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We, Lorena del Valle Torres Polanco and Juan Enrique Hernández, in our
capacity as Vice-President and Secretary respectively, of Top Engine Inc.,
established at 9176 Apollo Court Frisco, Texas 75033, authorize Maiker
Alexander González Camejo, in his condition as President of Top Engine Inc.,
to carry out any procedure concerning the opening of bank accounts for the
company that we manage. Therefore, our agreement is stipulated in any
banking management that Mr. Gonzalez Camejo carries out and we declare
that his signature represents the entire board of directors in full compliance.


Maiker Alexander Gonzalez

Lorena del Valle Torres Juan Enrique Hernández

TOP ENGINE INC 9176 Apollo Court Frisco, Texas 75033

TOP ENGINE INC 9176 Apollo Court Frisco, Texas 75033

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