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Rept ofthe Pipes DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND HIGHWAYS q OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY wag 2.9 m0 DEPARTMENT ORDER) SUBJECT: Revised Construction 3 Safety Guidelines “for. the 30 ) Implementation of Infrastructure w,_IV_} Projects During the COVID-19 Public Series of 2021 Sroyla/n Health crisis, Amending Department Order No. 39, Series of 2020 Inline wth the announcement from the Office ofthe President of the approval by President Rodrigo R. Duterte of the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases’ recommendation tb place the Greater Metro Menla Area under Enhanced Community Quarantine last 27 March 2021, and in accordance with the amendments tothe Omnibus Guidelines forthe Implementation of Community Quarentine in the Philippines pursuant to IATF Resolution No. 106-8, S. 202i, dated 28 March 2021, inducing other pertinent issuances and recommendations of the relevant gevernment agences, as wal as to further balance economic growth through infrastructure development with pubic heath and safety, Department Order No. 39, Series of 2020, is hereby amended accordingly. 1. COVERAGE ‘The Revised Construction Safety Guidelines for the Implementation of Infrastructure Projects During the COVID-18 Public Health Crisis (Guidelines) shall apply to all government and private construction projects as stated in the Omnibus Guidelines for the Implementation of Community Quarantine in the Philippines (Omnibus Guidelines) in areas Under Enhanced Community Quarantine (EQ), Modied Enhanced Community Cuarantine (NECQ), General Community Quarantine (GOQ), and Modified General Community Quarantine (GOD), TI _ TYPES OF CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS THAT MAY BE IMPLEMENTED PURSUANT TO THE REVISED OMNIBUS GUIDELINES FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION (OF COMMUNITY QUARANTINE IN THE PHILIPPINES. A. For areas under ECQ and MECQ, all essential public and private construction projects shall be allowed at full operatinal capacity, subject to strict compliance with these Guidelines. However, smell-scale projects shall ot be allowed. For this purpose, small- ‘scale projects are defined as those construction projects that are Intended for purely Private and personal use, and which, because of scale, would not be able to or woud Impracteally be unable to comply with these Guidelines Essential public and private construction projects shal include, but wil not be liited to the folowing: 1. Health, quarantine, or isolation facies for close contact exposure, suspect, and probable cases, and confirmed COVID-19 patients; Rs ater ‘rang apres ter No, 2, Se 2 2. Facies for the health sector workers including those dealing with cose contact ‘exposure, suspect and probable cases, and confirmed COVID-19 pater, 3. Vaccination centers or facies or infrasbucture projects necessary for the supply distribution, and administration of vaccines; 4 Facltes for construction personnel who perform emergency works and other 37.5 degrees Cesus, the ‘employee shal be denied entry and refered to the workplace isolation area for ‘urther evaluation by the Safety Office. b. IF"No" to al tems are answered and temperature is < 37.5 degrees Celsius, the ‘employee shal be permitted entry. The security staff or other responsible personnel on duty shall immedistely give the accomplishes heath declaration ferm to the company’s Human Resources (HR) Department for appropriate action and storage. 4. Stould an online heath” declaration form be used, the form sould be ectronically submitted to HR. The Health Declaaton Form shall be handled and pracesced in accordance with the Data Privacy Act and related issuances to ensure th |. Data collected shoul only indude such necessary data proportional to the purpose of contract tracing; 1, The processing of personal data shall be transparent, and the data subjects shall be apprised ofthe reasons fo such collection; li, Reasonable and appropriate securty measures’ and safeguards shall be Implemented to protect the personal data collected; Iv. The personal data collected shall be considered highty confdentil; and The personal data shall be stored only for a limites peried anc shall be disposed of propery afte thity (30) days from date of accomplishment. Employers shall direct symptomatic individuals through appropriate heath system fentry points such as the’ primary care faclity (e.g. Barangay Health Center, Infirmares, Prvate Clin / hospitals) or teleheath consuitation. Referral networks shall be established. Employers may contact the DOH through its hotine 1555 for guidance on the handing and refering of symptomatic employees. ‘Al personnel must practice respiratory etiquette at all times. They must use tssue or the inner portion of the elbow to cover the nose and mouth when sneezing/coughing Proper