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25. What is the biggest problem in Spanish society?

As I see it, the biggest problem in Spanish society is that there are a lot of people that
don´t have a job therefore, I consider that unemployed rate is big.

26. Is this problema just happening in this región?

To my mind, this problem is happening in all Spain althought is true that there are
región that have more unemployed rate for example Andalucia.

27. How would you créate employment?

As I see it, If I were a politicien, I would give grants to employment and will create
more job to young people.

28. In what ways did society use to be better?

To my mind, the society it used to be better because before there were more job and it
was not necessary hada ge of majority therefore you could work young.

29. If you had lived 50 years ago, how do you think your life would have been
If i had lived 50 years ago, my live will be very different. In the first place I would´n
had could studied and I I would be married and my job would be housewife and I would
take care of my children.

30. Has the government been making any changer that affect the standards of
living recently?
I haven´t given it much thought until, but if you ask me I would say that the
governmente has not done anything that affect the standards of living recently because
they don´t give grant to young people.
31. How do you think society will have changed in 5- 10 years´time?
As I see it, I think that the society in 5- 10 years will be better that now because
nowedays there are a lot of tecnologies that will made could the live in the future better
for instance will could create more cures for some diseases.

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