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According to Nordquist (2017), the exact cause of dandruff is unknown. One

theory is that it is linked to hormone production, as it often begins around the time of

puberty. Some possible factors are; 1) Seborrheic dermatitis, it affects many areas of

the skin including the back of the ears, the breastbone, eyebrows and sides of the

nose. 2) Not enough hair combing or brushing the hair regularly reduces the risk of

dandruff, because it aids in the normal shedding of skin. 3) Yeast, people who are

sensitive to yeast have a slightly higher chance of dandruff, so yeast may play apart.

Dandruff is often worse during the winter months and better when the weather is

warmer. 4) Dry skin, people with dry skin are more likely to have dandruff. Cold

winter air combined with overheated rooms is a common cause of itchy, flaking skin.

Dandruff that stems from dry skin tends to have smaller, non-oily flakes. 5)

Shampooing and skin care products, certain hair care products can trigger a red itchy,

scaling scalp. Frequent shampooing may cause dandruff, as it can irritate the scalp. 6)

Certain skin condition, people with psoriasis, eczema and some other skin disorders

tend to get dandruff more frequently than others. 7) Medical conditions, adults with

Parkinson disease and some other neurological illnesses are more prone to dandruff

and seborrheic dermatitis. 8) Diet, not consuming enough foods that contain zinc, B

vitamins and some types of fats may increase the risk.

According to Landry (2016), lemon juice is proven to get rid of dandruff

naturally. It contains citric acid that helps to fight dandruff from the roots of the hair
follicles. It also has antimicrobial properties that will get rid of fungus causing

dandruff. Hair fall is brought under control along with your beautiful tresses

becoming voluminous and strong. Here are some reasons why lemon cures dandruff;

citric acid in lemon juice in restoring the normal pH balance of the scalp that helps in

inhibiting overgrowth of the dandruff causing yeast on the scalp. Its vitamin C acidic

nature sheds away dead skin cells. Its healing property soothes irritation and reduces

itching. It contains anti-fungal properties that combat dandruff causing fungus. When

combined with different ingredients, lemon transforms into a powerful solution for


According to Curejoy (2017), lemon juice also contains vitamin C and

flavonoids, whose anti oxidative, antibiotic and antifungal properties have been found

to be useful in reducing and treating dandruff and the trace amounts of zinc in lemon

juice could also contribute to its effectiveness against dandruff.

According to Ammber (2016), dandruff is one kind of skin infections in

medical science that is harmful to skin, hair and for the whole body. According to the

researchers, 50 of 100 people who has dandruff suffers from face and skin infections.

There are some dandruff side effects you need to know and be conscious of them.

When dandruff attacks, dead skin like white powder falls from the head. The hair

becomes dirty and oily. Some other problems like hair falling, hair cracking,

roughness, lice problems start with dandruff.1.) Painful uncomfortable and

embarrassing, Dandruff can sometimes be very painful. It creates such kind of

situation that you cannot stop yourself from scratching your head. It seems like you
have cultivated louse in your head. It is really very uncomfortable and embarrassing,

especially when you are to scratch in front of the people.2.) Accelerating acne

problem, According to the skin specialists, the layer of dry skin may close the pores

of the skin. If your skin is suitable for growing acne, dandruff may accelerate this

acne problem. Do not let your hair be scattered on your face. Dandruff spreads the

face acne. As a result, acne from face scatters to the shoulder, hair borders, upper level

of the chest and back. According to the dermatologists, dandruff is one of the reasons

of growing acne on back also.3.) Head Itching Sensation, it is a common side effect

of dandruff. If you are affected by dandruff, you are in itching and scratching problem

all the time. A lot of dead skin coagulates on the head when the skin of head is

attacked by dandruff. As a result, it causes to feel itching sensation on the scalp of the

head.4.) Hair Falling, though dandruff is not directly related to hair falling, it may

happen for continuous scratching the skin of the head. But if you are in a dangerous

situation of dandruff, you are obviously in the risk of hair falling. As you lose the

natural elements of your scalp for extreme effect of dandruff, you cannot avoid facing

the hair losing problem until you take necessary action against dandruff.5.) Psoriasis,

Dandruff may cause psoriasis. It is an inflammatory skin disease that makes the skin

thick and reddish.6.) Eye Infection, dandruff causes blepharitis that is a common eye

infection. For this kind of infection, eye becomes reddish and painful, eyelid gets

itchy.7.) Asthma, the worst side effect of dandruff is asthma. When dandruff falls like

powder, it may cause lung infection. It enters into the lung and creates the symptom of

asthma with breathing.