disposal of tissue after use shouid be observed. Flexible dining policy shall be adapted (e.g. staggered breaks), The rumber of ‘workers wo can eatin the pantry/dining area at @ given tine should be limited. Eating alone by workersin their respective workstations is highly encouraged. Employers shall provide their employees with psychosocial support, especally those Presenting mental heath concems. If ths 1s not avallale, a referal system to ‘mental health speclalsts must be in place, either through establishing a network with an accredited health facity, through telemecicne services or through the Natcnal Center for Menta! Heath Cisis Hotine. Further, employers shall promote work life balance, especialy in these trying times, through proper scheduling of activities and workforce rotation eon Conran Safty Gare rie enero ‘Ponce Poesy he COD 1 Rea os “ee tr er 85 12, Employers classed as large and medium-sized prvate establistyments (.e. those with total assets above PHPISM) are encouraged to provde shuttle services to their employees. Maimum public heath standards should be enforced in the shuttle services. Al vehide types, as long as not expressly prohibited by the Department of “Transportation (OOTr) through an issuance, may be used for shuttle series. 13.As smoking is a risk factor for COVID-19, smoking and the use of e-cigwettes or ‘aging are strictly prohibited in the workpiace/constructon sites and premises. 14.As COVID-19 is spread through respiratory droplets, spiting in public paces can ‘contibute to te Vansmisson of COVID-18. Employers shall implement pices and other applicable guldeines which prohibit sting. 15, Al personnel must wash their hands with soap and water regularly, or use hand disinfectants. Employers should place hand-washing statons with soap and water, hand sanitizers, endfor dispensers with an alcohol-basad solution in all entrances, fexts, and areas with high foot traffic. Employers must ensure daly mantoing and avalaiity of hand soaps, sanitizers, and disinfectants 16. Employers must ensure dlsinfecton and routine daring of frequenty touched surfeces and objects using 0.5% bleach solution (100m Bleach, SOOmL water) at least once @ day. Disinfection is encouraged between shifts. Disinfection shall be in ‘accordance with DOH OM Nos, 2020-0157 and 2020-0157-A on dsinfection protocols, 17, Physical distancing of at least one (1) meter apart from each co-worker should always be practiced in the construction ste, if possible. Employer may install ‘temporary bariers, where applicable. 18,Face-toface mestngs should be limited, as much as possible, Tool box or gang meetings for safety should sill be conducted, but following minimum public heath standart. 19, Employers cassiied as large and medium-sed private establishments (ve. those with total assets above PHPiSM) shall provide for employees’ temporary lodging or {quarters forthe duration of the project. The minimum pubic health stantards and protocos enshrined in DOH AO No. 2020-0015 and other relevant issuances shall be ‘also implemented wthin the temporary lodging or quarters. If the employes unable {tw provide for his employees’ temporary lodging or quarters, the returning employees shall be subjected to the pre-deployment procedures upon every entrance into the workplace/construction stes and premises. This shall in no way be consbued as a right by the employer to limit or prevent his employees! from leaving the work Premises, to access essential goods or otherwise, subject to the condust of pre- eployment procedures upon the employees’ return oF upon every entiy by S2id ‘employees into the Work premises. 20. Feld offices, employees’ quarters, and other common areas shall be regularly maintained, inducing the daly disinfection of such facies. 21. Employers shall establish Occupational Safety and Heath (OSH) Committees in mangengcink Saaes : ‘aneeg Deane Cre No.3, Ses of 220, szrane wih ape Ke N10, Ra OLE Omen er Ne $e Sono 200, nhch ob ei on 25 Senn 218 The Os commer trlor Sty ie’ re wrk! sa re eae a nota ct Sernrinen pc hat sonar fo" CO“S 19 poten nce wore sd For8cF St aroma Ce Ns 29908 22. Large and medium private establishments (Le. wth total assets of above PHPISM) ‘are mandated to designate an isciaton area of one room for every 200 enployess, ‘which must be stuated near the entrence/s or in a nearby facity, for employees needing further assessment due to elevated tempereture, presence of fuike symptoms, any "yes" angver to the Heath Dedaration, or exposure history to a {COvID-19 case or probable case 23.The designated isolation area shall have adequate ventlation and sail have suficent provision of PPE for the health personnel and symptomatic paints (9 ‘ace shields and medical-arade face masks), The isolation area shall be provided with chairs and must have a dedicated restroom. It shall be disinfected once every two (2 rous andor Immediately afer any fected or confmed COvID-19 enployee leaves the area 24, Private establishments unable to establish an isolation area may make arrangements with a temporary tretment and monitoring facity nearby or with the Barangay Local Government Unit for immediate referal of employees wh fulfill the criteria for isolation 25. For offsite employees’ quarters, transport service, duly disinfected before and after tse, shall be provided, and social distancing shal iken'se be observed therein at all ‘mes. 26, Should employees leave the construction ste and return, they shall be subject to the necessary and applicable pre-deployment procedures, in line with the established minimum public alt standards and protocols. 