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Name: Muhammad Saad Mubeen

Class: BCSE 3C
Roll No.: 137
Subject: Ethics
Teacher: Mr. Haris Javed
The introduction of harmful substances or products into the environment is called

Pollution is the introduction of harmful materials into the environment (from definition).
These harmful materials are called pollutants. Pollutants can be natural, such as volcanic
ash. They can also be created by human activity, such as trash or runoff produced by
factories. Pollutants damage the quality of air, water, and land.

Many things that are useful to people produce pollution. Cars spew pollutants from their
exhaust pipes. Burning coal to create electricity pollutes the air. Industries and homes
generate garbage and sewage that can pollute the land and water. Pesticides—chemical
poisons used to kill weeds and insects—seep into waterways and harm wildlife.
All living things—from one-celled microbes to blue whales—depend on Earth’s supply of
air and water. When these resources are polluted, all forms of life are threatened.
Pollution is a global problem. Although urban areas are usually more polluted than the
countryside, pollution can spread to remote places where no people live. For example,
pesticides and other chemicals have been found in the Antarctic ice sheet. In the middle
of the northern Pacific Ocean, a huge collection of microscopic plastic particles forms
what is known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
Air and water currents carry pollution. Ocean currents and migrating fish carry marine
pollutants far and wide. Winds can pick up radioactive material accidentally released from
a nuclear reactor and scatter it around the world. Smoke from a factory in one country
drifts into another country.

Ethical Aspects:
The fact is that pollution is directly responsible for human suffering and that makes it an
ethical issue, one that is squarely on the shoulders of the fossil fuel industry. The fact is
that fossil fuel directly causes death.

• Religious View:
Islamic beliefs, traditions and values provide an effective and
comprehensive solution to the current environmental challenges faced by
the human race. Islam has a rich tradition of highlighting the importance
of environmental protection and conservation of natural resources.
According to Islamic law, the basic elements of nature – land, water, fire,
forest, and light belong to all living things, not just human beings.
The Holy Qur’an and Sunnah are a guiding light to promote
sustainable development in Islamic countries as well as around the world.
Allah Almighty commands human beings to avoid doing mischief and
wasting resources as these acts cause degradation of the environment.
The privilege to exploit natural resources was given to the mankind on a
guardianship basis, which implies the right to use another person’s
property on the promise that it will not be damaged or destroyed.
Allah Almighty states in the verses of Holy Quran:
“And do not mischief on the earth after it has been set in order:
that will be best for you, if ye have Faith” (Surat Al A’raf, ‘the
Heights’, verse 85)
“And do good as Allah has been good to you. And do not seek
to cause corruption in the earth. Allah does not love the corrupters”,
(Surat Al Qasas 28:77)
“Children of Adam, dress well whenever you are at worship,
and eat and drink (as we have permitted) but do not be extravagant:
God does not like extravagant people.” (Surat Al-A’raf 7:31)

• Causes & Effects:

Main causes and effects of pollution are explained as:

1. The Burning of Fossil Fuels

Most of the air pollution takes place due to the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, gasoline
to produce energy for electricity or transportation. The release of carbon monoxide in high level
indicates how much fossil fuel is burned. This also emits other toxic pollutants in the air. Inhaling
air induced with pollutants due to the burning of natural gas and fossil fuel reduces heart’s ability
to pump enough oxygen causing one to suffer respiratory illness.

2. Industrial Emission

Industrial activities emit several pollutants in the air that affects the air quality more than we can
even imagine. Particulate matter 2.5 and 10, Nitrogen dioxide, Sulfur dioxide, and carbon
monoxide are key pollutants that are emitted from industries that use coal and wood as their
primary energy source for production of their goods. Industrial pollution effects associated with
your health can range from irritation in your eyes and throat to breathing issues, at times can
even lead to chronic illness.
3. Indoor Air Pollution

Use of toxic products also called as Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), inadequate ventilation,
uneven temperature, and humidity level can cause indoor air pollution, whether you are in office,
school or at your comfortable home. House air pollution can take place due to ignorant factors,
for instance, smoking tobacco inside a room or leaving mold infected wall untreated. Use of wood
stove or space heaters is capable to increase the humidity level which can directly affect the
health a person in no time.

