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Max Christensen

Ms. Emanuel

Writing Process Response


I have a writing process that fits me personally. My first step in my writing process is

determining my topic and thinking about my research topics for this topic. My second step in my

writing process is starting my research. I start out my research by looking up generic things

about my topic and then eventually getting more and more specific until I have all the necessary

information for my paper. My next step is to then start setting up my paper. I do this by writing

the introduction and then thinking out my body paragraphs and eventually myt conclusion. My

final step is to read over the whole paper, make sure I have everything I need included and make

sure it's as good as it can be. At the start of this semester I didn't have a very good writing

process. I didn't used to set up my paper like I do now. At the start of the semester and before

that I used to start writing without doing enough research to know what I was talking about and

to have good enough information about my topic. I also didn't use to lay out my paragraphs like I

do now. Now I think about the paragraphs and organize them so I don't repeat information in my

paper. I used to just start writing after my research with no outline so nothing flowed together. In

the future I would like to work on the flow of my paper more. What I mean by this is I want the

paper to come together better and read better. Sometimes it flows great and other times it just

sounds like random information everywhere. So in the future I would like to work on the flow of

my paper and always work on my writing process as a whole.

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