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 You will be aware from today’s news headlines of significant outbreaks of Covid

among students across Scotland. This is a matter of growing concern for public
health authorities and the Scottish Government. It puts students at risk, wider
communities at risk and it puts at risk in-person teaching and campus-based
education across the country including here at RCS

 For your own well-being and that of others in our community and our city I need each
of you to follow some simple rules

 You must adhere to all the Covid safety guidelines and respect social distance
whenever you are in RCS and at all other times. You must avoid socialising outside
of your households and outside of your accommodation. You must not hold or attend
gatherings of more than six people. That means no parties or other wider social
gatherings inside – or out.

 On top of that I’m going to ask you - for the time being – to think carefully – more
carefully than you’ve probably done before – about where you spend time and who
with. That means thinking twice about busy pub gardens, meeting in groups in parks,
in flats or even residence rooftops.

I am asking RCS staff as well as students to act in the best interests of our
community. We are all creative people but please do not be creative in interpreting
this guidance. I am also asking everyone who has not already done so to download
NHS Protect Scotland app:   
 Finally, I appreciate these are difficult time, we may all need support and advice at
various points. Please do not hesitate to use RCS’s support services- including our
Welcome Home support team – any time you need help.

 We are an ensemble. Learning and creating together is at the heart of what we do.
We need to take these actions so we continue working together in the conservatoire
– as well as playing our part in keeping the wider community of Glasgow safe.

 If we don’t there will be consequences. Be clear too that RCS will act wherever these
guidelines are being breached.

 I know this is a big ask of each of you and I wish I didn’t have to ask it. But this is too
important. It’s not a drill, it’s not about individuals – it’s about the responsibility we
have to each other, to RCS and to Glasgow. Please ensure you are playing your

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