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COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus


Course Title: Personality Theories - I Course Code: PSY210 Credit Hours: 3(3,0)
Course Programme Name: BPY
Semester: 4A/B Batch: FA19- Section: A/B Date:
Time Allowed: 1 Hour Maximum Marks: 10
Student’s Name: Umair jameel Reg. No. Fa19-bpy-001
Important Instructions / Guidelines:

 Attempt all questions

 Each question carries equal marks.
 Your paper must be free from plagiarism
 More than “15%”plagiarized text will deduct your marks in each question

Subjective Type
Q#1How personality theories can play an important role in the field of psychology and
which standards are involved in evaluating personality theories. (5marks)


Personality refers to individual differences in patterns of thought, feelings, and behavior.

It includes behavioral, environmental and acquired characteristics, which distinguish one person
from another and that can be seen in human relationships with nature and social group.

Theories of personality:
The study of personality has a broad and varied history in the science of psychology, with
a multitude of doctrinal traditions.

Major concepts include the concept of rejection (element),

 psychodynamic
 humanistic,
 biological,
 behaviorist,
 evolutionary
 Social learning.

Important role of personality theory:

 It encourages people to look at the bright side of life. Take things in stride and try not
focus too much on the problem.
 A person with a negative attitude gets into trouble in all situations. Instead of blaming
and criticizing people around you, analyze the situation and try to find the right solution.
 It is important for people to behave well with the people around them. Respect for others
will not only make you famous among others but will also bring you honor and pride.
 Personal development helps you gain recognition and acceptance in the community and
in the community.

Standard involved in evaluating personality theories:

Standards for evaluating personality theories

• Heuristic value.

• Comprehensiveness.

• Testability.

• Compatibility and integration across domains and levels.

 The first level of exploration of heuristic value does the theory provide a guide to
important new discoveries about previously unknown personality? The ideas that lead
scientists to make these discoveries are often higher than opinions that fail to provide this
 Second level perfection does theory do a good job of explaining all the facts and
observations within its context? Ideas that explain more details of domains in their
domains are often higher than those that describe a few findings
 The third important level of theoretical theory is testability. Does this theory provide
enough accurate predictions that human psychologists can evaluate on their own? Some
theories, for example certain aspects of Freud's concept of intrapsychic conflict, have
been criticized for being difficult or impossible to examine; other aspects of Freud's
theory are explored.As a general rule, the test of theory is consistent with the accuracy of
its predictions.
 The fourth step in examining human theories is parsimony - whether the theory contains
fewer structures and speculations (parsimony) or more structures and speculations (lack
of parsimony).


 The study of personal ideas is important for students because it promotes the need to
understand why people behave as they do. Also, this study center enlightens people about
the need to be considerate when judging others based on their conduct because it may not
be because of their own free will.

Q#2 Adeel is a single child of his parents. When he was one year old, his parents fulfilled all
his needs and desires at the maximum level. When he turned 2, he showed frustration
towards his toilet training by holding back or retaining the feces.(anal) Around at the age
of 4, he liked to copy his father and loved to behave in the similar way of him. In school he
was very brilliant student and he had few but good friends but he was so much particular
about his life schedules. When he got married, he was still dependent upon his parents for
all things and set different terms and conditions in his marital life. Explain the above
situation of Adeel in the light of psychosexual stages of personality development by
Sigmund Freud. (5marks)

Importance of psychosexual stages:

Central to Sigmund Freud's view of homosexuality is the emphasis on early life on human
development and on the influence of recent behavior. ... Without a doubt, Sigmund Freud's view
of Homosexuality Development is one of the most complex and controversial views of child

Freud believed that personality development thrives through a series of childhood stages in
which the excitement of seeking power from id is concentrated in certain dangerous areas.

Psychosexual stages:

Oral Stage: Birth to one year

Anal Stage: 1 to 3 years

Phallic stage 3 to 6 years

Latent stage 6 to puberty

Genital stage puberty to death

Now we are discus these stages according o above situation;

Oral stage:

When Adeel was one year old his parents were fulfilling all their needs and desires at the highest
level. At the age of 1 he was in the oral phase. This stage starts from the birth of a child up to one
year. Because in the oral phase

• Mouth is associated with sexual pleasure

• Pleasure comes from chewing, sweetness and sharing.

• The child can lead to correction if not treated properly

• Correction can lead to oral tasks in adulthood

Anal stage:

When Adeel turned 2 years old the satge of anal began. expressed frustration regarding his toilet
training by restraining or storing waste. This phase lasts from 1 year to 3 years.

At this stage;

• Strengthening results from bowel and other functions.

• Toilet training can lead to repairs if not managed properly

• Self-correction may lead to old age or misconduct

• He sowed frustration because his walk was not done well which led to frustration.

Phallic stage:

At about 4 years old, he loved to copy his father and loved to behave in the same way as him.
This category was in the beauty category ranging from 3 to 6 years.

At this stage the focus of adeel was to exchange pleasure for the genitals

• Sexual attraction to the opposite sex

• Boys experience sexual feelings with relatives of their mother and feelings of conflict with their
father Oedipus. For girls it is called Electra Complex.

• The child identifies and tries to imitate the same sex parent in order to learn gender identity.

Latent stage:

At school he was a very smart student and had a few but good friends but he was very focused on
his life plans. While in school the latency phase began. The duration of this phase is 6 to 12
years. During this time he did well in school.

At this stage the following aspect takes place

• Sex is suppressed due to the intense anxiety caused by the Oedipus complex
• Children participate in leisure activities, at school, and in same-sex relationships that strengthen
their self-awareness

Genital stage:

At the time of her marriage, she was still dependent on her parents for everything and set
different goals and conditions for her married life.

Feelings of sexual turmoil recur but are prevented by the superego and are redirected to others
such as the human parent of the opposite sex.

Healthy adults find happiness in love and work, strong adults have their strengths tied to
previous stages


Among the five stages of homosexuality, namely oral, private, sexual, secret, and sexual, the
erogenous zone associated with each category serves as a source of pleasure. Homosexual
power, or libido, is defined as the ability to drive moral impulses.

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