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Indonesia-English Translation: Course 4 Translation Techniques By: “Do something today that your future self will thank you for” (Lakukan sesuatu hari ini yang mana kita akan berterima kasth padanya di masa depan nanti) - Sean Patrick Flanery - Translation Techniques ‘Translation methods refers to the way used by translators in translation process based on the translators’ objective related to the whole text. According to Molina and Albir (2002) in Hartono (2017:27), Translation techniques is the practical way to analyze and classify how the process in looking for the equivalent lexical items is done. There are five based characteristics of translation techniques namely: . Translation techniques affect the translation results. . Translation techniques compare SL with TL. v w . Translation techniques affect the smallest text units such as words, phrases, and sentences. - . Translation techniques are discursive (logical) natural and contextual. Translation techniques is the practical way used by translators in translating and adjusting equivalent linguistic items of the smallest text units such as words, phrases, and sentences. Translation Techniques A. Direct 1. Borrowing (Peminjaman) Borrowing is a translation technique by taking (adopting) words or expressions directly from another language without translation. It is also called as naturalization technique. Commonly, there is no alteration for the borrowed words or expressions, for example the word “/obby” from English is borrowed by Spanish. Another example in Indonesian is the word “sadel” which is the result of naturalization the English word “saddle”. Otherwise, the word “sate” from Indonesian is naturalized becoming “satay” in English. . Calque Calque is a translation technique which translate the words, or phrases of one language to the equivalent words, or phrases of another language. Calque also can be defined as a phrase borrowed from another language and translated word-for-word literally and structurally. For example the word “Biergarten” in German is translated as “bier garden” in English. The word “tanah air”, “samudra pasifik” from Indonesian becomes “homeland”, “pacific ocean” in English. N 3. Literal Literal is a translation technique which tries to translate words or expressions word-for-word by considering their functions and meanings based on the structure of sentence (grammatical construct). It doesn’t consider the context. Examples: = SL(IN) : Dia seperti kacang lupa kulitnya. TL (EN) : He is like as peanut forgetting its shell. (Avoiding the context) * SL(IN)_ : Sayasuka berenang. TL(EN) : / like swimming. Penerjemahan diatas menggunakan kata “swimming” (Noun (kata benda) bentuk Gerund sebagai objek kalimat) dan bukan “swim” (kata kerja) B. Oblique 1. Transposition (Transposisi) It is the translation technique which translate Source Language (SL) to the Target Language (TL) by changing the grammatical category or form. There is a shift of word class or position in this technique. Example: a. Pergeseran bentuk wajib dan otomatis yang disebabkan oleh sistem dan kaidah bahasa. SL (IN): Gadis cantik (Noun+Adjective) TL (EN) : Beautiful girl (Adjective+Noun) b. Pergeseran struktur gramatikal dalam Bsu (SZ) yang tidak ada dalam Bsa (IL) Examples: Peletakan objek di depan kalimat bahasa Indonesia yang tidak lazim dalam konsep struktur gramatikal bahasa Ingeris, kecuali dalam kalimat pasif. = SL(IN) : Buku itu haruskitabawa. TL(EN) : We must bringthe book. Peletakan verba di latar depan dalam bahasa Indonesia yang tidak lazim dalam struktur bahasa Inggris, kecuali dalam kalimat imperatif (command). * SL(IN)_ : Telahdisahkan penggunaannya TL(EN) - Its usage has been approved. c. Pergeseran karena alasan kewajaran ungkapan, padanan Bsu (SL) tidak wajar atau kaku dalam Bsa (TL). SL CN) : bank yang memberikan pinjaman (Noun + Clause: S+V) TL(EN): lendingbank —_ (Adjective: Participle Active + Noun) d. Pergeseran unit misalnya kata menjadi frasa atau sebaliknya yang sering kita jumpai dalam penerjemahan kata-kata lepas. SL (IN) : keadaan dapat saling dipertukarkan TL (EN): interchangeability 2. Modulation (Pergeseran Makna) The modulation technique is a translation technique that translates the source language into the target language by changing the point of view. For example in SL (IN) “Anda akan segera memiliki anak” becomes “You re going to be a father sooner” in TL (EN). Modulation Technique is divided into two types namely: a. Mandatory Modulation (Modulasi Wajib) It will performed when source language’s word or phrase doesn’t have an equivalent word in target language, so it needs to be presented. Example: Pasive form in Indonesia becomes active in English or vice versa. SL(IN) : Laporan itu akan saya sampaikan besok pagi. TL (EN) : J will submit the report tomorrow morning. b. Free Modulation (Modulasi Bebas) Free modulation is a translation technique which is performed for nonlinguistic reasons. For example, to clarify meaning, create a linkage of meanings, look for natural equivalent meaning in TL, and so on. Examples: State explicitly in TL what is implied in SL (clarify the meaning). = SL(IN) : Laporan harus dikirim per triwulan. = TL(EN) : The reportmust be sent every three months. 