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Unidad Académica: Facultad de Ciencias Económicas

Cátedra: Ingles
Carreras: Contador Público – Lic. en Administración – Lic. en Economía Política
Responsable: Lic. Esp. María Fernanda Rodriguez
Año: 2021

Ex.1. Indique las palabras conceptuales y estructurales en las siguientes oraciones.
1. The opportunity is unbelievably valuable for our organizations.
2. Some clients were affected by inflation.
3. The Biosafety Protocol is a step in the EU’s direction.
4. Many banks are offering attractive loans to their clients.
5. An investment is an asset or item that is purchased with the hope that it will generate income
or appreciate in the future.

Ex.2. Lea las oraciones e identifique los siguientes elementos gramaticales: sustantivos
(nouns), adjetivos (adjectives), verbos (verbs), preposiciones (prepositions) y articulos

1. US Job Growth Accelerates in March; Unemployment Rate Falls to 6.0%

2. Income distribution is extremely important for development.
3. Kenya’s tourism sector takes another COVID Lockdown hit.
4. Covid: France schools to close under third lockdown
5. Adam Smith is considered by many to be the founder of modern economics.
6. Cost of living is the cost of maintaining a certain standard of living.
7. Spain’s jobless rate has increased by more than 8 percentage points.
8. They are planning a reduction on salaries.
9. Many Chinese products have faulty manufacturing
10. Modern economics has devoted a lot of effort to this theory.

Nouns adjectives verbs prepositions articles

Lic. Esp. Maria Fernanda Rodriguez – INGLÉS – FCE - UNJu

Ex. 3. Traduzca los siguientes titulares
1. Patents are bad for poor countries.
2. The embargo attacks ordinary people.
La frase verbal puede estar
3. Taiwan’s economy growth depended on foreign capitals. formada solo por el núcleo o
puede tener palabras que lo
4. GDP growth will slow down. complementan o modifican
tales como otros verbos
5. The oil price has risen above $50 a barrel. auxiliares o modales.

6. To beat poverty, hunger must first be defeated.

7. Import tariffs give a competitive advantage to local industry
8. The rules of the World Trade Organization impose some constraints. (restricciones)
9. Mental health professionals are in high demand as the pandemic enters a second year.

10. No Federal Taxes for dozens of big, profitable companies.

Ex. 4. Que significan los siguientes acrónimos.

Acronym Full for in English Full form in Spanish

APR Annual Percentage Rate Tasa de Porcentaje Anual

Lic. Esp. Maria Fernanda Rodriguez – INGLÉS – FCE - UNJu

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