out potential changes in hearing status. Cursory hearing problems? (e.g., trouble hearing during phone or
otoscopy, pure-tone and speech audiometry test procedures, video calls, tinnitus and/or hyperacusis became more no-
acoustic immittance measurements, supra-threshold auditory ticeable because the household is too quiet or noisy)
measures, and hearing aid electroacoustic analysis immedi-  What worries did the pandemic bring into your life? (e.g.,
ately follow questions about changes in physical health and fear of not being able to hear or follow conversations in
medication(s). Due to appointment time restrictions, however, public places because of face masks and/or physical dis-
clinicians often overlook questions about a decline in mental tancing, suspension or remote delivery of hearing service,
well-being, especially when hearing test results remain un- financial insecurity, loneliness)
changed. If left unchecked, these untreated psychological co-  What coping strategies did you use to lessen COVID-19
morbidities can amplify the distress associated with hearing emotional stress/distress?
symptoms and jeopardize the efficacy of audiological man- The screening of mental health conditions is facilitated by
agement strategies. Considering the far-reaching impact of the administration of validated self-report measures of emo-
COVID-19-related psychological distress, audiologists must tional disturbances. Figure 1 shows a brief list of clinical tools

38 The Hearing Journal  March 2021


currently available for audiologists such as the Perceived While counseling patients about the impact of mental
Stress Scale (PSC), Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale health conditions on hearing problems, audiologists gain
(HADS), Patient Health Questionnaire (PSQ-9), and Insom- from listening to their story and hardship. Be friendly, empa-
nia Severity Index (ISI).35-38 These tools are easy to score and thetic, kind, non-biased, and non-prejudiced as patients do
should be given to patients prior to consultation. If a patient’s more than listen to what you say. They also observe body
scores are high on an anxiety and/or depression question- language for signs of irritability and judgment. To demystify
naire, a referral to a mental health care professional for as- and normalize the experience of COVID-19-related psycho-
sessment and treatment might take priority over audiological logical distress, audiologists must also provide education on
intervention. However, clinicians should always err on the side an array of topics including the impact of public health meas-
of caution when discussing scores obtained with these ures on mental well-being, the relationship between distress
standardized scales. Although it is within the audiologist’s and ear-brain connection, and stress management tech-
scope of practice to screen for emotional disturbances, clini- niques.
cians are not permitted to communicate mental health diag- Finally, patients need to understand that stress can be use-
noses such as anxiety and depression. ful in a situation of real danger. However, chronic psychologi-
cal distress can interfere with hearing health. Thankfully, many
stress management strategies have proven to significantly
Counseling & stress MANAGEMENT reduce the negative effects of chronic distress and improve
Mental illnesses are among the most common health conditions quality of life. Regular exercises, better sleep hygiene, limited
worldwide. In Canada, statistics show one in every five adults access to social media/news along with daily relaxation and
will struggle with a mental health problem at some point in their meditation practices (e.g., deep breathing, mindfulness, yoga)
lives.39 Despite public education campaigns and changing be- can help build resilience and improve hearing health. Seeking
liefs and attitudes toward mental illnesses, stigma, unfortunately, professional counseling may also be recommended for pa-
persists among the general population. Mental illness-related tients struggling with addiction, chronic pain, relationship
stigma has been identified as a significant barrier to access problems, and poor overall well-being. 
treatment and receive quality care.40 The fear of being stigma-
tized often leads patients to conceal critical information about
References for this article can be found at
their mental well-being to health care practitioners.

March 2021 The Hearing Journal 39

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