According to Chowdhury (2016), did you know other than adding a tangy

taste to your cooking, lemon is a great ingredient for hair as well? Well, if you still

doubt if lemon is really useful for your hair or not, let us tell you that lemon is

extremely useful for your scalp and hair. It helps to strengthen your scalp and also

assists in providing longer and stronger hair. However, if you are just in case

searching for an ingredient that is cheap and effective on scalp and hair, here we

introduce to you some of the important benefits of using lemon for hair.

1. Treats Itchy Scalp Itchy scalp is an embarrassing situation when you end up

scratching your scalp every time. An easy and effective home remedy that can help to

treat itchy scalp is using lemon juice every day. Massage your scalp with a few drops

of lemon juice and wait for a couple of minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water after

some time. This will allow treating the itchy scalp condition completely. 2. Treats

Oily Scalp People who have active sebaceous glands generally release a high amount

of oil on the scalp, leading to stickiness between the tresses. One among the best

solutions that helps to extract excess oil from the scalp is using lemon. Allow your

scalp to get completely soaked in lemon juice and wait for a few hours. Wash off with

lukewarm water. Daily Horoscope: 27 January 2018 Ways To Use Witch Hazel To

Clear Up Your Skin Fast Daily Horoscope: 26 January 2018 Featured Posts 3. Treats

Dandruff One ultimate solution to treat dandruff is using lime juice. Using lemon is a

natural remedy that helps to get rid of the dandruff flakes and allows keeping your

scalp healthy and strong. Due to the high amount of citric acid present in the lemon, it
helps to reduce dandruff naturally. However, if you feel the irritation of citric acid on

the scalp, you may dilute lemon juice with water. So, add some water with lemon

juice and then apply it on your scalp. 4. Gives You Straight Hair if you dream to get

straight hair through a natural method, here is the best solution to do that. Take one-

fourth cup of lemon juice and add in 10 spoons of coconut oil to it. Now, mix both the

ingredients together and wash off with lukewarm water. Make sure you apply the

mask on every hair strand and comb it in a downward direction using a wide-toothed

brush. 5. Helps to exfoliate your scalp, lemon juice contain exfoliating properties that

help to pull out the toxins and dirt from the scalp. If you want to get rid of dandruff

and build-ups easily, make use of lemon juice. Apply some lemon juice and enjoy a

healthy scalp. 6. For Hair Growth One among the secret tricks to make your hair grow

fast is using lemon. Due to Vitamin C present in lemon, it helps to boost the growth of

hair and also strengthens the follicles of hair. Take equal quantities of coconut oil,

olive oil and lemon juice. Now, mix both the ingredients together and apply it on the

scalp. Wait for some time and wash off. 7. Treats Split Ends Lemon proves to be

effective in treating split ends as well. Make sure you trim off the split ends from

below and then use lemon for treating the split ends. Take 5-6 spoons of olive oil and

add some lemon juice to it. Apply this on your split ends and wash off with a mild

shampoo. 8. Treats Hair Loss if you are dealing with too much of hair loss, start using

lemon, as it helps treat hair loss directly.


The questionnaire form prepared consisted of 4 sections. The researchers will have the

Senior High School students as respondents for the study. The researchers will use

assessment evaluation studies to determine the effects of lemon in reducing dandruff.

Moreover, the researchers will use interview for the method of study.
Conceptual framework

The researchers will conduct an experiment of applying lemon to the scalp and

they will observe if lemon is effective in reducing dandruff.

As shown in the paradigm below:



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