27. Sharing of construction and office equipment is discouraged, However, if recessary, the shared equipment must be disinfected in between transfers amongst personne 28, Al material and equipment delivery and disposal shall be conducted by 2 specific ‘team of personne on an isolated loading/unioading zone while ming cortac with the delvery/dsposal personnel. All. meteral and/or equipment entering the construction ste shal be duly disinfected as much as possible 28, Non-essential personnal, visitors, and the general puble shall be rastrited from entering the construction site, isolaton site, employees’ quarters, and fled offices. Cthenvise, al personnel entering the constructon site premises on a temporary basis (€9, delivery truck crives, inspectors, etc.) shall be propery logged and ctecked for Symptoms. Gatherings, liquors, and/or mery-making are sticly prohibited within ‘the construction site premises 30, Clustered and staggered deployment of employees within the constuction site shall be observed to minimize personnel contact and for easier contact trang, N. "arcing Oeparent Order No, 38, Sees of 2020, mada 31, Proper waste dispesal shall be provided for infectious waste, such as PPES and other waste products coming fom outside the construction premises. 32.1F one confrmed case of COVID-19 is detected In the construction site/workplae, such piace shal be disinfected with an appropriate asinfectant solution (0.5% blezch solaion). The conduct of a comprehensive disinfection by specalsts is recommended. 33.The site must be locked down for 24 hours prior to disinfection to lessen transmission to sentation personnel. During the disinfection process, all coors and ‘windows should be opened to maximize ventiation. The site may ony be opened 24 hours after the dlsnfection process. 34. Employers shall ensure that the temporary closure of ther establishments for dsinfecton purposes wil be done in accordance with the National Tesk Force ‘Against COVID-19 Memorandum Croular No. 2 dated 15 June 2020 on the (Operational Guidelines on the Application of Zoning Containment Strateyy in the Localization of the Netional Action Plan against COVIC-18 Response, 35, Reporting of COVID-19 test results to the DOH shall be done In accordance with DOH ‘Administrative Orcer No. 2020-0013, ented "Revised Guidelines forthe Inclusion of COVID-19 in the List Of Notifiable Diseases for Mandatory Reporting to the Department of Heath." 36, Employers shall ensure strict compliance withthe protocols established by the COM and LGUS for contact tracing of employees in close contact with a COVID: 19 case, 25 specified in DOH Memorandum No, 2020-0189 ented, "Updated Gulcelines on Contact Tracing of Clase Contacts of Confirmed Coronavirus Disease (C2VID-19) cases". 37. Other applicable provsions of DTI-DOLE Joint Memerandum Crodar No. 2-04-A or the "DTI and DOLE Supplemental Guidelines on Workplace Prevertion and Control of CCOVID-I9", issued on 15 August 2020, are hereby deemed incorporeted in these Guidelines. (MONITORING and ENFORCEMENT ‘A, For DPWH infastrucure projects, the head of the concerned OPWH Implementing ‘ffce (10) shall montor compliance with these Guidelines 8, For LGU implemented projects and private construction projects, the LGU concerned, through its Cty/Municipal Engineering Office, shall monitor compliance wth these. Guldaines. For infastucure projects implemented by other national government agencies, Goverment Owned and Controlled Corporations (GOCC), and other government Instrumentals, the head or representative ofthe agency, GOCC, or government Instrumentalty concerned shall monitor compliance with these guidelines. eS eS " * Tage 3 oF 10 b, acess cases dsr ht ab 9 OH, Prepares Goran Aen, coc tuna, wee re ene nat ey he cota at a err ay Se pee os ene wane ue G5) ye fom commen wed tes ft coon seca rea An) E. The allowed government and private construction projects are subject to the storia and enforcement powers of the DOLE and the DTI in order t ensure compliance with the provisors on minimum health standards and prtoools in ‘accordance with the Omibus Guidelines F. The Offices of the Bullaing Officials (OBO) shall also conduct inspections in thele respective