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1. Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. How are you today? I wish that you are all
under the protection of God, Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa for giving us opportunity to
gather in today’s meeting which must give advantages to our knowledge or even
inspire us. Now I am stating that the meeting today is opened (while knocking the
table three times) and please welcome our Toastmaster today Mr. Danu Ariantaka.

2. Thanks a lot. Well good member, good time, good place and good progress for today.
I hope it will be better in every single meeting, very proud to be gathered with you all
here. That was great performance. I had already told the purpose of being this topic
today Stay Healthy with Sports in the opening session before. Now I’d like to hear
your comment, suggestion, or any else which has purpose to make the next meeting
will be more and more attractive and meaningful. Is there any somebody wants to ask
or comment something ?
Well, so let me close this meeting today with the topic Stay Healthy with Sports with
a great result (Knocking the table three time).

1. Give applause for honorable President, Mrs.Marlia DevI. Ladies and Gentlemen, before we
begin the meeting there is an aphorism says We cannot knowing and each other by seeing the
cover So it’s time for introducing and telling the rules starts from TIMER, give applause for
our timer.
2. Give applause for our timer .Now, please welcome our table topic speaker to introduce herself
and give the topic today. For table topic speaker, the floor is your
3. Give applause for our table topic speaker .Now, please welcome our first speaker to introduce
herself and give the topic today. For first speaker, the floor is your
4. Give applause for our first speaker.Now, please welcome our second speaker to introduce
herself and give the topic today. For second speaker, the floor is your
5. Give applause for our second speaker.Now, please welcome our THIRD SPEAKER to
introduce herself and give the topic today. For THIRD speaker, the floor is your
6. Give applause for our third speaker.Now, please welcome our THIRD SPEAKER to
introduce herself and give the topic today. For THIRD speaker, the floor is your
7. Give applause for our third speaker.Now, please welcome our SPEECH EVALUATOR to
introduce herself . For SPEECH EVALUATOR, the floor is yours
8. Give applause for speech evaluator. Now, please welcome our AH-COUNTER to introduce
herself . For AH-COUNTER, the floor is your
9. Now, its time for us to start our toast master. First of all i would like to invite table topic
speaker to give us the topic and questions
10. Give applause for our table topic speaker. Now, please welcome our fist speaker. For first
speaker the floor is your.
11. Give applause for our first speaker. Now, please welcome our second speaker. For second
speaker the floor is your.
12. Give applause for our second speaker. Now, please welcome our third speaker. For third
speaker the floor is your.
13. Give applause for our second speaker. Now, please welcome our third speaker. For third
speaker the floor is your.
14. Give applause for our third speaker. Now, please welcome our speech evaluator. For our
speech evaluator the floor is your.
15. Give applause for our speech evaluator. Now, please welcome our gramarrian. For our
gramarrian the floor is your.
16. Give applause for our gramarian. Now, please welcome our Ah- counter. For ah-counter the
floor is your.
17. Give applause for our ah-counter. Now, please welcome timer. For our timer, the floor is
18. Well, ladies and gentlement We have done our toast master, now I will invite our president to
close our toast master. For president, the floor is yours.
Table topic speaker

1. Thank you, Mr. Toastmaster for welcoming Good afternoon everybody, I'm sutrisna devi as
Table topic speaker. My duty stating the purpose of the topic today and Giving some questions to all
are the member here. Thank you for the time that you given to me. Before I start giving three
questions for you, can you tell me how many information that you have got from the presentation
today, and what are they? Alrigth, that's good.

Now are you ready to answer my questions?

1. According to the text, what will you do if your goal is to lose same weight?

2. What kind of basic sports that can help you achieve your objectives?

3. What is the content of adult bicycling website?

That is all from me, time returns to Mr. Toast Master.


1. Thank you Mr.Toast Master for the time given to me. Alright, my name is jaya and I’m as a
speaker 1 today, nice to meet you all, and I hope topic today is useful for us because it relates to our
daily actifity may be, to all people. So my duty is presenting the topic as well as possible. What is the
topic for today ? Let see it, thank you. Ok time I return to Mr. Toast Master.

2. Ok Thank you Mr.Toast Master for the time given to me, now I will presenting our topic today,
the topic today is Stay Healty With Sport.

Stay Healthy with Sports

Some sports that can help you stay healthy are low cost and highly effective at getting you
into shape. Many participate in sports because it is fun but there are also a number of health benefits
associated with staying active. If your goal is to lose some weight, tone your muscles or improve your
fitness, basic sports will help you achieve your objectives.
1. Swimming
There are a number of benefits associated with swimming. Your cardiovascular fitness gets a
real boost when in the pool because swimming works the entire body. Major muscle groups also go
through an exhaustive workout, depending on how much you swim. Your posture and flexibility
improve over time since swimming utilizes the whole body through movements that can only be done
in the water.

