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Walkingstick 1

Brittany Walkingstick

Mr. DeMartini

Creative Writing

19 December 2016

The Takeover

You say that we are silly

That we don’t know how to feel
You say that we don’t understand
We don’t know what is real

With our hoods on our heads

And our music in our ears
We are disrespectful

Respect is a two-way street

Where two people must meet
I cannot respect you
If you don’t respect me

It’s time for the new generation

To take over
Time for us to prove you wrong
We can make this world our own
A place where all will belong

We choose not to whine

We choose not to wait
We choose to be filled with love
And not filled with hate

Look under our hoods

Listen to our music
Challenge us to change the world
And we’ll prove it
Walkingstick 2

“The Untitled Takeover” is a satire poem about the new generation of young adults being
told they are contemptuous and oblivious to the world around them. I believe that too many
adults in the world treat teenagers like they have nothing to offer and are too lazy and incoherent
to do anything about it. I used a quick rhythm in my poem to help with the tone of inspiration
meant to be felt by the reader. I choose to rhyme in some of my stanzas to also help with the
rhythm and help the poem flow better. I wanted the tone to reflect my personal experience with
these types of situations and I believe that the use of a metaphor added to that effect. All in all, I
created this poem sort of as a silent message to both teenagers and adults alike to the problems
with judgement and acceptance between different generations.
Walkingstick 3

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