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Indicador de logros: Conozco la diferencia entre los sustantivos contables y los no contables
Componentes: semántico Competencia: lingüística
1. Complete las preguntas con How many o How much
A. __________________ grapes are there?
    There is a bunch of grapes
B. __________________ cheese is there?
    There is a pound of cheese
C. __________________ ham is there?
    There is a pound of ham
D. __________________ ice cream is there?
    There are three cartons of ice cream
E. __________________ pears are there?
    There are four pears
F. __________________ milk do we need?
    Two bottles, I think

2. Elabore oraciones negativas con much or many usando las palabras que están entre paréntesis
A. Mary had a lot of homework,                                                (time)
         But she didn’t have much time

B. Bob writes a lot of letters,                                                  (reports)


C. Ben bought a lot of shirts,                                                       (ties)


D. They eat a lot of vegetables,                                                   (fruit)


E. We saw a lot of animals at the zoo,                                         (birds)


3. Llene los espacios en blanco con much/many, a lot o a few/ a Little

A. Not a lot, only _____________
B. I prefer to wear jeans. I only have_________ dresses.
C. May I borrow __________ books about math from you?
D. How _________ butter do you need to make a cake?
E. How __________ sugar do you want in your coffee?
F. Do you carry _________ things in you handbag?
G. The lectured was very clear. As a result ________ students had questions at the end of the class.
H. How ________ does the computer cost?
I. Are all your underwear dirty? No, there are _________ left in my closet.
J. I love singing __________.
K. I have _______ scarves. I like to wear them when is cold and windy outside.
L. I tried on _______ pairs of high heels shoes, but I bought a pair of sandals.
M. How ______ years have you lived in Australia?
N. How ________ of your money is in the bank?

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