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A: Hi, what did you do yesterday?

B: Hi, I have been watching a serie in the history Channel

A: should you read books … well…. Must you read books of English class… but well

what character did you learn about?

B: I learn about Pablo, apostle of Jesús

A: who was he? What did he do? Why is he important?

B: Well, the history says that Pablo when he was a young his name was Saulo of Tarso, he was
a persecutor of followers of Jesus, after a while, Jesús had visited Saul in a vision, from that
moment Saul changed his name to Pablo and he was follower of Jesús.

A: Very interesting, although I hear from Pablo, I didn’t know his history, but I heard that he
was also a writer, hasn’t it? what has he written?

B: Yes, He was a writer, He wrote many new testament books of Bible, right now, Pablo’s
writings continue to help people to know Jesus.

A: Wow, very interesting.

B: Have you ever read the bible?

A: Of course, when I was a child, I went to church.

B: Great, and you, what did you do yesterday?

A: well, I went to Villa Tunari to do extreme sports

B: How often do you have to extreme sports?

A: I don´t have to extreme sports every time, just one or two for year.

B: Wow, do you have to use special equipment?

A: Yes, I do.

B: Why are you not afraid of heights?

A: Because I go with friends who are experts in these sports, you shouldn´t worry about that,
we use a security belt.

I could go with you

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