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1. Do you like to watch nature documentaries? Why or why not?

Yes, because I like to see wild animals, there are always interesting things to learn about other
countries or continents.

2. Write your own six-word memoir

Adopt and save a life, this reminds me of all the pets I have had in my life.

3. Did you study history at school? Did you enjoy it?

Yes and no; yes, because I think it is very interesting to learn things from the past, but for me it
is very complicated to learn or remember dates.

4. Do you think Young people in your country know enough about their history?

I really don't know, but I don't think so, they give more importance to other things, for
example: video games, parties, going out with friends.

5. “Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it” What does this quote mean? Do you
think it’s true?

I think it means not making the mistakes of the past and it's true because you learn things, you
gain experience

6. Have you ever been to a wedding where there was an unexpected event?

I don't really remember, I don't go to a wedding many years ago, I think I was 6 or 7 years old,
because I don’t remember much

7. Talk about an occasion when you were bored to tears.

At the beginning of the pandemic, the first days of the quarantine I was very bored, plus I think
I was on vacation, I just finished intermediate level of english , so I had nothing to do.

8. For what sort of reasons do people cry tears of rage or frustration?

When something doesn't go well, when they make a mistake in an important job or for the
university, when people are very stressed because of university assignments.

9. Can you remember the last time you really laughed? What was the reason?

Last Friday, I was having lunch and I was laughed because I was watching an episode of
spongebob, that cartoon is very funny.

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