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God promise Abraham the land of Canaan as an inheritance for his descendents. God
called Moses to deliver His people out of slavery in Egypt. Because of his disobedience
he could not lead the children of Israel into the land. Just prior to his death Moses
asked God to provide a successor to lead the people after him. Num. 27: 15-17 There
was no bitterness in him but only a desire to see his people enter the land under the
leadership of a good man. The Lord appointed Joshua, a man in whom was the Spirit of
the Lord. Num. 27: 18

He had been Moses´ servant from his youth (Num. 11: 28) and had always shown a
readiness to obey and a willingness to learn from the older man.

He had been chosen by Moses to lead the Israelite army into battle against the
Amalekites soon after they had left Egypt. Ex. 17: 8-16 In this God was preparing
Joshua as a warrior. Joshua’s leadership and warfare skills had to be developed for him
to successfully lead the people into the Promised Land.

He was taken by Moses up Mount Sinai on the occasion when the Lord gave the ten
Commandments. For six days Joshua was with Moses on the mount upon which the
glory of the Lord had settled. To the Israelites the glory of the Lord looked like a
consuming fire on top of the mountain. Ex. 24: 13-18

He was often with Moses in the tent of Meeting which Moses set up outside the camp
where the Lord used to speak with him face to face. Everyone had access to the tent of
Meeting but Joshua was always found there. Ex. 33:11

He was present when the Lord sent His Spirit upon seventy elders standing near the
tabernacle causing them to prophecy. Num. 11:124, 25 As the news that two elders
who had refused to join the others had began prophesying in the camp reached Moses
Joshua out of concern for Moses honour asked him to rebuke these elders. Num. 11:28

He was chosen by Moses to be one of the 12 spies sent to spy out the land. Num. 13:8
Only he and Caleb returned with a good report. Unlike the other spies Joshua and
Caleb insisted with the people that with the Lord they could easily could take the land.
Num. 14:6–9 Because of their faith in the Lord they were the only ones of the older
generation to enter the land. Num. 14:38

Joshua had accompanied Moses throughout the whole desert journey and been tested
and approved. So Moses had Joshua stand before the priest Eleazar and commissioned
him before all the people. Moses laid his hands on him and conferred some of his own
authority on Joshua, so that the people would obey him. Num. 27: 18-23 Then in his
last days Moses summonsed the people on the shores of the River Jordan and told
them that he was too old to lead them further but that Joshua would go with them.
Deut. 31: 1-3 Then before the people Moses encouraged Joshua to be strong and
courageous for the Lord would go with him. Deut. 31: 7, 8

The Lord´s purpose is that one generation of leaders should prepare the next for
service. 2 Tim. 2: 2

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