3. Compensation Molina dan Albir (2002) in Hartono (2017:34) argued that compensation is used to introduce a Source Text (ST) element of information or stylistic effect in another place in the Target Text (TT) because it cannot be replaced in the same place as in the Source Text. It means that the compensation is the translation technique which is used when the meaning or information of SL cannot be translated in TL and the lost meaning itself is expressed by another form in TL. In other words, the translator creates a new another form in TL because the meaning or information of SL cannot be translatedin TL. Example: SL (IN) : Beliau adalah seorang guru. TL(EN) — : Heisa teacher. Hervey and Higgins (1992) classifies compensation into four types: a. Compensation in kind Compensation in kind is a translation technique which tries to make up one type of textual effect in the source text (ST) by another type in the target text (IT). SL(IN) : Mari bersyukur kepadaNya. TL (EN) : Lets thank to our God. b. Compensationin place Compensation in place is a technique which tries to make up the lost effect in a certain place in ST by re-creating a corresponding effect at an earlier or later (phrase or sentence) in the TT. * SL(IN)_ : Jawaand TL (EN): Jaya. * SLI); Diatinggaldipelosok. TL(EN) : He liveat remote area. c. Compensation by merging The technique of compensation by merging is to condense ST features carried over a relatively long stretch of text (say, a complex phrase) into a relatively short stretch of the TT (say, a simple word or a simple phrase) SL (IN): Anak yang sudah lama menghilang itu telah ditemukan. TL (EN) : The lost child has been found. d. Compensation by splitting It is a technique which splits a single information element in SL into two information elements that represent the TL. It is used when there is no single TL word that covers the same range of meaning as a given SL word SL (IN) : Diamerawathucingku. TL (EN): She look after my cat. SL (IN): Kitaakan menua. TL (EN): We will be getting old. 4. Adaptation Adaptation as a method according to Newmark (1998) is different from adaptation as the technique (Molina dan Albir, 2002:509). Adaptation as a method tends to the translation which generates the whole text as the adaptation (saduran). Meanwhile, adaptation as the technique more tends to the effort for changing cultural element in the smallest text units of SL with the equivalent cultural element of TL (cultural shifi process). For example, changing the word “baseball” in English becomes “fiithal” in Spanish. SL(IN) : Hormatsaya TL (EN) : Sincerely yours 5. Description Description is to replace a term or expression with a description of its form or/ and function. SL(IN) : Jumpeng TL(EN) : Traditional Javanese food eaten on birthday party 6. Discursive creation It is the translation technique which establish a temporary equivalence that is totally unpredictable out of context. SL (IN) _ : Suamisementara. TL(EN) : Husband for a year. 7. Established equivalent It is the translation technique which try to use a familiar or recognized term or expression in TL (based on dictionary or language rules of TL) as the equivalence for SL SL(IN) ; Mereka sepertipinang di belah dua. TL (EN) : They are as like as two peas. . Generalization 9° It is the technique which use a more general or neutral term in translating text from SL to TL. It changes the SL word which has narrow meaning with the TL word which has broadermeaning. SL (IN); Diatertembakdimedan perang. TL(EN) : He was killed in the battlefield SL(IN) ; Dia mengajarikucara menanam, merawat, dan memanen padi TL (EN) : He teaches me about rice farming. 9. Particularization Particularization is a technique which tries to use a more precise or concrete term in translating text from SL to TL. This technique is the opposite of the generalization translation technique. It tries to translate term from SL to TL by finding the equivalent term or word which more specific in TL. SL(IN) : Mereka tinggal di tempat penginapan. TL (EN) ; They stay inthe hotel. 10. Reduction It is the translation technique which reduce item of information in Target Language (TL). SL(IN) : Surabaya yang merupakan Ibukota Provinsi Jawa Timur, dikenal sebagai kota pahlawan. TL(EN) : Surabayais known as the city of heroes. SL (IN): Diamerasasangat sedih dan terpuruk. TL (EN) ; She isso sad. 11. Substitution Substitution is the technique which changes linguistic elements becomes paralinguistic elements (intonation, gestures) or vice versa. Example: SL(CIN) : (Menunjukkan ibujari) TL(EN) : Goodjob! 12. Variation Variation is to change linguistic or paralinguistic elements (intonation, gestures) that affects to the aspects of linguistic variation: changes of textual tone, style, social, social dialect, geographical dialect, ete. Example: Ngomong-ngomong, Tau gak sih, ... Asal kalian tau, ... By the way, You know what... For your information, ... “That’s all about our discussions today. Thanks a lot!. See ya soon.”

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