4. Wildfires

Climate change is not just increasing wildfire but also spiking air pollution. Burning stubble and
farm residue is also a major contribution to wildfire. It causes increased PM 2.5 in the air which
collides with other harmful substances like chemical gas and pollen creating smog. Smog makes
the air hazy and people find it difficult to breathe.

5. Transportation

There is no denying that vehicle pollution is the major contributor to air pollution, especially in
urban cities. When the car burns gasoline, it emits pollutants in the air which is as harmful as
smoking 10 cigarettes a day. Your vehicle emits carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxide,
and particulate matter. When the vehicle pollution is high in the atmosphere, it creates a hole in
the ozone layer contributing to smog and causing various health issues.

6. Open Burning of Garbage Waste

Open burning of garbage is much more harmful to your health and the environment than one
may think. As per Engage EPW, Delhi Air Pollution is choking public health. Delhi generates a
whopping 9500 tons of waste every day, which makes it India’s second waste dumping city.
Exposure to open burning of garbage waste can pose serious health risk including cancer, liver
issues, impairment of immune system, reproductive functions; can also affect the developing
nervous system.

7. Construction and Demolition

During clean air act movement, the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) registered the highest
number of air pollution complaints in the Delhi NCR due to construction and demolition activities.
With the rise of population in the city, construction and demolition is a part of the ever-going
development phase of the national capital. Several construction sites and raw materials such as
bricks and concrete cause haze and foul air which is hazardous for the people especially, children
and elderly citizens.

8. Agricultural Activities

Agricultural activities have had a serious impact on the decreasing air quality. To begin with
pesticides and fertilizers are the main source to contaminate the surrounding air. Nowadays,
pesticides and fertilizers are mixed with new invasive species which are not found in nature, for
quick growth of the crops and vegetation. Once they are sprayed over, the smell and the effect
of the pesticides are left in the air. Some mix with water and some seeps into the ground which
not only destroys the crops but also causes numerous health-related issues.

9. Use of chemical and synthetic products

Talking about air pollution, we always consider outdoor air pollution dangerous for our lives but
never talk about indoor air pollution. Household products cause indoor air pollution which is 10
times more harmful than outdoor air pollution. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) found in
paints, cleaners and personal care products such as perfume and deodorants are a reason for
common heath issues. Risks like asthma or other respiratory issues and lung disease are other
issues cause by inhaling poor house air quality.

Importance of Clean Environment:

1. For Healthy Environment:

The more you don’t care about our environment, the more it will become polluted with
contaminants and toxins that have a harmful impact on our health. Air pollution can cause
respiratory diseases and cancer, among other problems and diseases. Water pollution can lead
to typhoid, diarrheal diseases, and another one. The local authorities have to promote care the

2. Earth Is Our Home:

It’s where we live, so we better take care of it. For sure we could be better person if we help
with small things for our home, this planet the only that we have now.

What Can We Do?

The problems we are facing now are tough. However, the good news is that, you
don’t have to be an expert or a millionaire to save the Planet – everyone can help to do
their bit for the environment. In other words, if each of us can be more conscious of
environmental issues and willing to take some simple steps to save the Planet, we can
make a huge contribution.

