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1. What do you think of discrimination and does it exist in your

As I see it, the discrimination exist in my country because there are a lot of
people that disciminates by race, religión and social. I believe that the people
need to change of mind.

2. In your country what is the major religious belief?

To my mind, in my country the major religious belief is the catholic faith

althoug there are a lot of people that belief in another for instance Protestant,
Muslim and Judaism religion.

3. If you could recycle more, would you do it?

As I see it, if I could recycle more, I would. I consider that is very important
recycle because currenty there are a lot of waste and this is more dangerous for
the world.

4. In your country are people losing the ability to be


To my mind I think that the people are losing the ability to be compassionate
because currenty we only think of ourselves and we want to have the best.

5. Tell me some of the personal values you have.

As I see it, my personal values are: charming, amaizing, charitable,

compassionate and ethical. I consider that this values are importante for our

6. What are your golden rules?

To my mind, my Golden rules is be compassionate and charitable with all the

people because I would like that the people be like that with me.
7. What things do you believe in?
As I see it, I believe in the friendship, in love and in my family. I think that is
very important believe in this because that way you don't feel alone.

8. What do you think would be the best thing about volunteering?

To my mind, I think that the best thing about volunteering is that you can help
the people who need it most.

9. What do you think about voluntary work? Would you like to


I think that is very importat voluntary work althoug I consider that this persons
they should charge a little for the work they do. In my opinion I don´t to be a
volunteer because I don´t have free time.

10.What are your ambitions, hopes and fears?

As I see it, my ambition is be a good teacher because I love this profesion. On

the other hand, my hopes are that people recycle more and my fear is have a

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