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UPKEY’s Winter 2021 Virtual Internship Program (VIP)

Students’ Office Hours Guideline

About VIP Office Hours:

VIP office hours are hosted weekly on a Zoom live session by Upkey and our guest experts to provide
additional industry insights and knowledge outside of scheduled live sessions and help students complete
their weekly projects. These office hour sessions are great opportunities for students to directly interact
with our guests who are experts in the weekly topic and get valuable support related to the subject matter
regarding the corresponding week’s project.
Office Hours Schedule: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. From 4 PM to 5 PM CDT


During office hour sessions, VIP students can bring their questions and concerns in regards to their weekly
project and ask our guest experts for assistance. Students must come prepared to ask specific questions,
respectfully and formally interact with the office hour guests who are experts in the topic of each week and
make the most of their opportunities during the limited time.
NOTE: Attending office hour sessions is optional and will not impact students’ final attendance grades.

IMPORTANT: Office hour sessions are strictly for the program content and project
related questions ONLY. Frequently asked questions can be found on the VIP Dashboard.
All other VIP related questions should be directed to


Students are expected to submit their weekly project on Upkey’s own Learning Management System
called VIP Dashboard every Friday. All project details, instructions, and announcements will be available on
Upkey’s VIP dashboard.

Weekly Presentation: EVERY FRIDAY

There will be live meeting slots just for the presentations every Friday, and students are expected to make a
5-minute presentation of their project findings. Students are not only responsible for their presentation but
also for peer reviews and evaluations. Students will be randomly formed into small groups and each group
will be assigned into their own breakout room to do their presentations and exchange feedback within
their groups.

for any VIP related issue please contact 1

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