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online registration procedure:

1. First, you have to visit the registration website at Stikes Bina Sehat PPNI Mojokerto

2. Then, fill in the fields of the registration page which is already available.

3. After that, you will get a WA & E-mail reply containing your username, password, and VA number for
registration payment, so make sure the phone number you enter is your WA contact number & e-mail,
and it must be active.

4. Pay for a registration of IDR 500,000 to Bank BTN using the VA (Virtual Account) code that you
received in the WA notification and e-mail to activate your registration account. Cash payments can only
be served at all BTN bank counters, or payments via ATM transfers can be made at all existing and multi-
bank ATM outlets.

5. After making a payment, your registration account will automatically be active, and use the
"username" & "password" that was sent in the WA notification or your e-mail to log in.

6. After logging in and successfully logging into your account, please fill in all the required items in the
registration account, if it is complete and has passed the verification, you will get a notification again
containing the results of the verification of graduation and details of the registration fee.

7. Registration of new students for the 2021/2022 Academic Year starts on December 1

Offline registration procedure :

1. First, register yourself directly at the Bina Sehat Ppni Mojokerto Stikes
2. Then, complete the required files. Such as photocopies of family cards, certificates, report
cards, birth certificates, and health certificates
3. After all that is done, the officer will provide a registration form that must be filled out.
4. Then, submit the form to the officer, and you will be given a virtual account to make
registration payments
5. Payments can be made through Bank BTN only, either by transfer or otherwise
6. Wait for the test selection date.

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