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This section is a high level overview of a sample of projects.

Advocates & Allies is a faculty gender equity advocacy program modeled after
North Dakota State University’s Advocates and Allies Project. This Advocates &
Allies program is an implementation for Michigan Tech’s faculty . After an initial
workshop,  a pre/post survey analysis was conducted. But due to external
circumstances, the pre/post assessment model was not su cient. Also, within
the data set, it was not appropriate to measure one question at a time, if the
idea was to follow the impact. As an exploratory project, I used the pre-survey
data to create visualizations to look for patterns. The intention was to allow
stakeholders to reimagine the way they are measuring success. It's not realistic
to expect people to change their perceptions after attendance to one workshop.
However, if there are noticeable di erences within groups (ie department
participation, gender, rank) , this could be a basis to develop a speci c research
question that would inform the group to improve outreach initiatives. 

The images submitted below were presented to the stakeholders. There was
interest in the revisions, but to date no follow through. The hope is that in future
work, we can follow up with the individuals from the pre-survey workshop and
incorporate a mixed methods approach to include network analysis.

The next project is the overview of the KBOCC STEM Outreach "Bee" Project
that I coordinated and lead. This project allowed KBOCC research interns to
learn the basics of beekeeping. Our goal was to automate the hive monitoring
process so that hives all over the Western Upper Peninsula could be monitored
remotely. In the next phase, interns and residential participants kept journals of
hive activity with the intention to compare the results with the monitored activity.
Hive monitors were programmed to collect data on temperature, humidity, time,
date, and hive weight every 15 minutes. Throughout the last phase, predictive
models would be developed to predict hive activity and health. Researchers
wanted to be able know when hives were distressed without disturbing the
colony. Unfortunately, the nal phase didn't occur due to funding cuts. 

The last presentation is a cursory analysis of the steps to pre-processing data in

preparation for applying it to a predictive model. This work was completed in my
time as a graduate student at Michigan Tech in a predictive modeling course.
Prior to this course, I completed a remote sensing course in the forestry
department, in which I learned how to analyze satellite images and prepare them
for classi cation analysis. This is context for why the dataset is from a forestry

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