Nowadays, with increasing environmental awareness among the public, people

around the world are coming together to fight for a greener future, and the effort has
achieved great results. As a pioneering member of environmental advocacy community,
Better World International is always committed to improve and take care of our
surrounding environment, by providing practical tips to its members on the things they
can do to live more sustainably and save the Earth.
Negative Impacts of Pollution:
Look at any ecosystem and there could be multiple forms of
contamination—streams full of toxic chemicals from industrial processes, rivers
overloaded with nutrients from farms, trash blowing away from landfills, city skies
covered in smog. Even landscapes that appear pristine can experience the effects
of pollution sources located hundreds or thousands of miles away.
Pollution may muddy landscapes, poison soils and waterways, or kill plants
and animals. Humans are also regularly harmed by pollution. Long-term exposure
to air pollution, for example, can lead to chronic respiratory disease, lung cancer
and other diseases. Toxic chemicals that accumulate in top predators can make
some species unsafe to eat. More than one billion people lack access to clean
water and 2.4 billion don’t have adequate sanitation, putting them at risk of
contracting deadly diseases.

Environmental Awareness:
➢ What is Environmental awareness?
Environmental awareness is to understand the fragility of our environment and
the importance of its protection.
Public environmental awareness is a primary concern of the future of humanity.
Public awareness encouragement is essential for ensuring effective environment
improvement and Protection. Protecting our environment is the most important section
of implementing a sustainable development strategy.

➢ Can pollution be stopped?

Yes, pollution can be stopped by the following ways:
1. Instead of driving to work or school, take the bus, carpool, walk, or
ride your bike to cut down on greenhouse gas emissions.
2. Consider investing in appropriate technology like clean power (solar
or wind), if not for your home then maybe for a community center.
This supports a transition to clean and renewable energy.
3. Buy reusable products such as glass bottles, reusable bags and
reusable cups. Avoid buying disposable goods such as paper towels,
plastic bottles, and plastic bags.
4. Start composting and recycling, which will help cut down our waste
5. Start your own community garden and produce organic, pesticide-
free food.

What if pollution doesn’t exist?

A world without excessive pollution that the natural environment cannot cure
might be a world without China, the United States, Russia, India, Mexico, and Japan. It might be
a world that has completely reversed the practices of the Industrial Revolution. The United States
with 4.5% of the world’s population is responsible for 63% of the worlds hazardous waste, 250
million metric tons of world total of 400 million metric tons. Homo Sapiens must clean his/her
mind of uncleanness simultaneously while He cleans His environment of Pollution. Pollution is
Racism. Do the Animals Pollute? No, Only Man Pollutes. Do the Plants Pollute? No, only Man
Pollutes. Man must constantly use Recycling, Reusing, Compost, Control, Collection, Scrubbing,
Sewage Treatment. Man must evolve away from the use of lead acid batteries, Mining Ore,
Smelting, Tanneries, Gold Miming, Dumpsites, Chemical Manufacturing, Product Manufacturing,
and Dyes. Man must put his transferred concentrations into the development of fission and
fusion Space ships whereby the pollution from these devices is completely controlled. Man must
quit using all the paper towels in the bathrooms of the world to only quickly incompletely dry his
hands and throwing the paper towels immediately away and save the paper towels and put them
in his back pocket for later use. Man must quit leaving the shopping carts all over the parking lots
and in the parking spaces and in the disabled parking spaces and begin to bring the carts inside.
Man must learn to do people favors and quit being a mess.

What if pollution doesn’t stop?

What if Air pollution doesn’t stop? If air pollution is not controlled, by 2030 the air will
become so poisonous that it will be necessary to use an oxygen kit to breathe easily. Rising air
pollution will also lead to premature aging. Human exposure to air toxins will increase to a great
extent if air pollution is not controlled.
Human activity is a major cause of air pollution, especially in large cities. Human air
pollution is caused by things such as factories, power plants, cars, airplanes, chemicals, fumes
from spray cans, and methane gas from landfills. One of the ways that humans cause the most
air pollution is by burning fossil fuels.
So, from the all the discussion above we can deduce that pollution is a terrible act
to be committed and is also a cause of deaths worldwide. It causes diseases, from which some
are uncurable/untreatable. By polluting environment, one just doesn’t make his/her world but
also hereafter cold. By avoiding it, we not only keep our environment clean healthy but also for
other people and for future generation also.



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