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Trostyans'ka J. I. Recognition and implementation of foreign courts sentences in Ukraine.

Dissertation for degree in Law in specialty 12.00.09 (a criminal process and criminalistics);
judicial examination – National Academy of internal affairs. - Kyiv, 2011.
Dissertation is a research of theoretical and practical problems of mechanism of recognition
and implementation of foreign courts sentences in Ukraine at monographic level. In the
dissertation it is determined the concepts, principles and guarantees of recognition and execution
of foreign courts sentences in Ukraine. It is determined the judicial order of bringing a sentence
of foreign courts in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine. It is determined the guarantees of
providing rights of convicted by foreign courts citizens of Ukraine during bringing of sentence in
accordance to the legislation of Ukraine. It is investigated the international law agreements of
Ukraine, which regulate recognition and implementation of foreign courts sentences in Ukraine,
we have determined the features of their application on the territory of Ukraine. On the basis of
theoretical knowledge in dissertation it is formulated the suggestions related to the improvement
of judicial legislation and the others normatively legal acts of Ukraine.
Keywords: citizenship, serving of punishment, sentence of foreign court, implementation of
sentence, recognition and implementation, international law agreement, cognizance, transmission
of sentenced people, imprisonment.

Vovk V.V. Security bodies criminal procedure activity. Manuscript.

Dissertation for degree in Law in specialty 12.00.09 (a criminal process and criminalistics);
judicial examination – National academy of internal affairs. - Kyiv, 2011.
Dissertation is devoted to the theoretical and practical problems of criminal procedure activity
of the bodies of security in the criminal legal proceeding. It is investigated the status of inquest
bodies of Security Committee of Ukraine and pretrial investigation service and the law grounds
of their criminal procedure activity.
The dissertation provides the conclusion in accordance to which the bodies of security belong
to the subjects of criminal procedure activity. In the dissertation it is determined the main
concepts of security bodies, bodies of inquest, it is also determined the law background of
criminal procedure activity of security bodies, peculiarities of providing the process of inquest
and the bodies of pretrial investigation by the security bodies. The features of judicial,
department control and directorate of public prosecutions are exposed after criminal procedure
activity of security bodies. Suggestions are formulated in relation to the improvement of
Criminal procedure Code and normatively legal acts of Ukraine, which are directed on the
increase of efficiency of criminal procedure activity of security bodies.
Keywords: security bodies, criminal procedure relations, criminal procedure activity, inquest,
pre-trial investigation.

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