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I, LORENA DEL VALLE TORRES POLANCO, Venezuelan, of legal age, holder of

identity card No. V-12.702.225, domiciled at Libertador Avenue with 59 th Street,
Javier Metropolitan Center, Borjas Building, Tower 11, Apartment 11- 33 of the city
of Barquisimeto, Lara State, Venezuela, Telephone +58 424 5995400, I
years old, American nationality, born in the city of DALLAS of the State of TEXAS
of the United States of America, on date: May twenty-six (26), 2010, as evidenced
in Birth Certificate N° SF1650038 issued by Vital Statistics Division of City of
Dallas, Texas, Passport issued by the United States of North America No.
538079689 valid July 28, 2015 until July 27, 2,020, to travel abroad, on May 1,
2021, with final destination to the City of Dallas, Country: UNITED STATES OF
NORTH AMERICA, by air, with the following itinerary: From CARACAS to the city
of CANCUN-MEXICO, flight No. 5R1900, operated by the RUTACA airline, and
then board the same day flight No. AA 605 of the airline AMERICAN AIRLINES
with destination CANCUN-DALLAS); With return date on May 16, 2.021, flight No.
6032 DALLAS-HOUSTON and flight No. 1034 HOUSTON-PANAMA CITY, both
flights operated by UNITED AIRLINES airline, will continue her trip on May 19,
2.021, in flight No. T9 0821 PANAMA CITY - VALENCIA, of the TURPIAL
AIRLINES airline. Said trip will be made in the company of his father, the citizen:
MAIKER ALEXANDER GONZALEZ CAMEJO, Venezuelan, of legal age, holder of
Identity Card N ": V-12.933,942, with PASSPORT No. 159705542, issued by the
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, North American Visa Control No.
20161619070001 and L2205185 valid until June 8, 2,026; domiciled at Libertador
Avenue with 59th Street, Javier Metropolitan Center, Borjas Building, Tower 11,
Apartment 11-33 of the city of Barquisimeto, Lara State. In case of any
inconvenience with the person who accompanies my daughter, contact the
following telephone number +58 424 5995400.

Lorena del Valle Torres

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