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School of Management and Entrepreneurship

Business to Business Marketing

Instructor: Prof. Gururaj Kidiyoor

MBA 2019-21

Assignment: Dominion Motors & Controls, Ltd.

Ashutosh Choudhary (1910120007)
Ritika Sharma (1910120028)

Question1: - How serious is the situation for Dominion Motors?

Answer: -
The issue characterized for the situation is that DMC's biggest purchaser of oil well pumping
engines has positioned them the third best provider. This cannot just impact the buying choice of the
client which in this occasion is Hamilton, yet there are other more modest organizations also who
could follow this huge organization for their engine buying choices, so they get the advantage of
duplicating their R&D choices by being a follower.

The highest engine producer in Canada Dominion Motors and Controls, Ltd. is at risk for losing its
present piece of the overall industry in the mine pumping engine, on the grounds that a significant
customer of theirs, Hamilton having encountered a few contending brands motor positioned DMC
to be the third among its contenders. The difficult assertion is "In what ways can DMC react to the
aftereffect of the test directed by Hamilton and think of an appropriate arrangement all together for
the organization to remain the pioneer in the oil well pumping market."

Question2: - Many alternatives are given in the case. Which alternative according to you is
most appropriate for Dominion Motors?

Answer: -
Third Alternative which states that they may assume that before the formal report is released into
the public domain, there is no significant advantage to deferring a new product. Income, like
investments, must be made in some way. In terms of the fourth option, the third option would
stimulate the growth of definite-purpose motors. They will no longer be competitive in the market.
It necessitates contacting Hamilton and requesting that it retest it, as previous studies have failed to
generate data sufficient to determine oil pumping requirements.

This would be a drawn-out system that will help the clients of DMC to dodge the fine for over
motoring. It would be the ideal arrangement since it tends to the need of a predominant item as far
as pull just as force prerequisite according to the necessities in context of industry guidelines.
Definite purpose engine would likewise assist DMC with creating fresh out of the new plastic
market division on oil well siphoning industry. Yet, on the opposite other businesses could likewise
request comparative altered items later. DMC has a chance of winning the greater part of the
absolute buy
request by Hamilton which represents 30% of the absolute oil well siphoning engine market, by
giving believability and appreciation to the exploration of their specialists, alongside the first
mover's benefit. Although according to the case realities, the market on distinct reason engine is
minuscule in the district that will be hard to decide whether the future profit from the underlying
speculation will repay.

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