jurisdictions, inorder to ensure strict compliance with these Guidlines, In ‘e2e of violation of minimum heath standarés and protocols, the O80 shal report such volaton to the DOLE, DTI, or other relevant agency. V. PENALTIES: \Vclaton of any provsion of these Guidelines shall be subject tothe following senalties, without prejudice to the Impostion of addtional administrate sanctions as the internal ‘les of OPWH may provide and/or further criminal action that may be fled against such fering concessionaies, contactors, subcontvactors, and supple, its responsible officers, Crectors or employees, which may include, but shall not be limited t the following: |A. Termination of contract for breach thereof resulting to defaut pursuant te Item TI () 0) (© (, Anat of the Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No, 9184 in relaton to Section 37.2.3 of the same, which provdes tat bidding documents requiring bidders to know and be familar with all existing laws, decrees, ordinances, acts, and regulations, including the Department Orders of DPWH, shall form part of the contract awarded, and refusal or falure to comply with the valid instruction of DPWH, as the precuring entity, shal justify te contrac’ terination; . Contract terminabon/resision under Section 12.21 (b) of the Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republc Act No, 6957, as amended by Republic Act No. 7718 (Gor Lay, Referral tothe Philppine Contractors Accredtation Boardof any such vidation by the contractor/subcontracto, which shall consttute 2s prima face case of corstrxcton mmalperformance of grave consequence due to negligence, Incompetence, or ‘malpractice contemplated under DOLE 0.0. No. 13, Series of 1998, and DPWH D.O. "No. 56, Series of 2005, in relation to Republic Act No. 4566 (Contractor License Ley, D. Section 9 (d) or (@), a8 the case may be, of Republe Act No. 11332, sthervise known as the "Mandatory Reporting of Notfiable Diseases and Health vents of Public Heath Cancern At, and its Implementing Rules and Regulation. "eutrchoms Soeg te COVE Sroka Cae ‘moe ert0 Vi. eFFECTIVITY “These Guidelines shal take effect immediately upon publication in the Official Gazette or any newspaper of general circulation. “This Order hereby supplements 0.0. No, 39, Seles of 2020, and amends provisions that are Inconsistent herewith, For information and guidance. Yt tte MARK A. VILLAR, Secretary ‘WINTAC440r Annex “A” Depactment of Public Worcs and lignwvays Department Order No. —_ Series of 2021 CERTIFICATION AND UNDERTAKING Pursuant to DPWH Department Order No. __., Series of 2021 (DO No. __ 52021), the undersigned, {name and position) ‘of (name of company and address), contractor of _(name of ofce/s, name of projects and projec/s details) duly authorized to at for and in behalf of the said company (as evidenced by Board Resolution/Secretary’s Crtfeate/Special Power of Attorney, dated and attached hereto), hereby: 1, Attest that, in relation to our abovementioned project(s), our company has ‘duly complied with all_—the requirements forthe ‘commencement/resumption/continuation of the operations/activities ‘thereof during the COVID-19 Public Health Crisis, as set forth in DO No. —, s2021;and 2 Undertake to: a) Ensure strict and continued compliance with DO No. __ $2024 and ‘any DPWH issuances that maybe isted inthe future in relaon to the implementation of infrastructure projects during the COVID-19 Public Health Crisis Community Quarantine; 5) Allow and fully cooperate with the DPWH and other monkoring agencies’ mentioned In the DPWH Revised Construction Safety Guidelines forthe initial and regular inspection, and the monitoring oF ‘our abovementioned office/s and project/s, pursuant to DO No. —, s2ozi; and ©) Regularly submit (at the end of each month, beginning on the month following the resumption of operations/actvities of our company’s abovementioned office/s and project/s) to the DPWH and other ‘monitoring agencies’ mentioned in the DPWH Revised Construction Safety Guidelines concerned electronically (or through courier service for by personal service, ifthe former mode isnot avallable/feasBe or timely, and such DPWH Office concerned is not under ECQ), proof of ur continued compliance with the existing or subsequenti-ssued requirements of the DPWH relative to the COVID-19 Public Health Crisis Community Quarantine, in the form of scanned, cevtifed documents, photos, or videos, a part ofthe regular monitoring and Post-audt process. Annex “A” Department of Public Works and Highways Department Order No. —_ Series of 2021 Name of Company. Address Contact Details By: Non Position Designation Date SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this__day of__2021,sfiant fehibiting to me his/her competent evidence of identty/vallé goverament 1D/Passport No. issued on. at Doc. No:__ Page No. Book No. Series of 2021,

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