Ok, that’s from me, now will continue by the speaker 2, thank you. Time I return to Mr. Toast

1. Thank you Mr. toastmaster. Alright, my name is wini and I’am a second speaker today, nice to
meet you all, and I hope the topic today is useful for us because is relates to our daily activity may be,
especially for teenagers. So, my duty is presenting the topic as well as possible. What is the topic for
today? Let’s see it, thank you.

Thank you likes what just Mr. toastmaster has told you that the topic today is Stay Healthy with
2. Running
Running burns a lot of calories, which is the simplest way to lose weight. Your
cardiovascular endurance benefits from a running program. Running can lower blood
pressure and reduce the risk of heart attack. In addition to improving your fitness level,
running also helps tone your muscles, particularly your leg muscles, and decreases bone and
muscle loss, thereby slowing the aging process.

Ok, that’s from me, now will continue by the speaker 3, thank you. Time I return to Mr. Toast

Thank you Mr. toastmaster. Alright, my name is radha and I’am a third speaker today, nice to meet
you all, and I hope the topic today is useful for us because is relates to our daily activity may be,
especially for teenagers. So, my duty is presenting the topic as well as possible. What is the topic for
today? Let’s see it, thank you.

Thank you likes what just Mr. toastmaster has told you that the topic today is Stay Healthy with

Just 40 minutes of bike riding can burn up to 500 calories, according to the Adult Bicycling website.
Indoor cycling classes at fitness studios are specifically designed to burn a high amount of calories to
help people achieve their weight loss goals. Biking helps tone leg and back muscles, while shaving off
those love handles. Like swimming, biking is easy on joints and bones, since it is a low-impact sport.
This makes biking ideal if you have limited range of motion or have knee problemrs.

Ok, that’s from me, thank you. Time I return to Mr. Toast Master.
Speech evaluator

Hello everyone, My name is Ida Ayu Sinta Megana, from my physically and my name, you must be
know where I come from. I’am speech evaluator today and my duty is looking for your
mispronounciation and diction, so please take care of your mouth, ups sorry, I mean your speech
because I’m gonna catch you,thank you.

The speaker explain about Stay Healthy with Sports

She look relax and mastering the subject which was spoken.
The speaker was too late to explain the topic
She has good eye contact with participant and good articulation
Wini she said biking it should be baiking
Sutrisna she said impormation it should be informesion

Okay thanks for your attention and the time return to moderator.

Thanks for the chance given to me , My name is ............I am as a grammarian today, I will
correct the mistakes especially about the gramar now. Thank you

Thank you well let me read my report today

First which is the simplest way to lose weight I think that sentence should be changed to simple. The
third, in your speech you said a associat I think that should be better to change it into associated and
the second word you said if you goal is to lose some weight, I think the word is should be change into

I think that’s all about my correction, thank you and I will time to Mr. Toast Master.

Thank you. My name is Yuvi Gitayani, I’m as Ah-counter. So it’s clear that my duty is counting the
scrutch or pause filler suc ah ,ehm, eah, uh, oh, not counting your owes; and also repeatation words.

Now, I want to report my observation about how many time leeder, moderator, speaker, speech
evaluator and grammarian said ah ,ehm, eah, uh, oh There is no mistake from the leeder, the
moderator, the speaker, the speech evaluator, and the grammarian. I think that all thank you for your
attention, and the time return to Mr. Toastmaster.

Thank you Mr.Toast Master for the time given to me. Good afternoon everybody. My name is Bagas
and I’m as a timer. My responsibilities are taking notes of the time, and giving signal anybody who
speaks over than the decisions time. Now I’d like to read the rules :

1. I’ll give opportunity to the Speaker to present the theme for about ten minutes
2. I’ll give opportunity to the Table Topic Speaker for about fifteen minutes
3. I’ll give opportunity to the timer for the speech evaluator for about five minutes
4. I’ll give opportunity to the Grammarian for about seven minutes
5. I’ll give opportunity to the Ah-Counter for five minutes
6. I’ll give opportunity to the Timer for five minutes

I have two colour cards, which each card has different signal. White means the time is up and yellow
mean the time run out two minutes. Ok that’s the rule, thank you, Time I return to Mr. Toast Master.

Alright, I’am the last here who give a report about how long each person presented the presentation
1.First, the president spent five minutes.
2.Table topic spent 7 minutes.
3.First speaker spent 3 minutes
4.Second speaker spent 3 minutes 10 second
5.Third speaker spent 3 minutes
6.The Ah-counter spent 1 minutes
7.Grammariar spent 10 second

8.Speech evaluator has spent time for about 1 minutes 30 second

Those all my report, thank you for your attention, Time I return to Mr. Toast Master.

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