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NAME: Kassandra Lei Coleen E.

Dudang SECTION: Zircon


I. Essential Vocabulary. Give the meaning of the following.

1. Cuticle: This is a protective and waxy or hard layer covering the epidermis of a plant,
invertebrate, or shell.

2. Nail Bed: This is the formative layer of cells underlying the fingernail or toenail.

3. Nail Plate: This is the hard part of the nail, made of translucent keratin protein. 

4. Eponychium: The eponychium is the thickened layer of skin at the base of the fingernails and

5. Lunula: This is the crescent-shaped whitish area of the bed of a fingernail or toenail and the
visible part of the root of the nail.

II. How can I care my nails at home.

1. Keep fingernails/toenails dry and clean.

2. Trim your nails straight across.
3. Moisturize your nails with oil to keep them flexible and strong.
4. Avoid harsh nail polishes.
5. Avoid keeping your nails in wet or dirty environments. 

III. Search for different diseases/problems of the nails.

1. Dark streak:

2. Nail lifting up:

3. Redness and swelling around a nail:

4. Greenish black color

5. Pitted nails

6. Yellow nail syndrome

7. Deep grooves (or gaps)

8. Onychogryphosis

9. Koilonychia

10. Clubbing

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