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Una redaccién de opinién Escribimos una redaccién de opinién para deci lo que pensamos sobre un tema Solamente expresamos nuestra opinién, no incluimos. ‘otros puntos de vista iRecuerdal 1 Estructura ‘© Enel pérrafo de intcoduccién,explica el tema y da tu opinion sobre él. © Enlos siguientes dos o tres pérrafos, da argumentos para apoyar tu opinién, © Enel timo parrafo, resume tu opinion, © Empieza cada parrafo con una frase sobre el toma, resumiendo tus ideas principales. 2 Contenido © Incluye hechos y ejemplos sencillos para apoyar tus ideas. © No escribas sobre las ventajas y desventajas © los argumentos a favor o en contra. Pregunta modelo ‘Life is more stressful today than in the past’ Do you agree? Vocabulario de utilidad Para der una opinigr: In my opinion. / Personally, | think... / ‘believe that. / feel very strongly that. / To my mind... /1 (completely) agree /disagree with .. / Itseems to me that. Para explicarhechos: Itis 2 fact that _ / It is widely known that . / There is/are definitely. / Ie is true that. Para referirse alas ddeas de otras personas: Many people say/believe that. Para expresar causa y resultado: This is because . / Asa result... / Therefore . /My main reason is... / Another reason is. Para afiadr informacion: What's more, _/n addition, . / Furthermore. / Moreover, ../t00 / as well / also Paraterminar: To sum up, .. /To conclude, ../ In conclusion, .. /It is clear th ‘La vida es mas estresante hoy en dia que en el pasado. Estas de acuerdo? Respuesta modelo pany people beli that life today is more stressful than ‘para explicar el tema ever before, but is this realy true? In my opinion, there Dara dar t opinion has always been stress in people's stress has changed, In the past, people were stressed as a result of different , but the type of things. Itis a fact that many people had large families and vara explicar hechos little money. In addition, people has less health care than Dara atadir informacion, ‘they do today. People had to work very long hours and they often had no holidays. To my mind, this implies that life was | para dar tu opiaién extremely stressful in the past. | Today, technology has made our lives easier. However, | | ‘ara expresar contraste think that it has also brought a different stress into ourlives. | para dar tu opinién Because of technology, life has become faster and faster. ara ar razones We are never alone and we are always rushing somewhere, | The world is a very busy and noisy place. In conclusion, although I agree that modern life is stressful, ara terminar J also think that people in the past faced many problems. | To my mind, life is not more stressful today, the stress | para resumir tw opinion is just different. WRITING REFERENCE 133,

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